In response to Ter13
what ever happened to loki?

cuz it wouldnt surprise me if i were the reincarnated form
In response to Dareb
and he wasnt evil. just... bored
In response to Dareb
well, loki ended up being captured by good ol' Odin, and then he ended up chained with his head turned upwards and his skin removed sitting above this big ass snake, which was dripping venom into his permanently open wounds, the venom was really painful to the boy, as you can imagine.

Loki had 4 kids...

Fenrir, who was turned into a giant wolf...

The midgard serphent, who was a big ass serphent who circled the world 3 times in length...

Hel, who was his only daughter, a half giantess, who was the most beautiful woman in the world... on her left side, her right side was a rotting corpse, which was really really ugly. She had the power to seduce men... creepy... let's just say, the woman made cobblestone paths out of the men she seduced, she would bury them up to their necks in the dirt, and then when they died and rotted, the skulls would make cobblestone paths, she would even use the living men as paths, she was really evil.

Sleepnir, his only good child, was the greatest steed in the world, Loki aboandoned him at birth.

all of his children, with an exceptio nof sleepnir were the image of evil.

In response to Dareb
the very beginning of her anger against me started when i gave her suggestions on how to cause bricks to break on her old smiley game.

*blinks in surprise*

Is that what this is about? I hurt your feelings a year and a half ago in a game I worked on for a week and then discarded, and now you interpret all of my actions as pointlessly hostile? I don't even remember your suggestion... I barely even remember the game. I submit for your approval the simple hypothesis that if this unpleasant incident caused either party to become pointlessly hostile, or indeed, had any affect on the future behavior of either side, it would have to be the one who not remembers the incident, but ascribes a tremendous amount of significance to it.

Do you know what BYOND would be like if everytime I rejected someone's suggestion, or mocked or insulted someone's suggestion, it meant I had a secret vendetta against them? I probably wouldn't have 120 people logging into HRH every time I host it (including at least three people who I've gone from mocking to simply ordering them to stop making suggestions or be expelled.)

There are scores of people on BYOND who irritate me. There are a number of people on BYOND whom I dislike. There are two people on BYOND I hate. There is one person on BYOND I actually consider to be an enemy. That person is, in fact, you... but there was nothing in my mind that separated you from the crowd or elevated you among the common irritants until you started in on your "Dan and Tom are lazy" diatribe. There is an old adage, the enemy of my crack dealer is my enemy as well. When you attacked Dantom, you became my enemy. You weren't even a blip on my radar before then.
In response to Ter13
Loki was a practical joker. Tell me would he have considered himself evil?

Also consider the oppression he had that would twist any man
In response to Lesbian Assassin
Les, you just made a HUGE mistake in announcing him as an enemy, now he'll be bringing this topic up every time you or an moderator pisses him off...
In response to Dareb
lol, I necer said loki was evil, loki was chaos, loki LOVED the type of things that happened when people ran rampant.

Evil is just a way of explaining things that we can't put a motive behind.
In response to Lesbian Assassin

Well im sorry if i ever irritated, my intentions are to benefit all sides equally in any case without regard to personal opinion. this could be my fault but its me.

I attacked dantom because in my eyes they are (by not telling them not to do it) they encourage them. and that is a direct attack to me.

The least dantom could have done is to mention their personal beliefs but specify that they wont be doing anything about it, THEN i would be just fine with it.

But that is in the past long gone ancient history i dont even talk about zeta and genesis anymore.

So now that we got that out of the way lets call this a new beginning To live in the past is to be nothing but a memory
In response to Ter13
not really, shes revealed why she doesnt like me, and thats all ive ever wanted
In response to Dareb
Dareb wrote:
not really, shes revealed why she doesnt like me, and thats all ive ever wanted

7/28/02 5:30 pm : "All i want is for her to apologize and stop being a hypocrit" - Dareb
In response to Malver
*almost gasps in shock*

note to self: never say anything that can come back to hurt you.
In response to Ter13

Evil has motive, its for personal pleasure or a negative way to get ahead or to cause pain to another or have them do things for you like slavery.. Evil is still a bit of order but uses it to its advantage.

Order is neither good nor evil, in fact can be considered both at times, We live in a society of order (Canada and USA- but not just those 2) So the justice system is a very mirror image of order

Good is just good, personal gain is through hard work and honesty its the hardest and most rewarding way to live, people like this often become victims as they are viewed as weak its pretty bad so thats what our law is good for.

Chaos is without motive it is sanity on a higher level or insanity on its deepest level. Chaotic people just dont care as long as they get what they want as long as they feel satisfied. Most people in the world are chaotic

Alot of people also fall between these categories but this is just basic titles and descriptions of actions. And dont really judge the character of the person in the eyes of others.

In response to Ter13
its called misleading. i say something mean another.
In response to Dareb
you mean chaos/law-good/evil and besides your diagram is wrong.



you can be good and still act chaotically, loki was actually evil, but he was chaotic, evil is doing bad deeds without a purpose, and loki had some random killing sprees, but for the most part, loki was just a prankster, and was less evil than he was neutral.
In response to Ter13
well, in the end what happened to loki?
In response to Dareb
I told you, he ended up chained like that with no skin for all eternity.
In response to Dareb
That I can live with.
In response to Ter13
That would suck

I woulda just stripped him of his powers for eternity
In response to Dareb
A god cannot take another god's powers away, for they cannot do anything that exceeds their own power, even Thor would have never been able to. A god can take on mortal form, but if they die in mortal body, they go back into their own 'form' again. Haven't you ever read any mythology?
In response to Ter13
then wouldnt Loki be able to break out? pfft.. All he has to do is leave a fake shell being tortured for eternity and go about his merry way watchig things
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