Okay, I am ready to start my first site. (The BCB Website) I just need to know a good place to put it up...any suggestions?
geocities or tripod are my #1. But I am sure there are better ones.
In response to Tazor07
Tazor07 wrote:
geocities or tripod are my #1. But I am sure there are better ones.

Mention either of those sites again and I bash you over the head with...

::looks around::

...Well, OK, I don't have anything to bash you over the head with, but don't mention those demon-spawns. =P
In response to Spuzzum
So, what would you recommend? Maybe Cyber-rat has a website hosting thing? Nah... I wouldn't give him my money :P
I went to Liquid2k but it was SLOW and messed up 1/2 the time. An
You want a good hosting site?

::looks around::

ok, here's one... ;)

Free hosting, 20 megs of space, no ads, no popups, CGI/Perl, PHP, MySQL access.

All you do is go there, fill out a form, and voila, within 24 hours your subdomain is created. (Your site location becomes something like..., depending on what you choose your subdomain to be)

Anywho, your welcome. :)

PS: Buddy of mine owns it. ;P
In response to Griswald
Cool, tell your bud to hook me up :P

Anywho, does it support HTML?
In response to Sariat
Sariat wrote:
Cool, tell your bud to hook me up :P

Anywho, does it support HTML?

Lol -- Of course it will support HTML... :P

Everything that is web-based is more or less based around HTML/XML.

In response to Mellifluous
get on aim!

and yes, any web server that supports php has to support html, its just a fact.
In response to Sariat
Just go to it's in there under hosting. :P
