You never directly said that you found them attractable, denial of what you were thinking Spuzzy? Maybe you have secret feelings your still needing to find for them ;).
Semaj wrote:
You never directly said that you found them attractable, denial of what you were thinking Spuzzy? Maybe you have secret feelings your still needing to find for them ;). You're right -- I never said that I found them attractive. I still haven't. =P I do believe the gist of the statement I said, at the very beginning, was, "They're younger than me. And, you know, they're twins, which would be fairly interesting..." In any case, your continued reference to my comment, which was only geared at getting a laugh, is really starting to get on my nerves. Basically speaking, the joke is very old. |
Spuzzum wrote:
Yep. In my opinion: Agreed. I find yak jokes highly offensive... |
Crap = abrviation of Mr Crapper the inventor of the toilet, so therfore it cantreally be a swear word like, Maz which a abvof Maslen...
Lemme put it this way: I don't.