my cat died.
Age: 24
Cats are awful pets, that is, unless you have had them since they were kittens, then they are nice, get a dog, it'll love you no matter what you do. A black labrador is my advice, the things are dumb but happy-go-lucky.
Cats suck. Get a dog.
In response to Sariat
that's what I said...
In response to Ter13
Ter13 wrote:
Cats are awful pets, that is, unless you have had them since they were kittens, then they are nice, get a dog, it'll love you no matter what you do. A black labrador is my advice, the things are dumb but happy-go-lucky.

Cats clean them selves.
In response to RaeKwon
With their own saliva.

So do dogs, they just concentrate on one area...
In response to Ter13
LOL! I wish I could do that...
In response to Ter13
Ter13 wrote:
Cats are awful pets, that is, unless you have had them since they were kittens, then they are nice, get a dog, it'll love you no matter what you do. A black labrador is my advice, the things are dumb but happy-go-lucky.

Regrettably, the main ways most dogs choose to show their affections all seem to involve bodily excretions.
In response to Sariat
just stop right there... we neen't go down that road... I can't believe I said go down in that sentence...
In response to Sariat
Well, you should at least pet the dog first...
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
Im laughing so hard i cant stop. That is the funniest thing ive heard all day. Sariat left himself wide open on that one.
In response to Jotdaniel
Heh... Glad you liked it... But that's actually an old joke...I can't take the
In response to RaeKwon
Actually you have to clean cats every now and then no matter what, you don't actually think their saliva is made of soap do you? Cats are a nice pet, I should know because I have 2 of them, and have lived through 3 dogs in my life, 2 of which were born before me and 1 which is only about 5 years old now. I have to say cats can be good since they are small and usually don't have give you bathroom problems since they get used to the litterbox quick, but they can be a real problem with breaking things(especially pulling shelves out from your walls). Dogs go to the bathroom anywhere when they really have to, they consume a lot more food then cats and require being cleaned more often, but they don't tear up your house so I must say they are the better choice.

In response to Kusanagi
Not true, when small dogs get too much energy, they can run rampant on the house, luckily, they are content with the yard =P
In response to Kusanagi
Get a bird - preferably a wild one. House sparrows make great pets if you raise them from a few days to a week after they're born. Their favorite spot will most likely be your shoulder once they learn to fly, but they hate being held. Cleanup is easy, and food costs next to nothing (they'll want some of whatever you eat, too). I've had experience with dogs, cats, and about a dozen different kinds of birds, and I have to say house sparrows are my favorite by far (followed by European starlings).
ahh kats are cute. and so are kittens and the letter f.
Sorry to hear that RaeKwon

My cat is about 14 now, and is finally starting to show a few signs of age. Ive become pretty attached to her, and am sure I'll miss her when she does go.

P.S. As to the 'Cat vs. Dog' as pet argument...

My cat doesn't have a litterbox, she waits to go outside.
Ive never had to take my cat for a walk.
When she gets wet, she doesnt smell like a 'wet dog'.
If I don't feel like petting or playing with her, shes fine with that.
If I do feel like petting or playing with her, shes fine with that too.
Ive never been awakened at 4AM by her holding 'conversations' with every other cat in the neighborhood (well, at least since she has been fixed and doesn't go into heat anymore :)
Not once has she become amorously infatuated with a houseguests leg.
The only holes she digs in the yard are to bury her own poop, and she covers those up when she is done.
She is perfectly content to allow me to clean my own face.

Don't get me wrong, I like dogs. Ive had a few over the years, but quite honestly I'm a bit of a lazy pet owner; feed them, pet them when I feel like it, thats about it... and she's fine with that.
In response to Flick
I have a cockatiel eho is reaching 15 years, she is really old, and has a broken wing, considering they are only supposed to live 13-14 years, even with the best care, she looks as if she can take 3 or 4 more... I hope she can.
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
s'ok, was really funny.
My sincerest condolences...

I've always been a "cat person" myself... But up until I was in the 6th grade, I had lived in apartments with "no pets" rules...

Shortly after moving into our current house I took in a stray kitten who hanging around our house... She was a half tabby, half white cat...the kind with white on their noses and stomachs, and tabby colored on the backs and tails... She was actually my very first pet of any kind...

