I really need the code for a self certifier
What do you mean?
In response to Super16
you know where you dont need a gm to certify you
In response to Seige1010
is this perhaps for a zeta/dbz game?
In response to Bahaumat
Its for probally the only orginal dbz game there is
use name parser by Lordof Water i think that'll work. never really tried using certifier before
Code Problems is for debugging code you already have. It is not the appropriate place to ask for code.
In response to Seige1010
if you certify, it isn't origonal. but who cares, time for the latina's.

antino bandere
In response to Lucas Gates
to certify there name stupid my friend put that in the code that they would have to be certifeid by a gm
In response to Seige1010
then erase what he put in
Just make a NPC and have the NPC send them to the starting area once you talk to them... Example:

icon = 'icon.dmi'
icon_state = "iconstate"
usr << "You have been certified"
usr.loc = locate(x,y,z)

In response to Seige1010
Now now there was one dbz game quite original, made by me from my first key, before the words Zeta rip were known it was called DBZ Eternal anyway thats my story