well im havin troublem could someone make a code that lets you go into a cargo ship and brings you into the ship and when youre inside lets you control it by goin to like a control pa nel screen or somthin like that
Well that's good for you. I'd help, but you double posted.
In response to Garthor
im sorry a guy told me to pst in code problems and in newbie central
In response to Seige1010
He told you to double post? Then he's a moron.
In response to Garthor
yep Hey so will you help me
In response to Seige1010
move to a Z level for the cargo ship. Use the Move() proc to move it when you step on a switch inside. If you can't figure out how to do it, I'm too lazy to help, sorry.
In response to Garthor
umm im just learnin code im like a begineer
In response to Seige1010
I know, but I'm sorta busy, lol. Look up the for() and Entered() procs.
There is a vehicle library on this, its at hub.cgi?qd=hubIndex;hub=1523;channel=1182
