![]() Jul 15 2002, 9:14 am
In response to Sariat
And Canada.
Sariat wrote:
Afganistan. Neither Afganistan nor Canada are part of Europe. Neither are the Communistic, as far as I can tell. |
Damn thats what you lost...anyway i'm not for revenge but you should try to hook up with his girlfriend. That would piss him off. Once she gets out of the hospitial that is.
Oh ye gods, not another one... (fully expecting to cause this thread to be closed)
Sariat wrote: And Live in Communism? Hell no. Ah! I see you've been learning Geography in the U.S. again! You are a prime example of why the U.S. education system is in dire need of an overhall... Well, wake up and smell the map a little closer: http://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/eu.htm Afganistan is: 1) in the Middle East; 2) Not considered part of Europe - never has in this century, I doubt it ever will; Considering that the former Soviet Union (another place where beautiful women live by-the-way) spent alot of its recent history beating on Afganistan because they were not communist (among other more important things to them) shows that you might be wrong on that point too... Have you ever been to Europe? Probably not, so making sweeping un-informed statements like that just makes you look real stupid. A few minutes to think and maybe use a search engine to back up your claim would make you a much smarter person. You can use a search engine, can't you? |
Sariat wrote:
And Canada. Your loss, brain-dead boy... the other beautiful women in the world happen to be spread out through Canada as well... |
aww...did you have to kill his post before I could read it? I wanted to see more of his wisdom and control...
digitalmouse wrote:
aww...did you have to kill his post before I could read it? I wanted to see more of his wisdom and control... He was saying that he was just kidding around, basically, only he used a different word for it. A word he happens to know better than to use. Lummox JR |
Lummox JR wrote:
He was saying that he was just kidding around, basically, Considering how I just attacked him, I don't blame him, really. Sariat, you got to think before babbling stuff like that, man! You should know by now that I go for the throat of stupidity (even my own at times) when I see it bare its neck. I purposefully draw blood, not to necessarily to make someone look bad (a pleasant side-effect sometimes), but to try and make the person realize that such stupidity can be easily fixed with a little thinking before speaking. Life goes much more smoother when that happens... |
Yeah, I also heard that its easier for American's to get women there, no offense but some actor was talking about how all the girls prefered him over the British men, and he's pretty screwed up =P. If you want a chick in Europe, wear braces for a while till you get perfectly strait teeth, then get them as whitened as possible - Greg <Drawing a Blank* Proofs? he's the American guy on the original ahh forgot the shows name, its improv and in Canada from what I remember, now it sucks and has Drew Carry hosting the show.>
<<>>Semaj<<>> |
Canadian chicks are All-Right, if you want all-right chicks(Yes I'm not spelling it correct, its for the stressing affect =D). Japan/Southern Korea is my pic for hot chick countries. I don't really care about bustiness, its just a side bonus if they happen to be big in the chest, and don't say almost all Asian women don't have breasts, thats just a lie. I mostly prefer Asians because they usually are smart, and percieve information correctly most of the time, instead of you talking to another girl means your cheating so she has to cut off a certain part to get back at you.
<<>>Semaj<<>> |
Hey, she couldn't have been that good if she was kissin 'Your Friend.' Trust me there are better girls out there that don't cheat so try not to get worked up about it. I know this because the same thing happened to me like 2 years ago. I thought that she really liked me, but I guess not. So what I'm saying just don't go killin yourself over somthing like this because you will regret it in a couple of years if you do.
-Steve- |
I recommend you close all your windows and make your house dark, go into a deep state of downloading Blackolicios(Search for Nia on kazaa....) then once you feel better, exercise off any weight you gained, take a shower, then go out and find a better girl, the always lasting affect is that girls get jealous, and if they see you going out with another girl they'll want you.
<<>>Semaj<<>> |
Semaj wrote:
Yeah, I also heard that its easier for American's to get I don't know where you heard that - certainly not true in the places in Europe that I've been to. Actually I think it's the other way around: all the Americans come here hoping to get together with a European girl - they want to try the 'girl in every port' routine. In reality they tend to fail like they do at home - girls here don't have time to play in the American-boy games they are used to. Often they're just too sophisticated for the average American male... I'm not saying they are stuck-up or aloof, but if you go up to a woman like a pimp (with your pants down around your knees, hand in your crotch, and going 'yo baby, get with me'), you're gonna get laughed out of the building - same if you try the 'exotic american in foreign land' trick. These behaviors rarely work here. But I see it all the time with American tourists who think they can score anytime... same goes for all the Greeks and Turks that move here... |
Lol, you know all of us Americans talk down with the ghetto sound, baby baby! Get down with the ghetto G, we gonna hit the H town and score some chicks down in BRITAIN! =P Very rarely would I expect a gangster type person going up to Europe for a chick.
<<>>Semaj<<>> |