In response to Da_Rushyo
Its true, i never said angina was a heart disease.

It is however linked to it
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
SuperSaiyanGokuX wrote:
Every once in a while, my heart makes a really strong and deep pump that almost makes it feel like it's dropping a few inches down my chest... But it only happens when I'm lying down, and not very often...

My father and I both have this problem. My dad has been to many doctor's about it (because he thought he was having a heart attack) and they said this is nothing to worry about. It usually happens to me when I worry about something. Then the palpitations begin.

I think one of the doctor's my dad seen said something that your heart actually gets an extra pump and then has longer to fill up before the next pump, so when it does pump again there is so much blood that it has that huge pump.
In response to Kusanagi
Heh... I have no need of getting more exercise...

My job alone gives me plenty... For 8 hours a

Up and down ladders, walking miles worth per day, lifting all kinds of heavy stuff... Plenty of physical work...

Plus, I often ride a bicycle to work (weather permitting)...

So I don't think my "problem" comes from poor physical condition... I have a feeling it might be genetic... My mother has some heart disrhythmia problems... In fact, she can't drink any caffeine because of them... I think I've inherited them to some extent...

But anyways, I don't worry about it, so I see no need to fix it...
In response to Ter13
Ter13 wrote:
cancer is highly unlikely, cancer causes MASSIVE ammounts >of pain and then you die.

Some cancer doesnt cause pain at all.

When the pain starts, he would KNOW he had cancer, and on top of that, he would have a cold spot in his body really deep down, whe spot would be soft and kind of squishy, but would hurt very badly when pressed, that would be a tumor.

an Absest tumor yes,

But benign tumors exist which are cysts or growths IN the body.
In response to Lesbian Assassin
inhaling all the way, tucking your stomache in and pressing above your diaphragm on an angle.
In response to Creek
well that would give a rush :D
In response to Kusanagi
This is a really good idea, maybe your body is just telling you to get off your ass and do something.

In ALL of North America we as a whole eat like slobs while this is changing at a welcome speed its still unhealthy.

Dont knock things out of your diet but lessen them

Ease yourself into being active.

If your very overweight you use your energy to move your weight so you cannot jog as far as many people so. dont jog.

Instead power-walk, pushups, or put a picture of someone you hate on a punching bag and give it hell.
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
Its just a flesh wound

*a Flesh wound? Your arms off.
In response to Dareb
Honestly, that wonderful gag from The Holy Grail is awfully close to my personal

Here's an example...

For the last year or so, I've walked around with two ingrown toenails (I know, it sounds really gross...but this is to illustrate a point)... The big toe on each foot...

It just never became a problem enough for me to bother setting up a doctor's appointment, going in for surgery, etc...

So I just lived with it and let it go... Even with constant nagging from everyone around me about needing to get it taken care of...

Yes, they were in constant pain... And yes, I should have gotten it done much sooner... But the pain really never got over my threshold... And it didn't slow me down any...

In fact, I even withstood them getting jumped on continuously at a rock concert in the mosh pit... Of course, adrenaline probably had a bit to do with upping my pain tolerance in that situation...

So no matter how stupid or pig-headed it was of me to let it go... The point is that I did, and I was capable of ignoring that kind of constant pain...and continue to live life as if nothing was wrong... Going to work, walking around on them for 8 hours a day, etc (see above)...

Anyways, a little over a month ago, my GF finally broke me down into going to see the doctor (mostly through the blackmail of So as of today they've been operated on, and they're nearly healed now...

The funny thing is, the doctor was even amazed at how long I was able to stand it... His exact words were "you must have a pain tolerance from hell" (he was a really cool doc... fresh out of college, still a frat boy...not shy about In fact, the night after surgery, when the anesthetic started to wear off and the searing post-operative pain kicked in, I refused to take any ibuprofen until (again) my GF made me because I was getting too cranky for But aside from the crankiness, I was fine with the pain...

Oh well, I realize that waiting so long was stupid and childish, but it illustrates an important facet of my personality... Pain has very little control over me... I consider it to be a mental strength to be able to take pain...and I push myself to do just that...

And in accordance with that internal drive to overcome pain, I do not take aspirin for headaches, I do not take medicine when I'm sick, and I've only been to the hospital as many times as I can count on one hand in my entire life...

