Doesn't anybody else see this as a rip of the new Vin Deasel (Spelling) movie 'xXx'?
Not really, it does remind me of something that is quite disguisting though....


PS: ¿X triple parece un rasgón apagado de James Bonde si usted como mí, sino espera, no tenemos energías de Austin para eso? O por lo menos relevación cómica.
Sariat wrote:
Doesn't anybody else see this as a rip of the new Vin Deasel (Spelling) movie 'xXx'?

Er, no! Of course not.

*looks around with shifty eyes*

Actually, the name "Vortezz" was in a fictional band I made for a short story a couple years ago. He was an alien in an otherwise all-dog intergalactic band. Vortezz was constantly badgering about how he and his fellow Tectonites were going to take over Earth... as soon as he fixes his space shuttle.

The vVv is meant to represent Vortezz and his fellow Tectonites coming at you to take you over. It's a conspiracy.

Plus, I was bored of the old =V (meant to be a happy face) and Spuzzum's suggestion of ~~V~~ looked too mystical for me.

In response to Vortezz


Or xVx if you want to be REALLY creative :oD

^V^ is nice too.