In response to Ter13
life beyond life before life after life forever life
In response to Dareb
Oh, the tapestry theory?

how all of our lives entwine to become one huge tapestry? Is tis what you are babbling about?
In response to Ter13
Im gonna make a game about one of the theories (one that i dont personally believe but is still entertaining)
In response to Dareb
A bold and daring move moderator. this belongs in creations.

Explain yourself
In response to Dareb
Dareb wrote:
A bold and daring move moderator. this belongs in creations.

Explain yourself

Just FYI, I'm not the one who moved it, but I can explain why you're wrong about it belonging in Creations. (And frankly, it's so near-spammy it almost doesn't belong in Babble either. A post ought to say something.)

Creations is not for discussing projects that haven't started yet, nor for ones that just started but aren't anywhere near testing. And it's definitely not meant for new threads that open in posts saying nothing but "experience".

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR

Just FYI, I'm not the one who moved it, but I can explain why you're wrong about it belonging in Creations. (And frankly, it's so near-spammy it almost doesn't belong in Babble either. A post ought to say something.)

Near spam? You sir dont know what spam is. Get educated then come back.
Creations is not for discussing projects that haven't started yet, nor for ones that just started but aren't anywhere near testing. And it's definitely not meant for new threads that open in posts saying nothing but "experience".

Its called mystery. and if creations isnt for whats going to be created or isnt ready to be tested then they should make a new forum channel FOR that.
Lummox JR
In response to Dareb
Dareb wrote:
Near spam? You sir dont know what spam is. Get educated then come back.

A post that's completely pointless is spam. If the subject line and content are both one word, it's not suitable to introduce a thread. The only justification for the thread's continued existence is that 3 posts down, you finally did explain what you were on about.

Creations is not for discussing projects that haven't started yet, nor for ones that just started but aren't anywhere near testing. And it's definitely not meant for new threads that open in posts saying nothing but "experience".

Its called mystery. and if creations isnt for whats going to be created or isnt ready to be tested then they should make a new forum channel FOR that.

Normally game ideas end up in one of three places: Design Philosophy, Babble, or Newbie Central. Some good arguments could be made in favor of creating a new forum just for ideas, but the existing forums seem to work well enough.

Lummox JR
In response to Dareb
Oh, yeah... I moved this right before my girlfriend and roommate dragged my ass out the door... otherwise, I would've made the courtesy explanation post that we usually make when we do move threads.

In general, I'm not too much of a purist for what can go in Creations... after all, I used to always announce my new game project in that forum before I made them, although since most of my projects go from announcement to playtesting demo in a couple hours, no one usually noticed.

However, when there's nothing in the first post to suggest that you're announcing (or even so much as discussing) a new game, and you have to go down five posts to even find a mention of the actual game idea, I have to say it really belongs in Babble. I mean, this thread is like a conversation starter that only turns towards game discussion at the end.

No one's saying that there's anything wrong with a little mystery or a little subtlety, or being a little provocative... but a one-word post that doesn't provide any specific information doesn't belong in Creations.
In response to Lesbian Assassin
You are a spiteful woman who for some reason has a vendeta against me, if indeed you are a moderator know that you CANNOT be allowing your emotions to guide your actions...

And since im reporting you to dantom if you are not one you are posing as a moderator.


This is not a flame, in fact if i were to mention past flames from you id have to say every post directed at me was one.

In response to Dareb
Dareb wrote:
You are a spiteful woman who for some reason has a vendeta against me, if indeed you are a moderator know that you CANNOT be allowing your emotions to guide your actions...

That post that she just made was the one of the least offensive things I've seen coming from her mouth, ever, so this reply is really unjustified.

And since im reporting you to dantom if you are not one you are posing as a moderator.

She is a moderator.

This is not a flame, in fact if i were to mention past flames from you id have to say every post directed at me was one.

Yes, but the flames work in the opposite direction as well. If you don't want her to insult you or give you petty threats, don't insult her or give her petty threats, and you'll be the one that looks more mature.
In response to Dareb
Dareb wrote:
You are a spiteful woman who for some reason has a vendeta against me, if indeed you are a moderator know that you CANNOT be allowing your emotions to guide your actions...

