I was in from 11:00 CST to about 6:00 CST, man, me and chord have a burrow with three rooms, one's a vault, one's our pub, and the other is a store, it's so great...

I have tonnes of water and food, I wish HRH was hosted every day.

it'll be back on in about 7 hours, Lesbian Assassin needed some sleep...
Heh, I had no burrow =(. I was a Kung-Fu rabbit who could make bad animals pass out and then beat them to being even more unconcious(the putting them to sleep was a skill, thats for you to figure out.). I actually think I did better at being good this time more then usual, all the bandits I attacked I had witnessed their attacks, and when I looted I would give the items to different creatures that passed by, or if I knew whos owner it was I would give it to the owner, unless the owner was the bandit.(Keeping some food and an extra amulet here and there though.) Heck, I even healed the bandits a little bit after I knocked them out!

In response to Kusanagi
lol, that Theo was a big problem, him and vorpal...

I was peeved at vorpal. He was a mute badger and was misusing the emote command, as well as attacking and looting without reason. I for one, got so angry with him that I formed an angry mob of wabbits (Me being a total pacifist) and I got all the stuff he stole from me back after my angry mob had moved on to chase a bandit fox.

I hope when Lexy reboots she didn't PWIPE, but I have to keep an eye on it, I left the door to my storeroom wide open (at least 100 of each berry, 33 leaves, 65 wood, 52 bark, 3 of each scrounging, and forestcraft amulets) etc. I even left the burrow's door open, I have to be the first to get there so I can secure my goods.
In response to Ter13
Heh, Vorpal wasn't so tough when I could put him to sleep and then knocked him out. He did have this stupid mouse that kept casting crap on me though, the mouse(Not going to name any names.) was begging with an emote to get his keys back that I took from him for attacking me, he had too many chances to not get banned(For emote talking.) if you ask me, he was also using my older name but 1 letter off which really made me mad, but I had to keep things IC.

In response to Kusanagi
First of all, I don't know where everyone got that seven hour thing. What I said was late afternoon or night. I don't just need sleep, I also need time to make improvements. That, and I've got a few other things to do today, laundry being one of them.

Second of all, Kusanagi, your intentions are admirable, but just to clarify, if anyone is emote-abusing, that is an OOC issue. If my admin commands hadn't been glitched last night, I could've kept watching for such things and warned (then booted) offenders. I've added a system that logs the emotes of mutes, and strengthened the warning that displays when muteness is selected.
In response to Lesbian Assassin
how's this for a warning message:

"If you abuse the emote command to speak, Lexy will tear your liver and beat you to death with it."
In response to Ter13
I concur. HRH is the best game I've played in a long time. It far exceeds even well done tabletop sessions. The idea that the PCs are the only people in the world (with the exception of about 6 skill teacher NPCS) is very refreshing. Also, the fact that you can't get things from killing random mobs (because remember, no one is around except PCs) is really great. You want food? Beg, trade or scrounge for it yourself.

The ability to create your own house (burrow) and build it however you like is also another nice addition. And if you want chairs and tables and things? Build 'em yourself, trade for them, beg or even kick some guy's butt and take his stuff. Better watch out though, just like you could kick your neighbors butt and steal his TV, there is going to be some reprocussions. There's no real 'police,' granted, and if you get mugged (I was, several times in fact) you don't always have a way to fight back.

It's almost just like real life. I had a blast going out, doing some 'chores' (scrounging around for berries, nuts, sticks and leaves) going to sleep when I was tired, eating, drinking, waking up and doing it all over. (I also happened to be able make stuff with the items I scrounged up.)

The seasons change, (Winter's a blast) people generally roleplay passably, there's a million ways to create your character. It's just an overall fun experience. The only major flaw right now... it's not live. (I know it's going to be, it's just going to be so long of a wait. I'm going to waste my life away playing HRH)

(I would suggest, if the creatrix is reading this, that there be a limit to how many negative traits a person can take, reguardless of how many positive traits they have, to reduce the number of min-maxers, if even by a small ammount.)

In response to Orochi p_fish
Ya having the world player based is great. Especialy since so many people are in there, the cool thing is, DBZers just skip right over it cause it's not a DBZ game so there's no complaining or annoying newbs tryin to hack and stuff. It does my heart good to see so many people in a non-DBZ game, the only other one I've seen with that many people is MLAAS and no offence to Skysaw, but this is way better.
In response to BurningIce
there's no complaining

You caught it on a good day.
In response to Spuzzum
*complains* I was at my grandmother's birthday party! Wahhh!!!
In response to Orochi p_fish
The creatrix always reads her own press. Thanks for the positive reviews. As far as the trait limits go, I agree. In fact, I think when the game goes live, non-subscribers will be limited to +-3 points, subscribers, +-6. This will, of course, rule out the more drastic traits for non-subscribers. I might also limit players to know more than one +3 attribute trait. Inspired Geniuses are badly unbalanced in a variety of professions, even if they do also have to be lame mutes.

Next time it will be up will probably be Monday or Tuesday late night (very late, due to my work schedule). There is a possibility, a slim, slim possibility I'll put it up Sunday night, if, after work, I get everything done I want to for that night.
In response to BurningIce
well MLAAS is a glorified board game
In response to Garthor
spirits screamed out to me when i read this post.

Your grandmother is hiding an illness from others it may not be life threatening but it can cause complications that are. She probably doesnt think much of it.

Please dont think me odd for this, it doesnt happen often
In response to Dareb
Dareb wrote:
well MLAAS is a glorified board game

All video games are glorified board games.
In response to BurningIce
BurningIce wrote:
Ya having the world player based is great. Especialy since so many people are in there, the cool thing is, DBZers just skip right over it cause it's not a DBZ game so there's no complaining or annoying newbs tryin to hack and stuff. It does my heart good to see so many people in a non-DBZ game, the only other one I've seen with that many people is MLAAS and no offence to Skysaw, but this is way better.

No offense taken. I'm pretty darn sick of MLAAS myself.