In response to Dareb
I'm lookin forward to the new Zone of The Enders game. I saw a preview in EGM and it looks awesome. The first one is kool to but to easy to beat.

In response to Punkrock546
HARVEST MOON!!!!! YES!!!! It's a total come-from-behind! No one saw it coming!

If you like goldeneye, trust me, you will LOVE perfect dark, MULTIPLAYER MISSIONS with INTELLIGENT computer opponents, up to 8 of them as a matter of fact.
In response to Punkrock546
i dont like gundam games
In response to Ter13
Perfect Dark looks kool but my Parent's probably won't let me play it...:[

In response to Dareb
Yeah I tried playing Zeonic Front but its to hard. I only got to like the 3rd level.

In response to Punkrock546
your parents are harcore christians, aren't they? Don't worry, Perfect dark only has extreme violence, and lots of blood! It's nothing little kids haven't seen on T.V.
In response to Ter13
Yep no M games. It tottaly sucks but I can play it over at my friend's house. Especially GTA3.

In response to Punkrock546
That's bullhonkey. I can handle myself, but later, I'm so tired! I gotta get some sleep!
Let's see here... (These are probably going to be mentioned below, but since I haven't read all of the replies yet, I don't know for sure...)

Some good 64 games include:

Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Majora's Mask is good, too...but not as good as this one)

F Zero X (One of the coolest racing games I've ever played... the graphics aren't the greatest, but that's only because the game moves so flawlessly fast that it couldn't handle complex graphics... but for the sheer speed, it's definitely a fair trade off...)

Conker's Bad Fur Day (Absolute hilarity... Even cooler multiplayer...)

Diddy Kong Racing (Definitely a little kid's game...but it's still a really fun racing game...)

But above all else, you OWE it to yourself to get Super Smash Bros...

That is my second favorite game of all time (only beaten by Super Smash Bros Melee on the

But it's only good if you're playing at least 3 or 4 players... The single player game is only there to unlock secrets, basically... The true fun is in some good 4 player smashing... And boy, is it the most fun you'll ever have playing a video Entertaining for hours on end...
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
But above all else, you OWE it to yourself to get Super Smash Bros...

That is my second favorite game of all time (only beaten by Super Smash Bros Melee on the

But it's only good if you're playing at least 3 or 4 players... The single player game is only there to unlock secrets, basically... The true fun is in some good 4 player smashing... And boy, is it the most fun you'll ever have playing a video Entertaining for hours on end...

I agree. My friends and I used to rent that game every so often on Friday nights, and play until our fingers hurt (that, and Mario Party, but I didn't like Mario Party nearly as much). Then we'd head down to the movie store and pick up a movie before it closed, then watch the movie and go home at 2 AM. =P

I was pretty good at playing Fox -- plus, there's always something good about being able to peel off a cheap shot. ;-)

If I was able to, though, I'd snap up Link in an instant. Why? Because I am Link. (I played through The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time without being forced to continue (as in being wiped out), not even once -- on my first play through.)

I didn't mind playing as Samus, either, when I wanted to get in touch with my robotic-suit-wearing and big-arsed-blaster-toting feminine side.

My friend Eric always took Pikachu (when Metal Mario wasn't available), while my friend Brody picked Ness, or Link when he wanted to bug me. =P
In response to Spuzzum
I prefer Samus or Yoshi. Yoshi is my favorite of all, though. Many of my friends swear by Kirby, though, and we often end up doing 4-player Kirby rumbles.

And, who is with me when I say that level 9 computer AI is too easy? >;D
I might have strange tastes.

Slicon Valley
Body Harvest
Jet Force Gemini
Conker's Bad Fur Day
In response to ACWraith
i dont know about silicon valey but the others are sweet.

especially body harvest
In response to ACWraith
Yeah I just bought Jet Force Gemini it rocks!!!(I'm only on the Anubis though.) :[

Well instead of getting N64 games I got two preowned Playstation 2 games. They were Ring of Red and Grandia 2. Unfortunaly I can't play them cuz my PS2 is at my house. Anyone know any really good PS2 games. (List at least 3)

beatle adenture racing (Lovit)
jet force gemini - has a halo like 2 play Co-op
Perfect Dark - Same as above
everything is better in twos
In response to Maz
Maz wrote:
beatle adenture racing (Lovit)
jet force gemini - has a halo like 2 play Co-op
Perfect Dark - Same as above
everything is better in twos

I would think that Halo has a Perfect Dark-like 2 player co-op, not the other way around. Perfect Dark came first. =P
In response to Punkrock546
Punkrock546 wrote:
Haven't heard anyone talk about Harvest Moon though. I think its one of the best games on N64.

Harvest Moon is one of the best games I've ever played. Just thinking about it makes me want to run upstairs and play my SNES version ;)

I remember a couple years back, our family was going on vacation to Edmonton. Since it was about a 7 hour drive, my brother and I stayed up all night so we could sleep in the car on the way. I spent about 2 hours playing Wild Arms, which I had just bought at All Fun n' Games that night for $20 or so, and my brother was playing on the computer. We also had a copy of Harvest Moon rented from Microplay (the only copy in town at the time). At about 2:00am, we both got tired of what we were doing, and went upstairs to his room and started to play Harvest Moon. Well, he was playing, and I was watching, but it was even fun that way.

Of course, if you have the N64 version of it, you won't really want to play the SNES version. The N64 version has a lot more things to do... at least until you do them all ;) I have every single house upgrade including the greenhouse and crib (no baby though; I'm working on it!), a wife (Popouri), a greenhouse stuffed with eggplants, maximum - 1 amount of cows, and a sheep. I pull in upwards of $20,000 a day =)

I also own one of the three known existing copies of Harvest Moon in my town.

I love Harvest Moon. People who don't really enjoy loads of violence and gore would love it too.

In response to Vortezz

Ha! You missed the ending "v" on your signature!

Now you've gone and made me want to cruise the classifieds for a copy of Harvest Moon 64 -- heck, I'd also have to detach my PSX from my bedroom TV and attach the N64 too.

Darn you.
In response to Spuzzum
I have the PS version and it rocks!

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