![]() Jul 19 2002, 10:27 am
My shopkeeper for my game doesn't work. Whenever you buy or sell an item the gold doesn't change. please help me. If you need to see the code tell me and I'll post it here.
![]() Jul 19 2002, 10:28 am
They're going to need to see the snippet of DM, or else they can't help you. So, post it. It's probably a little error or something.
var Gold Login() world<<"[usr] joins!" usr.loc = locate(1,1,1) usr.Gold = 50 Logout() world<<"[usr] leaves!" del(src) Stat() statpanel("Gold") stat("Gold","$[usr.Gold]") statpanel("Inventory",usr.contents) obj var price Clothing price = 25 Dagger price = 25 ShortSword price = 100 mob Merchant icon = 'Merchant.dmi' verb Sell(obj/O in usr.contents) set src in oview(1) switch(input("Are you sure you want to sell the [O] for [O.price]?")in list("Yes","No")) if("Yes") usr.Gold += O.price usr<<" You sold a [O] for [O.price]!" del(O) if("No") usr<<"You didn't sell a [O]" Buy() set src in oview(1) switch(input("How may I help you?")in list("Clothing - 25","Dagger - 25","Short Sword - 100")) if("Clothing - 25") if(usr.Gold >= 25) usr<<"you bought Clothing" usr.Gold -= 25 new/obj/Clothing(usr) else usr<<"Not enough Gold!" if("Dagger - 25") if(usr.Gold >= 25) usr<<"You bought a Dagger" usr.Gold -= 125 new/obj/Dagger(usr) else usr<<"Not enough Gold!" if("Short Sword - 100") if(usr.Gold >= 100) usr<<"You bought a Short Sword" usr.Gold -= 100 new/obj/ShortSword(usr) else usr<<"Not enough Gold!" turf icon = 'turfs.dmi' world |