Jul 17 2002, 10:15 pm
Ok,this is ganna sound weird but, does anyone hava alogout() that i could use, mine seemsto be not working. Thank you!
Jul 17 2002, 10:17 pm
Well my god dam logout and login arent working. Whenever i call login i cant move anybody
this is my logout()
mob Logout() world << "[src] logs out." ..() whenever some one logs in, it says they log out... why is this? |
In response to Redslash
Are you using Deadron's character handling? If so that's your problem, his code makes new mob and deletes it calling Logout(), what you need to do is move your Logout() into client/Del()
client/Del() |
In response to Nadrew
nope, not using character handiling... which is prob my prob...
In response to Redslash
i know why, because whenever you login you must switch characters like in deadrons chara thing. So whenever you choose a character you are logging out of the choosing character and into your character. To stop this, get rid of Mob/logout() and make something like this mob/player/Logout() so it doesnt say usr logged out
In response to Redslash
Well you're probably using something like it, at Login() you're deleting a mob, which is the only way Logout() would be called at Login().
In response to Mrhat99au
i would do that..... how?
In response to Redslash
My cycle
Null_chara -> chooses his character -> logs out and logins in as other chara he choose -> so you will have to only make a Logout verb for mob/player() instead of having mob/logout() |
In response to Mrhat99au
Hey! i changed it round a bit:
mob/player/Logout() world << "[] logs out." del(src) ..() now it works! Thank you all! |
In response to Redslash
Anytime.. now i gotta figure out why my code doesnt work. STUPID loc