Lesbian Assassin wrote:
Holy #$!+, that was you? It sure was! Now where's my shareware check?!! Seriously though, you played Mancala on the Mac? That's so cool! It was written in Pascal, back when I thought it was the best language ever. Programming on the Mac was a bear, though. Did you find the play challenging? |
Lesbian Assassin wrote:
Never actually heard of it. :) Aren't I mean? Ouch. You got me. Oh well, you made me smile for a few minutes anyway, even if it was unintentional. |
My first project was a game called Blood Bath. Me and ronn made it together, I did light coding but mostly icons scince this was my first time trying Dream Maker.
Ronn put it in the hud under his name as I had no clue how to work it then. :-) <(0.<)Ken(>.0)> |
Well not ronn or matt any more :-) We formed a development group named Split Fantasy. I would let you in, but Im not sure that you would be capable of understanding a group team rather then a dictatorship run by you. This was not meant for a flame war or anything of the sort, but as every one of your members say "he's alright, you gotta have a high frame of mind to stand him"
--Ken-- P.S: I dont have anything against you rather then your outlook on others, if that lightened up, I would be happy to accept you in. |
ronn isnt a part of split fanasy because nobody has seen him for months. Lummox. stop pissing me off. if you want a flame war email me,. quit spouting your bullspit and stop replying to my posts if you have nothing productive to say. that includes this one
The funny thing, he Is. I talk to him basically every day, (Sad about his Fiance and his parents though)
well tell him that im picking my life together and in half a years time we'll have the funding. bastard hasnt been on msn for a LONG time
Yeah well Dareb, I'm still around. I haven't been on MSN for various reason which I refuse to discuss here. You know how to get me.
And Ken, I'm with Anarchy-Games and affiliated with Split Fantasy... *sigh* Such a trifle argument over me... damn you people need a life... Ronn "I've lost more than just my fiance I lost my soul" |
So thats a 'no' on joining the gang?
I'm hip. I'm cool. I eat my Wheaties. I defy authoritah. Come on man, you gotta let me in the gang. Whats a gang without a Vato Loco in it? *does gangsta walk* Sariat: What chu lookin' at holmes? Throw it down for your crew, essa! Orale holmes, lets do this puto. See, See, See?!?!?!? You gotta let me in the gang! |
From there, you could travel into the dungeon, from which there was a secret entrence that went into the "lower dungeon" full of all the classic goblins and such, as well as some mutants things and other nasty stuff.
Or you could travel north into the forest that was filled with Orcish warriors and archers. In the forest was also a small shack from which a scholar sold books and pens, signs and ink wedges. Deep in the forest there was a small stone structure, and from within that structure a stairway lead down into the fearsome tomb of the "crypt keeper". There were lots of dark orcs and other things to kill too. The most fearsome creature of them all though, even more fearsome than the crypt keeper himself, was the dreaded "midnight creature".
The guards in the village would attack any nearby creature that was deemed "unlawful" by having attacked a lawful creature or by default. Naturally, this was the death of many newbies who knew nothing more than attacking the first thing in sight. Those of us who knew better, however, had a hayday teleporting midnight creatures into the middle of a band of guards (six or so) and watching it, uh, win. After that, we'd all run :o)
If you were especially nice (or mean) to the admin (me), I might teleport you to any one of two unreachable locations. The first one was an orcish camp with endless hordes of orc soldiers, archers, shamans and other nasty fellows. The second one was a totally empty plain filled with nothing but whisps. Whisps were the most dreadful creature because, while they were slow, they were endlessly persistant and would travel through walls, water, forest, anything to reach their intended victim. I'd teleport them into town for fun all the time. They had like 99% dodge so no one could do anything about them :oP Unless they had the "ridiculously-powerful-administrator's-sword-of-death" that I did, anyway. Them monsters went splat! And so did Spuzzum once or twice.
And thus the tail of my first game is told. Of course, all 250 or so monsters ran on a long continual loop every 1 to 20 ticks or so, so the lag was immense...
(I blame Zilal's Beginner Tutorial for all violence contained within that game.)