The question here is simple: What do I have to input in my code in order to make my game appear in games live! I know it has something to do with a hub entry with my key, but as far as the rest goes, I'm clueless. I just need the "coding" part, or anything that could answer this question in a concise manner. Thank you!
You don't have to input anything, you just have to host it.
In the code, press control R to run it. Then click host in the bottom right corner. Then press ok.
In response to Foomer
I guess I didn't state it clearly. The kind of entry in "Games Live!" with the description (that comes from a previously made Hub entry onto your key [basically, like lots of popular games on byond have]) I know it displays on Games Live when you host, but not with any hub entry info or comments that I added. That's what I meant. Hope you understand what I mean this time.
In response to Mart2J
See "Hub" on the menu bar, under Your? Click on it.
In response to Garthor
I already did this, my hub entry is complete. But nothing appears on Games Live! I have once been told this is something that has to do with world/hub, I think... I'm not quite sure, but maybe this will help you understand what I mean.
In response to Mart2J
I'm not sure I understand, but the world vars called name and status might help.
In response to ACWraith
world/hub = "Mart2J.yourgame"
put this in your code somewhere
In response to Mart2J
Mart2J wrote:
I already did this, my hub entry is complete. But nothing appears on Games Live! I have once been told this is something that has to do with world/hub, I think... I'm not quite sure, but maybe this will help you understand what I mean.

Just type in world/hub = (insert key and hub entry name here)
you put n00b....this displeases me pig.....this displeases me...
In response to Ne Me Mori Facias
Attacking other forum users is against the rules.
In response to Mart2J
I believe I understand what you are asking.

do this somewhere in the code
hub = "Mart2j.[The name of the hub entry]"

And just in case, [The name of the hub entry] is where you put the actual entry name, without the brackets.

In response to NeoHaxor
And without any spaces. Clicking on Hub and then the entry will show you what it is (under ID)