I am using a verb to run a .exe file using BYOND (I made the .exe file), but it won't run correctly. It works seemingly fine, but it just flickers on and off. It could be the .exe's code, but it works fine when I run it indepentendly.
The following is the source code:
usr << run("InfantryWarsProgram.exe")

Or am trying to do something that can't be done yet?
I dont know if exes can be run in byond but another method would be

mob/var/run = 'program.exe'
mob/verb/view_pic(mob/M as mob in view())
usr << run(

yeah that works, i used dreamdameon as the program to try to run. It asked me whether i wanted to open dreamdameon.exe also
In response to Mrhat99au
I'm not using a BYOND program. It is still reseting when it's not supposed to.
In response to Drafonis
Maybe its going in a loop
i may be wrong but i think this should do it
mob/var/run = 'program.exe'
mob/var/running = 0
mob/verb/view_pic(mob/M as mob in view())
if(usr.running == 1)
running = 1
usr << run(

But this would make it so the user can only run the program once
In response to Soori-99
Nope. I think it may be in the code for the program, though.