On my new game I have been working on you can choose your race. I know how to do that part of letting them log in but how do make to where after they choose their race they choose what city they want to live in. Can someone please tell me how to make another login() that lets players choose the place they want to go...
Jul 9 2002, 4:43 am
Jul 9 2002, 5:01 am
send me the city picking code and race.
In response to ShadowSiientx
Sorry Shadow my computer is fried or something and it won't come on. I'm having to use my dad's laptop which doesn't have Byond on it.
Punkrock546 |
In response to Punkrock546
var/chara var/charaname=input("What would you like your characters name to be?")as text switch(input("Which race?")in list("Human","ALien")) if("Human") chara=/mob/Human() if("ALien") chara=/mob/ALien() switch(input("Which City")in list("Chicago","New York")) if("Chicago") chara.loc=locate(1,1,1) if("New York") chara.loc=locate(1,1,1) chara.name=charaname client.mob=chara |
In response to DBZ Kidd
I think you left out the Login() part. That example shouldn't even compile.