Aug 12 2002, 2:05 pm
In response to Codesterz
You aren't calling it! YOu still have to call the proc, that shouldn't work, you never called levelup() in no way did you call levelup() That won't work!
In response to Codesterz
I mean, the statement isn't being excecuted, show me your kill code, I can show you why it isn't working.
THIS is why I said to you "learn a little on your own" because you have copied and pasted since day one, and you know nothing about the basics, and alittle bit of the sub-advanced stuff. You have to build from the bottom, or else gravity will cause you to crumble. |
In response to Ter13
Here is just about everything with something to do with kill
mob var health = 100 maxhealth = 100 ammo = 25 maxammo = 100 kills = 0 Stat() statpanel("stats") stat(src) stat("","") stat("Health:", "[health]/[maxhealth]") stat("Ammo:", "[ammo]/[maxammo]") stat("Kills:", "[kills]") mob/proc/Damage(var/mob/ch, var/dam) ch.health -= dam ch << "You take [dam] damage!" if(ch.health < 1) world << "[ch.name] has been killed by [usr]!!! You will Respawn in 10 seconds!!!" usr.kills += 1 ch.loc = locate(1,34,2) sleep(100) ch.loc = locate(28,31,2) ch.health = 100 return mob/proc/Evolve() if(usr.kills>=20) usr << "You evolved into MCU Level 2!" usr.icon = 'main.dmi' usr.icon_state = "mob2" |
In response to Codesterz
you still haven't called Evolve()!!! YOu need to call it!
like this: mob/proc/Damage(var/mob/ch, var/dam) ch.health -= dam ch << "You take [dam] damage!" if(ch.health < 1) world << "[ch.name] has been killed by [usr]!!! You will Respawn in 10 seconds!!!" usr.kills += 1 usr.Evolve() /*This is called calling the proc*/ ch.loc = locate(1,34,2) sleep(100) ch.loc = locate(28,31,2) ch.health = 100 return |
In response to Ter13
thanx Ter13 finally I can get on with the game
In response to Codesterz
REMEMBER!!!! YOu have to call a proc, it will never excecute unless you tell it to!
In response to Ter13
In response to Codesterz
I ran into a simple problem. Whenever you kill after you get to level 20 the evolve process happens again.
In response to Codesterz
then change your if()
if(usr.kills==20) |
In response to Ter13
thanks again forgot about == was trying to use just =