In response to Lummox JR
Honestly, the original DBZ isn't really that "adult" in nature...

Sure, the uninformed fans out there that have been told countless times about how badly the American dub has been edited grow to assume that the original must have been nothing but nonstop blood and swearing... So the vast public opinion is held that the Japanese version of DBZ is "rated R" material...

But that public opinion isn't based on anything but heresay...

I've personally seen the entire series in its uncut form (in subtitled format)...and it really isn't much worse than the edited American version...

The swearing is minimal... Regardless of what you hear, the original DBZ was still made for children... It began in a children's comic publication, and became a children's cartoon... The worst it ever gets is "damnit" and the occasional "s" word... The reason most people believe that there is so much more swearing is that the early fansubbers took a lot of liberty in "spicing up" the dialogue... So you may see some lines in a sub that have the "F" word every other But that's not really the case with an accurate translation (of course, I suppose I can't say for sure, since I don't speak Japanese... But reliable sources that do speak it confirm my statements)...

There is a slight bit of nudity every now and then... But mostly done for the sake of toilet humor... Never any sexual scenes... And there's less than a dozen such scenes in all three series combined (a total of over 500 episodes)...which really isn't enough to be considered representative of the series...

The violence is also not really any worse in the original... All that gets cut out of the dub is some blood (for whatever reason, they used to digitally remove bleeding cuts... although in later seasons, that practice has been stopped) and a few really graphic scenes (a head gets sliced off, a hole gets blown through someone's stomach, etc) but again, these scenes really aren't that bad in the original... They were just seen as too "mature" for American kids, so they were taken out...

Another big sticking point in the American version is the concept of the afterlife, death, gods, etc... They masked any reference to these by calling them something else... "You'll go to the next dimension" replaced "you'll die"... And HELL was changed to HFIL (Home For Infinite Losers... I still use "HFIL" in replacement of "hell" when I type as an inside The diety system was changed to make it as least religious as possible... The "God" of the Earth is referred to as the "Guardian" of the Earth... The higher gods are called "King ____" (King Kai, King Yemma, etc)... But again, this was only for the early seasons... They've since began letting it go and actually saying that someone "died" or whatnot...

But all in all, the original isn't that different from the American version in terms of maturity level...

They could easily make a "true to the original" movie and give it a PG-13 rating...
NeoHaxor wrote:
1) What do you think they will do for the plott?, I am hoping for a remake of the Freezer saga, or one of the brolly movies. (I would like to see them portray a super saiyan transformation, live action). Im also hoping that whatever they do, they do accurate, as long as they dont make up their own plott, there is a hope for good things.

It will most likely either be one of the early sagas such as Saiyan Saga, or one of thier own. Chances are they will make one up.

2) Who do you think the casting will consist of? and what roles will they play? (Im betting on alott of computer animation, and I mean ALOTT), like I think Lucy Lawliss (SP) would make a terrific Chi-Chi. (Lucy Lawliss <sp> Is XENA if you dont know)

There are some suggestions here:

But I don't agree with some of them.

I think Lucy Liu (I think thats how it's spelled) would make a pretty good chi-chi. Remember, Dragon Ball/Z/GT originated in Japan, so the actors could be asian. I do think Jet Li would make a pretty good Vegeta. He did an awesome preformance of martial arts and such in Leathal Weapon 4, and in The One.

3) In general, How do you think the movie will turn out? Im betting that if it is accurate and smooth, it will become an instant classic for us fans.

I really can't say. It depends on the creators, and such. Alot of people expected Legacy of Goku for GBA to be the best game of all time. Was it? Definately not. It was way too short. I beat it in under an hour. I'd be suprised if I did in 30 minutes. I was very unsatisfied with it. I'd rather play a GT rip than that rubbish.

--Im betting that people like me and SSGX will stock up on movie collectables no matter how it turns out.

Y'think? :P

In response to Rcet
LOL! If Sean Connery is in that movie, (or any of those actors) I will lose all respect for them, lol.
In response to Rcet
But does Jet Li have the bulk the Shortness and the evil that vegeta has???
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
I have seen the Japan series. But thing about arms being ripped off holes being shot through there body swearing is done quite often in japan series while in america they say circus clown Vegeat to Goku. Arms ripped off go to Picollo and nail. Shot in half and arm shot off Cell. Tail cut off cut in half freiza, shot through the middle Trunks Cell Saga Vegeta and Krillin Freiza saga and still more. So yes I think it could be mad to R But my guess goes to PG 13 to attract a larger audience of teens if PG Many would think of it as a kid movie R over 50% of people aren't old enough.
In response to Codesterz
Actually, I do believe Jet Li is only around 5'"4, and being a martial artist, he is most likely muscular.

In response to Rcet
does he have the Evil though...
In response to Codesterz
I think Danny Devito should play Yajirobi LOL
In response to Super16
That would be so funny!!! LOL
In response to Codesterz
Well judging from that poster I think it's going to have the graphical qualities as Final Fantasy movie
In response to Super16
But will it be a success. Final Fantsy failed even with its perfect graphics.
I am actually hoping that this movie turns out to measure up to any and all Bruce Lee films, with an adaption of today's "movie magic" (Although we all know Bruce Lee did his own stunts without this aid) A DBZ based film would be hard without it.

After reading Rcet's link, I believe that Hugh Hefner would make a great Kamesennin Roshi, rather than Dana Carvy. 'Party on Garth'.

and finally, I believe that this film will appeal to me no matter how it turns out (As long as a movie has a good theme to bide by I'll stick to it), as Im not a very choosy person.

In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
SuperSaiyanGokuX wrote:
Heh... Both of which are actually decent (at least watchable) movies if you don't nitpick about the differences to their orginal counterparts...

Considering that's the closest you've ever gotten to expressing dislike for something, and that you often praise random gibberish as inspired artistic genius, that says a lot about the quality of those movies.
Screw that! I'm making my own DBZ MOVIE!
In response to Sariat
Lets see you...
In response to Super16
Except that they will be nothing like Final Fantasy, because it's supposedly going to be live action.
In response to Codesterz
Sure it will... I can just see the papers making fun of it now...
In response to Garthor
Garthor wrote:
Sure it will... I can just see the papers making fun of it now...

Making fun of Danny Devito playing my nut sack
In response to Super16
Watch out for the wurus...
In response to Sariat
Sariat wrote:
Watch out for the wurus...

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