I suppose it doesn't hurt any that my immune system is also really strong... I rarely get sick, and when I do, it only lasts a couple of days... My GF hates me for it...especially when I give her the flu and she's sick for a week when I'm all better in a day or
In response to Dareb
Heh... I'm not overweight in the least...

I'm around 6' at just over 190 pounds... In fact, I'm probably a bit

Also, in addition to all of the exercise I get at work, we have a pool in the backyard that I do quite a bit of swimming in...

But you're right about one thing... I eat a lot of crap that isn't good for And I drink cans of coke like they're water... In fact, I'm drinking one

So if my metabolism ever drops off, I'm
In response to Dareb
That doesn't work if you've got any abdominal

I'm far from having a "6 pack"...but I tried your instructions, and the muscles are too hard to press through...
In response to Lesbian Assassin
very carefully =P those are some good points...
In response to Dareb
Dareb wrote:
In ALL of North America we as a whole eat like slobs while this is changing at a welcome speed its still unhealthy.

We in the southern part of North America(Not South America, just above it) eat like super slobs, I noticed that up in areas like Boston the food isn't very umm tasty. Seriously, I threw up when I ate a steak from there, it tasted so bland, like it was made from a clean 1600s English kitchen(Of course not nearly as disease infested.). So really, it matters which part of North America you live in, places like Texas and Louisianna you better have a good metabolism, truth be told I think there are more overweight people in the south then in the north.

In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
well I am oddly lithe and healthy.

Im not absolutely fit but the things I can do with my body are as of yet uncounted.

In response to Kusanagi
the reason you probably threw up the meat is because of your diet.

If the meat was too bland you could have added some spices,

When it comes to drinking water and food, going to another part of the world and eating there is not the best decision to make. Youll have the runs for a few days as your body gets used to it..

Thats why people think mexicos drinking water is poor. but overall nothing is wrong with the water, its just different parts of the world.

If anything is toxic about mexico its the air. they need to plant many trees on the tops of each building and plant grass to create an ecosystem that can actually support life
In response to Dareb
No, I only threw up bad on the steak, the rest of my food made me vomit mildly, I only ate like 4 times the whole week we were there, so did my brother and sister, my mom is originally from Boston so she didn't have any problem. Also there were no spices to my avail at the moment, so I couldn't of added spice, and it didn't change anything in my diet at all, except that there was only some salt on it and nothing else.

In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
Same with me, my immuno system is through the roof, even when i eat horribly.

As for injury that can get infected I will always take anti-biotics to cure it.

I have an oral genetic defect that (over time) prevents the teeth from nourishing the enamel (and so like a shell they peel off) slowly my teeth are falling apart only to leave the tooth itself (but not the root)

Ive been to the hospital twice.

once when i was 8 years old after a day in a pool without my shirt on i got a horrible sunburn on the back of my neck, i didnt think anything of it.

The next morning i couldnt lift my arms, my entire neck and shoulders were stiff. i Couldnt even take off my shirt,

Anyway, my mother had to cut my shirt off and all i heard were gasps of terror.

several huge blisters formed on my back and i had to goto the hospital to have them....lanced.

Imagine tripping in a Mcdonalds and having a worker spill hot grease all over your back..

Thats the pain i felt. I probably woke the dead, started hearts, maybe even stopped some. made cancer patients feel pity on me. my absolute shriek echoed throughout the hospital and down the street.

Second time I went into the hospital was to check my nose (some jerk suckerpunched me) It was a good clean square hit right onto the cartilage. And those never hurt. Bled alot, i could feel the blood pumping through as i pinched the bridge but no pain.

You see, when i was 10 years old, i was playing a game I rented late at night and i was extremely tired, but i wanted to beat it. Well, my nose was itchy and i was fighting a boss. so i paused it, and scratched my nose not with my fingers but with the rug.. Ever since then ive had no sensation of touch or pain ON my nose.

Well thats about it
In response to Kusanagi
ah then it was all in your head.

In response to Dareb
No, I'm pretty sure it was the food, even my brother and sister experienced it.

In response to Kusanagi
but your mother didnt.
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