For Super Hero Bash! I am going to tweak the battle system... ALOT. Anyways, I am stumped at any other damage types. This is what I have:

  • Kinetic
    - Cutting
    - Hand to Hand Combat
  • Energy

    I really don't have much.... If you would like to see the Power's list that I have so far, ask.

    Also, when Calculting damage stuff, how could I make it less.... messy? So, I wouldnt have:

proc/damage(type as text,subtype as text)
//balh blah
if("Hand to Hand")
//blah blah
//blah blah

Any help would be apprectiated in both parts, mostly the first, though. Thanks.

A lot of superhero RPGs divide kinetic damage into crushing and cutting (GURPS also offers "impaling" as being distinct from cutting). Energy can be divided into things like electricity, radiation, heat/fire, cold/ice, and light.
Elemental my dear Watson! I suggest adding in stuff like Fire/Ice/Water, maybe even an area temperature system. Like a hero's power could be adjusting to areas, so they have to go find a place to adjust to and develop talents there. Like if you choose a hot area you'll be able to "flame on!", if you choose ice you'll be able to throw ice blasts(forgot which hero did that, but there was one!). Then theres alway psychic powers, psychic powers could be really energy reducing but powerful, or it could mess with your density and visibility which can help you in combat and sneaking up on people.

In response to Lesbian Assassin
Could I maybe have a list?
sub-standard powers
ice- if you get this you cannot get fire
iceblast- blast of ice
icefield- ice force feild
fire - cannot get ice
energy- you can get this and another but at a HIGH cost

SuperHuman - if picked, cannot get other types of powers (?)
sub-standad powers
-blurred movment (move so fast leave after images)
-power punch
-power kick
-grapling holds
superstamina/endurance - last longer with stamina-draining powers
-no subpowers yet
Flight - fly around
-so subpowers yet
Teleportation- teleportation (duh)
-bring people with you when you teleport
-memorizing locations

sub-standard powers
shapeshifter(No relation to air-mapster :P)

smokegeneration(might be moved to manipulation)
-smoke cloud
-smoke beam (?)
-wall crawling
-leaping (may be moved to super human)

mentalstrength (may be moved to super human)
-levitation/telekinesis (spelling, and my be moved to super human)
-controlling others

weathercontrol (may be moved to manipulation)
--water cannon blast
-- air cannon
-- artificial flight - uses air to make you "fly" for a while

-- can regenrate health

Gadeteers - cannot have any super powers, but can simulate them
--can basically create any type of power, but with high costs

--run on electicity and can get other powers but never lose endurance, just
electricity, cannot get certain powers (weather control,regeneration, hmm, thats it for now).

Those are the powers (for now).

Just for reference.
In response to Lesbian Assassin
actually, that would be better said as peircing.

Here's the system I use

Cold (Ice never does damage, It can only cut you!)

those, truly are the only damages you can really take, you can't take earth damage... Earth can only smash into you, or crush you, Ice can't directly damage you, the cold of it damages your skin, and shards cut you, hence slashing/peircing, air really can't hurt you much, unless you transform it into chlorine gas. In my opinion, these are the only froms of damage you can take.

(mental damage would be like attacking someone's mind with psychic force.)

I hope you like.
In response to Ter13
Oh, radiation is not a good idea, radiation does not directly slice you open, it messes with your cells, and chokes them of oxygen, =P.
In response to Ter13
Oh, radiation is not a good idea, radiation does not directly slice you open, it messes with your cells, and chokes them of oxygen, =P.

Um... who said that we were looking for a list of things to slice you open? We're talking about damage types, radiation is a type of damage you can take, and it's very much distinct from any others. Hence, it belongs on the list.

As far as "ice" damage goes, I lumped it in with cold because most superhero RPGs do, because they're simulating comic book reality, where, right or wrong, fire characters are more vulnerable to, for example, a blade made of ice, which ice-wielding characters are resistant to. If we're making a scientific game, we shouldn't include cold as an entry at all, because there's no such thing as a "beam of cold"... cold is simply the absence of heat. We're not, though, we're talking about a comic book style game.

Why is piercing a better description than impaling? An attack that merely pierces (like, a needle in your skin) isn't much different from a cutting one... but there's a considerable difference between getting slashed with a sword and getting run through.

