In response to Lesbian Assassin
Why not just commit suicide?

You think the world is bad enough with a few immature DBZers, imagine if the world was totally full of them!
In response to Ebonshadow
Ebonshadow wrote:
Sariat wrote:
I would Elorien :/

Man, it really sucks to be them. All those hormone drivin teen agers playing BYOND games and only two girls. Either that or it sucks to be the hormone drivin teen agers. Hahahahahahha, suckers!

Wait... I am a hormone drivin teenager =(.

I could take the population down a thousand notch or two with a grenade launcher (would practice using for a bit), sub machine guns, pistols, frag grenades, grappling hook, and a trans-locater :). I don't know if anyone's noticed, but I like post apoclyptic situations :).
In response to Geo
it wouldent be as good as you all think, ya know. There wouldent be any rules, or laws to keep every one under contral. It will be havok, there would be fights, killing probly. It would turn out world without power.
In response to Geo
Thankfully the DBZ side would die out quickly. Because, even while they aren't killing each other trying to increase their powerlevel and prove their superiority, only a few of them are smart enough to know how to find their own food.

The semi-intelligent beings on the other side would probably set up a shrine and worship Dan and Tom, or "Dantom" as they would be known, the dual god. The intelligent not-quite-god people would be their lackeys, ordering around the semi-intelligent people.

And I'd fulfill my dream of being a hermit out alone in the forest somewhere. If I didn't commit suicide.

And of course, after the DBZ side dies out, Dan and Tom would get all the girls.
In response to Foomer
Which proves the old wheeze... if men had to bear children, we'd all be extinct.
In response to Lesbian Assassin
Mainly because we have no way of bearing them/ giving birth to them. We kinda lack the inside tools.
In response to Lesbian Assassin
We could always do it the old fashioned way since I doubt there are any people who can actually preform such meathods of science.

We could hold a lottery to see which male gets to go first, or just a big fight to the death till there are only 3 or 4 males.
In response to Lesbian Assassin
Lesbian Assassin wrote:
All kidding aside, it would be very inefficient to have two or three females bearing children for a couple hundred guys. What I propose is this: we give up most of our eggs, which would be fertilized artificially and then implanted in randomly selected members (both male and female) of the BYOND community, who would carry the baby to term. Bet you didn't know they could do that now, did you?

You could do that, but you wouldn't produce many viable fetuses (or, indeed, embryos). However, for the good of the world, I think we should try anyways, and I selflessly volunteer myself to be the person that decides who to try it on.
In response to Unrealt15
Unrealt15 wrote:
it wouldent be as good as you all think, ya know. There wouldent be any rules, or laws to keep every one under contral. It will be havok, there would be fights, killing probly. It would turn out world without power.

Nooooo... it would turn into world under the dictatorship of the strongest/most charismatic person. This is what always happens when you have a group of people and no laws. It's inevitable.
In response to Foomer
Foomer wrote:
Thankfully the DBZ side would die out quickly. Because, even while they aren't killing each other trying to increase their powerlevel and prove their superiority, only a few of them are smart enough to know how to find their own food.

some words you would find me saying over there:
"Eat flamethrower!"
"I 0wn j00!"
"Dang, you have allot of blood.... well, had."
"this... is my BOOMSTICK!"
and my favorite:
"So THIS is what Quake 4 would be like if only civilians were implemented"

just a joke, but maybe, I mean the world is dead anyways and if we were to survive we would have to inbreed kinda like that adam and eve thing, so I guess I would just speed up the process of eliminating us off.
In response to Nadrew
Technically you've got the tools, just no painless way to get to 'em.
In response to Lesbian Assassin
Dan and Tom would make good leaders.. I can see it now "Shrine of Dantom"
In response to Nadrew
What Foomer said... and a c-section to get the babies out. Of course, the survival rate for male mothers would be pretty low... just to keep population growth up, we'd have to implant two or three fertilized eggs in each subject.
In response to Foomer
I don't think you nor the fetius would enjoy holding it in your stomach..
In response to Lesbian Assassin
ya maybe, but most people around ages 10-14 maybe 15 , dont know how to live by them selfs. They would go of and seek danger, and destruction. You all say it would be cool to have the world by them selfs. But when it happends , most of you will be calling for your mummy to help you gather food, and to warm you ect. The only people who would surrvive the logest would be the mature people and the people who know how to take care of them selfs.
In response to Nadrew
I agree. Thus the suicide part.
Well that would be a world without asian chicks... and thats just not a cool world. I would most likely brake into my safe, get all my guns and stuff then load up and construct some sort of container unit that is mobile(Like a super car), then travel the lands and strike fear into the hearts of everybody until I find a nice asian chick =D. I would then proceed to repopulate the new world of Dantom. I could see it now, All of North and South America form to become BYOND, then what was Europe and Asia become Digital BYOND, then africa becomes BYONDScape, then Australia can become Forumstralia, while Antarctica becomes DBZ land, where they can train in sub zero temperatures all they want, of course we'll equip them with Goku brand thongs only. This will all be on the planet DanTom =P.

In response to Nadrew
Nadrew wrote:
Dan and Tom would make good leaders.. I can see it now "Shrine of Dantom"

well, yeah, they are the founders of BYOND. also allot of Dbzers would be saying "Dood, you just stole that from me, I'm getting Dantom to ban you from the country!".
In response to Foomer
I don't get the suicide part. Do you consider procreation to be such an incredibly integral part of life that life with no possibility for procreation isn't worth living? I mean, hey, I like kids and all, but I don't take it that far.
In response to Foomer
Foomer wrote:
I agree. Thus the suicide part.

Why commit suicide if the race won't survive? Why not just enjoy all the free stuff!
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