This Is a post for Dragonball Z fans alike, and has nothing to do with BYOND. If you are against anything and everything DBZ it would be wise to go back now as this is nothing more than a post dedicated to us fans.

-Please dont reply with a flame, Just an opinitive answer--

Anyway, It has come to my attension that a Live Action Dragonball Z movie is under development, and by none other than fox studios. Yes, I was a bit spectical at first, as was I with the Spider Man movie. And that got great reviews.

--Just ask the questions already!!--


1) What do you think they will do for the plott?, I am hoping for a remake of the Freezer saga, or one of the brolly movies. (I would like to see them portray a super saiyan transformation, live action). Im also hoping that whatever they do, they do accurate, as long as they dont make up their own plott, there is a hope for good things.

2) Who do you think the casting will consist of? and what roles will they play? (Im betting on alott of computer animation, and I mean ALOTT), like I think Lucy Lawliss (SP) would make a terrific Chi-Chi. (Lucy Lawliss Is XENA if you dont know)

3) In general, How do you think the movie will turn out? Im betting that if it is accurate and smooth, it will become an instant classic for us fans.

--Im betting that people like me and SSGX will stock up on movie collectables no matter how it turns out.


...The plot will probably be either the Cell saga, or the Saiyan saga. I'd like to see them do realistic looking hair, no glued together, plastic looking crap, and they WILL mess it up, it's a given. If they do the cell saga, I WILL be pleased, just to see a ten year old boy doing the 'modified' Chou Kamehameha Wave, versus Cell doing the Kamehameha Wave, that entire scenario was awesome... I mean, just watching that would be so sweet... But then, they would probably do it from the start, and show the Saiyan saga, just so they wouldn't confuse fans.

2:Lol, I don't know who they'll pick, but I bet it will be a pretty decent cast. I bet they'll pick some new people, and Yes, Lucy would make a mighty good chi-chi... she does have some mighty nice chi-chi's as well... *drools*

3:The movie will be inaccurate, and the special effects will probably be scetchy, I'm betting on a hollywood flop, and a cult classic for years.
I've got nothing against the anime, it's not half bad. But an American made 'you know what' movie just sounds awful. I really hope they don't make it, which would make that show go straight to hell.
In response to BurningIce
IS the movie going to have real people?
In response to Emperor Beld
Live action means real people.
NeoHaxor wrote:
1) What do you think they will do for the plott?, I am hoping for a remake of the Freezer saga, or one of the brolly movies. (I would like to see them portray a super saiyan transformation, live action). Im also hoping that whatever they do, they do accurate, as long as they dont make up their own plott, there is a hope for good things.

I actually hope for the opposite... I hope they DO write their own storyline... I don't want a rehash of something I've already seen... I want NEW DBZ material...

And heck, it doesn't have to fit in to the series at all... None of the other DBZ movies Just make up some cool bad guy, and make our heroes fight him... Super Saiyan is a must, as are huge explosions, flying, and the kamehameha... Everything else is just

2) Who do you think the casting will consist of? and what roles will they play? (Im betting on alott of computer animation, and I mean ALOTT), like I think Lucy Lawliss (SP) would make a terrific Chi-Chi. (Lucy Lawliss <sp> Is XENA if you dont know)

I am REALLY hoping that they cast absolutely NO known actors... I want them to pick people we've never seen before, so it's easier to believe that they're "really" the DBZ characters... I mean, say they cast Arnold Schwarzenegger (sp?) as Goku... Could you honestly watch it and allow yourself to be convinced that that is Goku? Nope... But if it were some martial artist you've never seen before in your life, you could forget that he's an actor, and get lost in thinking that he IS Goku...

It's only a movie, so of course we can never really believe that the characters are real...but it's easier to enjoy the movie and get into it if you can Plus, this way, they can pick the BEST people for the roles, not just the biggest names to draw more people to the theaters...

3) In general, How do you think the movie will turn out? Im betting that if it is accurate and smooth, it will become an instant classic for us fans.

I'm always an optimist... So I think it'll be cool... Even if the screw it up royally, it'll still be cool...only because of the name attached... I mean, the already existing DBZ live action movie (low budget, unofficial Chinese-made film) really sucks in most ways...but I still enjoyed watching

I've never been the type to nitpick on accuracy in movie adaptations... Nothing in X-Men bothered me... And nothing in Spider-Man bothered me... None of the discrepancies between the movie and the comics bothered me...and I hear there were quite a few... But I'm definitely not a fanboy of either of those the little details aren't a big deal to me... However, I know DBZ inside and out and all ways in maybe it'll be a different story for that one if they screw something up Although I'm able to stand the American dub, and we all know how screwed up they made So maybe I'll be able to handle it...

Either way, it won't be a blockbuster, but it'll have a cult following among us fans...

--Im betting that people like me and SSGX will stock up on movie collectables no matter how it turns out.


Heh... What makes you think that I'll be buying any merchandise? : p

You're right, though... If they end up making figures based on the movie, and posters (I WILL buy the poster from the movie theater if they get one...even if I have to stop in day after I'll be getting anything I can get my hands on (monetary supply permitting)

But I'll have to start making room for more stuff... As it is, I spent all day yesterday rearranging the stuff I have to make room for some things I've just had piled up on a I'm still not done moving stuff...and I've still got lots of things left to put
I think this movie could very easily stand shoulder-to-shoulder with such classics as the live action Masters of the Universe and Super Mario Bros. movies.
In response to Lesbian Assassin
I'd settle for a place next to Fist of the North Star. Purists didn't like it, but at least there was anime-style action without trying to get a PG rating.
In response to Lesbian Assassin
Heh... Both of which are actually decent (at least watchable) movies if you don't nitpick about the differences to their orginal counterparts...

And that's about what I'm expecting out of this one...and I'll be fine with that...

Although a really great and nearly perfect adaptation (like many have said Spider-Man is....including Stan Lee himself) would be awesome... But unless this movie is handled by actual fans of the seies, that isn't going to happen...
In response to Lesbian Assassin
You thought the SMB movie was a classic? LMAO, that movie was hillariously stupid, like the 60's Batman show(ahh those were the days, good ol Adam West)
There's a poster here fsentinelonlinediscussionboardfrm6.showMessage? pic

I like it. I think it will involve aroung the Namek Dragonball. Its Storyline won't fit into the show like all the other movies. It won't Have the Z from Dragonball Z. It'll just be Dragonball. Yes I can't wait to see it. First showing for me all the way. If the first one does good there could be a whole series. And there will be a lot of compu graphics.
In response to Lesbian Assassin
You're forgetting Street Fighter!
In response to BurningIce
Lexy has always been known for her sarcasm, you know. Especially when the three letters are mentioned. =)
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
I think Keunno Reeves should be Yamcha or Vegeta What the heck tom cruise could be voted for to act Goku LOL.
In response to Ter13
The are planning to use the best compu graphics and put good money into it. The movie is being made because of popularity. Because it was always one of the most searched for things on all of the search engines. I'll go try to find you all of the articles.
In response to Spuzzum
Spuzzum wrote:
You're forgetting Street Fighter!


...Guile. GUILE?!?

...Ryu. RYU!
In response to Spuzzum
You're forgetting Street Fighter!

No, but I can wish.
In response to BurningIce
What Spuzzum said.
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
The differences between them and their original inspirations don't bother me... they're just awful movies, in their own right.
In response to Spuzzum
Ah of course... I knew that... *shifty eyes*
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