Jul 21 2002, 10:26 am
I cant figure out how to get meters to work.
In response to Hittokiri
Hittokiri wrote:
I understand how meters works and I know the difference between meters and meters ( :-) ). But my prob is put meters on screen. I am making a game about MECHS and I want to put some meters on the screen ( I checked Hud Demo made by my other hero, Nadrew) but he used the meters on a Stat(), who check every time. I put the meters outside the Stat() and i made a lots of proc to check the new health, but don't works... If you can help me, i will be pleased... Can you show us the code you're using? Maybe we can figure out where the problem is. Lummox JR |
In response to Hittokiri
This is rather easy, try somthing like this.
obj/HPBar Make an icon, hpbar.dmi, Make 30 icon states. 0 being empty - 30 being full. To make it display on the screen, in that code you see New(client/C) Inwhich is the client, screen_loc = "5,1" is where the object will be placed on the screen C.screen += src Adds the object to the src's client. But, to make it even appear in client, do this. client Hope that helps you. RaeKwon |
In response to Sariat
I just wanted to ask you why the meter doesn't work for icon state 6 and 3? You may have corrected this problem but I was just wondering...
Punkrock546 |
In response to Punkrock546
Refer down to what i posted, it should fix all your Meter'ing needs!
RaeKwon |
In response to RaeKwon
One question, why the "3.33333333" ?
In response to Sariat
well, Sariat, I understand the 3.33333 etc. if you put some numbers on the variables on the equation, you can figure that the result will be the name of the icon_state. So, because I am using 32 icons (not 30 like RaeKwon) I put 3.1, not u understand?
I can explain you in spanglish, if you want... :-)) See ya |
In response to Hittokiri
oh, and thanks RaeKwon, the code works very well.
:-) |
Check Meter Snippet made by my hero, Spuzzum.
I understand how meters works and I know the difference between meters and meters ( :-) ). But my prob is put meters on screen. I am making a game about MECHS and I want to put some meters on the screen ( I checked Hud Demo made by my other hero, Nadrew) but he used the meters on a Stat(), who check every time. I put the meters outside the Stat() and i made a lots of proc to check the new health, but don't works... If you can help me, i will be pleased...
Alvaro from Chile ( if you don't know where Chile is, search for it in SouthAmerica) :-)