Still, if you're going to nitpick, so am I. Lightning? Lightning? Lightning? Try electricity! If you get struck by a falling power line, have you taken lightning damage? If someone transforms their body into a crackling dynamo and you touch them, have you been struck by lightning? Having "lightning" as a damage type is like renaming "cutting damage" as "wounds inflicted by the claws of a hunting cat." "You got hit by the sword, you take 5 points of wounds inflicted by the claws of a hunting cat."
Here is the updated list:

  • Kinetetic
    - Impact (Hammers, Clubs, etc)
    - Hand to Hand (Punches, kicks)
    - Piercing (Swords,bullets,etc)
  • Energy

Thats pretty much it...

Maybe I could use some type of percentage system? Like each attack has 100%. And I could have a... heat bullet. it would be 30% heat, 50% impact, and 20% piercing? I just thought of that now..... any ideas on that or how to do that?
In response to Lesbian Assassin
because peircing is the same thing as impaling, you are jamming a sharpened object through skin, slashing is making large, shallow wounds, okay here's my reasoning:

You have a skeleton, and because he is made of bones and has no real flesh, slashing weapons are no real harm to it, HOWEVER, slashing still involves a sideways motion, which has a large ammount of force behind it, you can still hit a hard object with a sword and not only cut through it, but you can shatter hard objects with it, unlike pericing, where peircing damage is stabbing a small, thin, sharp blade into your target. The peircing attack will do little, if not no damage to the skeleton, while the slashing damage would be a little better, but still not as effective as a club.

Bludgeoning damage is the same thing no matter what, whether you are hit by a hammer or a fist, it is still bludgeoning damage, it's just the density of the object you are swinging is the thing that makes it different.

Radiation does not harm you like fire would, it would rip you apart at a cellular level, not in a physical way. Radiation damage is slow and deadly, radiation has to build up in the blood to kill you, and when enough builds up, your butt can't process the oxygen your jacked up bloodcells are carrying.

Radiation damage can only be healed over a long time, and I don't think it should be a cause of damage, I think it should be used as a disease rather, like if you come in contact with radiation, you get radiation poisoning, which gives you a strength reduction/constitution reduction temporarily or permanently. Damage is quick and sudden shock to the body, it is direct damage to the vessle that carries the mind, I do not think that anything that affects the blood like radiation should be recorded by damage.

And cold, technically is not the absence of heat, it is the absense of energy in the air molecules, heat is only caused by the friction of molecules bouncing around and rubbing against each other, and what causes energy? Modern science cannot explain the cause for energy, which is the basis for all of our theories.

one other thing, one CAN take mental damage, but mental damage is more attributed to just intelligence loss.
In response to Lesbian Assassin
umm... fire characters are strong against ice... Ice melts... it's water they fear.
In response to Ter13
Ter13 wrote:
umm... fire characters are strong against ice... Ice melts... it's water they fear.

That doesn't make any more sense than having them be vulnerable against ice or cold, from a scientific viewpoint. Water vaporizes. It's smothering they fear--you might as well make fire-based heroes vulnerable to "blanket damage."
In response to Leftley
small ammounts of water vaporize, but if enough of it covers it to take it's oxygen, then it's gone, water is the best thing to put out fire with, because it holds little oxygen.

You know what doesn't make sense?

If water is 2 parts hydrogen, and 1 part oxygen (or was it two parts oxygen and 1 part hydrogen?), and hydrogen is flammable and oxygen supports combustion, then why isn't it flammable!? If both elements in a compound can be burned, then why doesn't the compound burn?!
In response to Sariat
Oh yeah, I forgot mental damage, heh.
In response to Sariat
Sariat wrote:
Maybe I could use some type of percentage system? Like each attack has 100%. And I could have a... heat bullet. it would be 30% heat, 50% impact, and 20% piercing? I just thought of that now..... any ideas on that or how to do that?

Not that hard, really. I use a damage type/percentage damaging system on my upcoming MUD, so I have a fair idea of how to go about doing it. :)

mob/var/resistance[10]  // Resistance against the types

var/damage_names = list(
"Hand to Hand",

proc/Calculate_Damage(mob/M) // M being the target mob
M.resistance = list(90,0,50,0,50,0,0,0,0,0) // An example of what the mob's resistances might be
var/attack = list(50,0,20,0,30,0,0,0,0,0) // 50% Impact, 20% Piercing, 30% Heat
var/dam = 100 // Heat bullet does 100 damage?
var/new_dam[10] // Damage of each of the damage types
var/dam_string = "You receive " // Result damage string
for(var/a = 1, a < 11, a++)
new_dam[a] = round(dam * (attack[a] / 100))
new_dam[a] -= round((new_dam[a] * (M.resistance[a] / 100))) // Negative percentages lead to extra damage
if(new_dam[a] < 1)
new_dam[a] = 0
if(a != 10) dam_string += "[new_dam[a]] [damage_names[a]] damage, "
else dam_string += "and [new_dam[a]] [damage_names[a]] damage."
M.hp -= new_dam[a]
M << dam_string