She explained a pretty darn logical reason for moving the thread--exactly the same reason I said. If she hadn't moved it, someone else would have.

And since im reporting you to dantom if you are not one you are posing as a moderator.

Lexy would have no desire to pose as a moderator if she wasn't one. It's pointless.

This is not a flame, in fact if i were to mention past flames from you id have to say every post directed at me was one.

I don't think you can open a post with "You are a spiteful woman" and end it with "This is not a flame" and still be honest. Either you're flaming her or you're not; make up your mind to do the latter.

Lummox JR
In response to Spuzzum
um, i dont think you realize how angry a person lesbian assassin is, I really dont think she should have a place as moderator she really shouldnt be there its one of the worst mistakes dantom has made.

Shes a good coder but the very beginning of her anger against me started when i gave her suggestions on how to cause bricks to break on her old smiley game. ever since then every post ive made that she responds to she focuses on simple phrases and not the meaning and pulls out from that , insults.

All i want is for her to apologize and stop being a hypocrit
In response to Dareb
Dareb wrote:
um, i dont think you realize how angry a person lesbian assassin is, I really dont think she should have a place as moderator she really shouldnt be there its one of the worst mistakes dantom has made.

Yeah, they'll get right onto fixing that, right after they remove all those Zeta rips from the hub.

Shes a good coder but the very beginning of her anger against me started when i gave her suggestions on how to cause bricks to break on her old smiley game. ever since then every post ive made that she responds to she focuses on simple phrases and not the meaning and pulls out from that , insults.

At least there's no way she could misinterpret "spiteful woman" as an insult, huh?
I'll let her speak for herself on what was her first disagreement with you, but I'm pretty sure the fact that you made some suggestions to her wasn't enough to make her spiral into a vendetta.

All i want is for her to apologize and stop being a hypocrit

Yeah! Like when she said "This is not a flame, you spiteful--" Oh, wait....

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
have you ever seen how she treats people who have any general disagreement with her in any of her games thought not.

She is spiteful its not a flame, its not an opinion it is fact. plain hard cold fact.
In response to Dareb
Dareb wrote:
have you ever seen how she treats people who have any general disagreement with her in any of her games thought not.

Lexy is opinionated and argues her points passionately, but I've never seen her react with an outright viciousness, and I don't buy the idea of her being on a vendetta just because you made a suggestion.

She is spiteful its not a flame, its not an opinion it is fact. plain hard cold fact.

Nope, that's still an opinion. And I'm actually from the school of thought that says some matters usually called opinions can be facts. But I know of nothing Lexy's done to you that would count as objectively spiteful; moving your thread to the correct forum doesn't count.

Lummox JR
In response to Dareb
lol!!!!!!!!! This totally makes sense. Les is a totally perfect moderator!

Angry, cruel, and vengeful are perfect moods for gods, and aren't moderators the gods of the Forum? Isn't Les agry, cruel, and vengeful?

No insults intended, Just sayin' You KNOW I think the Moderators are awesome. as a matter of fact... forum.cgi?action=message_read&message=112651&forum=7&view=2
In response to Ter13
WEll then call me Loki.
In response to Dareb
did you know that loki got raped by a titan once? I'm not joking.

A titan was destroying asgard, and the walls were all destroyed, so good ol' odin one-eye hired loki to turn into a giant mare to trick the cyclops into getting distracted, and stop destroying the city. Loki got grabbed and ended up on the recieving end of some love juice. Well, loki got stuck in that form for a few months because he was pregnant as the female horse. And loki ended up having a horse baby, as soon as he crapped it out, he ended up abandoning it, because loki was sick of being a horse, and was all evil and crap. The horse ended up being taken in as Odin's. THe odd thing about this horse was: It was hella-fast because it had 8 legs, and do you know what the horses name was? Sleepnir.

sorry, a little vulgar, but y'know.
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