I am just curious on who you consider a BYOND Guru and why.
I want honest opinions, so don't use this as just a way to suck up to someone so you can be GM in their game...

Well I think Spuzzum and Lummox JR could be consider a BYOND Guru.

There are more I would consider a BYOND Guru but those are the two that I though of first.
Shadowdarke - Tuaght me most of the basics and helped me out alot, thanks Shadow!

Ebonshadow - Does unique and Amazing things with code

LummoxJr- Very Helpful and knows how to get things done

Leftley n' Lexy - Great ideas, and can do most of thier ideas

Sariat - I never seen anybody else with lots of ideas like mine(Except for maybe Leftley,Spuzzum, and Lexy). I may not be able to get them down(Like in a game), but I have LOADS of ideas for almost any and every game.

Foomer - Icon Guru, his graphics are GREAT

Skysaw - Original Ideas, very good coder

Son Vegitto - mob icon Guru, his base mobs are ALWAYS awsome. Look at "The Generic Western Shoot 'em up game" and see the mob graphics, they look sweet. He is a very fast worker too.

Gazoot - Music Guru, always delivers

Gughunter - Graphics guru, his graphics are always....wierd, but they fit, they have a style of thier own.

There are LOADS more that I don't feel like saying WHY, but here they are:

Air Mapster

Just to name a few.

Everybody is a guru in thier own ways. So don't just think its code...
In response to GSurge
Personally I would say:

NeoHaxor - Taught me most the stuff I know, and he icons are GREAT

Lummox Jr. - He is very generous and is always seemingly helping some one

Sariat - His stupidity...errr..."Unique way of thinking" amazes me (J/k)

Me - In Maz's words "If you are a Guru we have no choice but to test your nervers", and damn do I get bugged alot!
I have to agree with Sariat on those people being guru's. I think its more of a personality based thing, and how fluent and active you are with the community and how long you stay active. It's always good to be that way, and its important to know how to use the DM language in a good way, and to test your talents. Unfortunately I just can't polish off my technique well enough to do anything useful. It all really matters on how much confidence you have before you can truly become a guru though. There are some people who have a great deal of game creation philosophy and ideas which could be healthy in a game, but they just can't put it into the works when it comes time, then there are those people who get help on ideas, but then put it to code when the time comes easily, or with a bit of struggle. I have learned over a long period of time with this community that being dependent on yourself is a lot better then getting help, you become lazy when your helped and soon drop into a slump and you just can't get any better. Well enough bickering, basically the list that Sariat put is my list.

In response to Sariat
Sariat wrote:
Foomer - Icon Guru, his graphics are GREAT

Thats odd, I never knew he was good at icons :-)

one word:Spuzzum
In response to SuperSaiyansElite
SuperSaiyansElite wrote:
one word:Spuzzum

Two words: And why?

In response to Stimulus
He is a great coder.Follows the community rules.Is active.
In response to SuperSaiyansElite
SuperSaiyansElite wrote:
He is a great coder.Follows the community rules.Is active.

I agree, Spuzzum is definitely "a BYOND Guru". He has been here longer than the lot of us for one. I find his libraries and demos the coolest to play with. Although their not always that useful, they are always fun to mess around with.
In response to Ebonshadow
I also think LummoxJr. Nadrew to be gurus

i personally admire all the great coders here but these are the ones i admire the most
In response to SuperSaiyansElite
wait... we are supposed to follow community rules? I KNEW I missed something...

J/K but seriosly:

Lummox JR
Lesbian Assassin
Dan (of course)
Tom (do these two even count?)
Deadron (haven't seen him in a while)

Those are all the ones I can remember since I got here a year+ ago.
In response to Ter13
if dan and tom count they are higher than guru.
In response to SuperSaiyansElite
lol, shall we give them godly status? or... maybe they can be leaders and we can all drink the cerimonial kool-aid.

In response to Ter13
LOL...lets split BYOND into two groups.Regulars and DBZers(yes i know im making one but im trying to revive it.besides its almost the original).Each side suicide bombs each other(idea from southpark episode with Sea Men(lol)).
In response to SuperSaiyansElite
...or the non-dbz side gets shotguns... and you guys can try to use your little 'Chi attacks'...

This reminds me of a quote, it goes something like this:

"Okay Timmy, when you see the flash, dodge to the left really fast, you ate your spinach, right? Good! now, I'll fire the gun, you should be able to dodge the bullet, Goku did!"
In response to Ter13
Im not a 100% dbzer.I just love this game.It was one of the first i played.With the updates im doing it it will be cool.
In response to Ter13
Heh, thanks for the vote.
In response to SuperSaiyansElite
SuperSaiyansElite wrote:
He is a great coder.

I'd be immodest if I commented on that. And I'm immodest, so I'll say "Yep". ;-)

Truth be told, though, the code I've released onto the hub in the form of s_admin and the like is very messy and unmodifiable -- at least, from an objective viewpoint. It's better than the norm, but not a lot better.

That ought to change with my revamps, which are coming... uh, some day.

Follows the community rules.

Most of the time. Sometimes I get out of line when someone really ticks me off, but for the most part, I'm just here to make sure that everyone shares an affinity for BYOND.

Is active.

Again, most of the time. I've gone off on weekly unannounced vacations from BYOND when discovering treasures like The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind or Space Empires IV Gold.

I suppose I'd be less active if I had a life, but life is just so annoying! =P (I'm suddenly reminded of Squzzum's suicide message, in an effort to make me look foolish or something. Actually, I don't even know what that effort was geared at...)
In response to Stimulus
Stimulus wrote:
Sariat wrote:
Foomer - Icon Guru, his graphics are GREAT

Thats odd, I never knew he was good at icons :-)

Then you'd do well to check out Foomer.Graphics. =)
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