I never really ever named, her, either... Just called her "kitty" all the

I had her for a few years, and through one litter of kittens...

Now there's a neat little story to tell... Once we knew she was pregnant, we put a box with some blankets in my parents' closet (doors always open, of course)...hoping that she'd know to have her kittens there...

She actually ended up sleeping in the box quite often from then on... So it wasn't odd for her to be there...

Then one day I hear her meowing from down the hall...and looked to see what was up... She was standing outside the door to my parents' room, looking at me... So I went down the hall to see what she wanted, and she led me to her box, and laid down inside...

Thinking "why did you need to drag me all the way down here just so you could go to sleep" was my first thought, so I just let her go and went back out into the living room...only to hear her meowing again in the hallway...

So this time I figured soemthing must be I went with her and waited... And sure enough, she had her kittens just a few minutes later... She literally wanted me to be there...

That was pretty cool...

She had three, one of which died a few days later (he was the "runt" and didn't get any food on his own, and our efforts to eye-dropper feed him with kitten formula didn't work)... The other two we gave away when they became old enough... We had her fixed after this first litter...since we often let her outside and didn't want anymore

She often would cross the street to hunt in the field there... But we don't live on a really busy road, so I didn't think anything of it...

One night, though, my dad woke me up at about midnight to say that he had found her along the side of the road, hit by a car... She was killed... So we buried her next to the house...

I think that was the last time I ever really cried... And I'm not ashamed to admit that I did... But I don't think I really have since... And that was about 6 years ago...

Since then I've acquired a new cat, an almost all white male cat I call "Smudge" because he has one gray smudge on the top of his head between his

I've had him since he was a kitten, too...and now he's a fairly large adult cat... He's also been fixed, he doesn't spray his territory and smell up the place...

He has this annoying habit of liking to climb up on my shoulders and back when I pick him up, though... Which isn't so bad, but when he loses his balance, he digs his claws in very firmly...and that's not a pleasant

Another annoying quality that he has is that he's been spoiled... For most of his life, I only fed him dry cat food... But when I went away to college (for a brief my fatjher decided to start giving him canned cat food... Now, he'll only eat canned cat food... He simply refuses to eat dry food and will let it sit there for days if it's all I give him... So I've got to buy canned cat food all the time now...

Although, I suppose I can't blame him... He's missing quite a few teeth now... He too was hit by a car... Luckily he survived with no major injuries...but it seemed to have knocked a few teeth out... So I guess it's probably rather difficult for him to chew hard dry cat

It's also funny when he tries to play fight with me... He'll chew on my hand, but all I feel is

Oh well, he's a cool cat...

And just the other day, my GF found a little kitten near her doorstep... The poor thing's eyes were all matted shut and it didn't know where it was... So she took it inside and got it cleaned up...and now she's stuck with

By the looks of it (and the vet she called confirms this) it's only about 4 weeks old... Just old enough to have been weened, luckily...but still too young to let go outside (especially with her large dog in the yard and another adult male cat that lives nearby)...

Anyways, the first time I ever held it, it fell asleep in my hands... I dunno what it is...but cats like me, too, I guess...

It's the funniest thing, though... She keeps it (we think it's a him, but it's too early to tell) in her basement (a finished basement, not a dark, damp dusty old basement) in a large dog crate with a food dish, a water dish, a pillow, and a litter box (that it already knows to use)... And we let it out whenever we're down there to play with it and let it run around... He's to the point where he wants to play...but is sort of scared of moving objects (like wiggpling fingers or cat So he'll crouch like he's ready to pounce...but will jump backwards and run away most of the

The other day I decided to try something... Usually he stays really close to the cage...only wandering a few feet away from it (of course he's probably trying to keep near us)... So I got up and walked towards the other end of the basement...stopping to attract his attention every so often... And sure enough, he followed right It was funny... He ended up following me all around the

I dunno... I just like cats better than dogs... They're more self-sufficient, less sloppy, less exciteable (I don't enjoy being jumped on by overly exciteable dogs...which my girlfriends full grown lab is one...), less smelly (with or without bathing), and just all around cooler in my book...

A dog only likes its owner because it sees him/her as its superior in the "pack"... A cat likes it owner just because... I like that too... Not just a blind follower...but more like an equal...
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