Hope that helps.
In response to Malver
Thats a nice piece of code, I may use it (or a form of it).... BUT... doesn't that mean I have to make a proc of damage for each and every attack?
In response to Sariat
Sariat wrote:
Thats a nice piece of code, I may use it (or a form of it).... BUT... doesn't that mean I have to make a proc of damage for each and every attack?

No. You can change the proc around to read different/more arguments. It's just an example of the calculation system mainly, not how you'd insert it into your existing code.

Er, I meant it as an example, not as a plug-in-and-ready-to-go snippet.
In response to Ter13
And once more I have to point out we are talking about RPGs based on comic book characters. Buy a comic book RPG. There's been about three of them based on Marvel comics and at least two ones based on DC. Look up the stats for a fire-using character, or the general description of the local "body of fire" power. They're all vulnerable to ice. Yes, it makes no sense. Yes, it's hokey and unscientific. Most of importantly, yes, it's how things work in comic books. Ice and cold hurt a fire character extra. Even though a character capable of generating intense heat should fear cold less than anyone else (and vice versa), that's not how it works in the comics.

If you're a villain, you can lock Iceman and Firestar up in side-by-side rooms and watch them almost kill each other simply by using their temperature-control powers to try to stay alive (Anyone else remember this one? Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends?) Makes no sense... but it's how it works.

Also, if the Human Torch can vaporize bullets in the time between when they enter his corona and when they'd touch his skin, a fire hose's stream should be steam like before it quenches his blaze. Again, not how it works.
In response to Ter13
The very most you can prove in the piercing/impaling debate is that the two words are synonymous, and thus either will work as well as the other. If truth be known, I use "impaling" because I'm a GURPS partisan, and that's how they describe it... with good reason.

Aside from the different effects against a skeleton, cutting and impaling (or piercing or stabbing or whatever) attacks against a flesh and blood render damage in drastically different ways, and "impaling" is a good way to sum up why being run through with a spear, despite the spear's lower density, the smaller amount of leverage involved in a thrust compared to a swing, etc., etc., can be as deadly or more than a broadsword swing. "Piercing" makes it sound like a scratch. At the "scratch" level, there's no difference between a cut and a stab.

As far as radiation goes... all you are doing is pointing out that radiation damage is completely and totally distinct from other types of damage. If you think doing this proves that it doesn't deserve a spot on a list of, um, different types of damage, you're very, very, very much mistaken. (Oh, and cellular damage isn't physical now? Is everyone storing their cells on a different plane of existence these days? I must've missed that memo.)

As for what you say about cold and energy, I'm going to let that fall on its own merits.
Provided generously for peoples' consumption, here is TekForce's list of damage types. Since TekForce is coming basically never, I figure I'd put the damage types onto the table (and claim the copyright ownership ;-)):

Caused by massive objects falling onto victim.

Caused by bullets and other devices piercing victim's flesh.

Caused by knives, fan blades, etc. that slice victim.

Caused by steam, fire, etc. that contact victim.

Caused by liquid nitrogen, etc. that contacts victim.

Caused when victim falls from a great height.

Caused by explosions or waves of energy that touch victim.

Caused by shockwaves or stun grenades that affect victim.

Caused by unarmed combat, or blunt weapons used against victim.

Caused by power lines, electrified water, etc. that touch victim.

Caused by high-intensity sound that victim hears.

Caused by lasers, etc. concentrating heat on a tiny area of victim.

Caused when victim inhales water.

Caused when victim runs out of oxygen (vacuum, smoke, etc.).

Caused by tranquilizers, etc. that slow down victim.

Nerve Damage
Caused by nerve toxins that kill victim's nerve cells.

Caused by poisons, etc. that kill victim's internal organs.

Caused by intense radiation that mutates and kills cells of the victim.

Caused by toxic substances that splash onto victim.

Caused when victim is trapped in hot and hostile environment.

Caused when victim is trapped in cold and hostile environment.

Lots of them are quite similar (fall and crush have the exact same effect, for example) but distinctions are made for the sake of making distinctions. =)
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