In response to Sariat
You dont have any respect for them anyway though, do you?
In response to Codesterz
It pretty much is, just that they let their kids see more than ours.
In response to Sariat
I get to play chouztu or whatever that little clown is called.
In response to NeoHaxor
-_- Hef is too cool to act in a DBZ movie.
In response to BurningIce
In response to Jotdaniel
Not all of them.
In response to Jotdaniel
Well that's stupid!
In response to Sariat
Aww shucks...
In response to Codesterz
Trust me... I've seen it too, and it's not bad enough to get an R rating... Of course, if someone loses a limb, then since it's live action rather than animated, they'll have to give it an R As for swearing, they don't swear that often at all in the Japanese version...

But anyways, DBZ isn't about people losing their arms or heads in fights and swearing... It's a story of good vs evil at its core... It's a superhero story... And that's all they really need to convey in this movie to make it reflect well on the original story...
In response to Codesterz
How old are you?
In response to Leftley
Yeah, I suppose I tend to dislike very few things... So my opinion is often higher than that of the general

But give me an example of a time when I've "praise(d) random gibberish as inspired artistic genius"... I'm sure it may look that way to people who fail to see the "inspired artistic genius" behind things I praise...but trust me, it's definitely there if I notice

Besides, who's better off... The person who is able to go through life and enjoy anything and everything, or the person who is overly critical and dislikes mostly everything?

I've known people (some of them are my closest friends) that are extremely picky about everything... They tend to hate and criticise the vast majority of things in life... I just can't understand it... Life must suck if you won't let yourself enjoy anything...just because you have "good taste"
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
SuperSaiyanGokuX wrote:
Yeah, I suppose I tend to dislike very few things... So my opinion is often higher than that of the general

You is whack.

But give me an example of a time when I've "praise(d) random gibberish as inspired artistic genius"... I'm sure it may look that way to people who fail to see the "inspired artistic genius" behind things I praise...but trust me, it's definitely there if I notice

By replying to this post.

Besides, who's better off... The person who is able to go through life and enjoy anything and everything, or the person who is overly critical and dislikes mostly everything?

Good...Bad....I'm the guy with the sandwhich.

I've known people (some of them are my closest friends) that are extremely picky about everything... They tend to hate and criticise the vast majority of things in life... I just can't understand it... Life must suck if you won't let yourself enjoy anything...just because you have "good taste"

Eat mur chiken.
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
I know I'm just explaining how it could be R
In response to Jotdaniel
I'm 15
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
It's true that some people are never satisfied with what they have. Some people, for example, upon finding a dollar, will say, "A lousy buck, I wish I could find a twenty or a fifty, or even a hundred." These people definitely are missing out.

On the other hand, though, there's people who, upon seeing a dollar bill blowing in the wind, and a hundred dollar bill blowing the other way in a cross-breeze, will have no idea which one is more valuable, and grab for one at random. These people are also missing out.

Do I fall into either category? I don't think so.

Tonight at work, I entertained myself for three and a half hours with a novelty ice cream cone shooter.

Subway has not introduced a "limited time only" bread or sauce that has failed to amaze me.

I have a top ten list of favorite informercials.

I bought Donkey 64 just so I could make digital monkeys climb up and down trees.

I am not actually a difficult person to impress. Yet, I just don't think that Masters of the Universe or whatever other forgetabble movie I mentioned were good movies. They were mildly entertaining, but inconsistencies aside, they didn't live up to the promise of either the original premise or the interpretation chosen for the adaptation. Failed potential, poor execution, etc., etc. Just not good movies. I am able to enjoy them, yes, but only in the absence of other selections.
In response to Lesbian Assassin
Perfectly understandable...

Given a choice between the Mario Bros movie and something better, I'd choose the something better as well...

But I'm not in a position of "one or the other"... I can watch the Mario Bros movie AND the something better... To use your analogy...I'm able to grab the "Benjamin" and then manage to pocket the "George" (lol)... I didn't come out with $1 or $100... I came out with $101...

So in that context, I don't see any problems with the Mario Bros movie... Of course it sucks, especially compared to what it could have been...but it's still not so bad that I just can't/won't watch it (same goes for Masters of the Universe)...

It's not that I don't see the difference in value between the $100 and the $1... I see them as both being valuable... I know full well that the Benjamin is more valuable... But I don't let that knowledge cloud the fact that $1 is still worth something...

So to me, nothing is ever really "bad"...just varying shades of "good"... Heck, I even enjoyed the Final Fantasy Of course, I've never actually played one of the games the whole way through, so I don't have anything to compare it to...but for nothing else than the spectacular CGI, I see it as a good movie... Unlike some people who openly hate it (I believe there's a current thread on this very board with some examples...)
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
I was scrolling through this thread, and realized that, should someone not keep up-to-date and not watch it for about a week, it would take them approximately an hour at average reading speed just to read through all the new posts. I'm a speed reader, and just got on this thread, and it still took me about *clicks stopwatch*... 1 hour, 20 minutes to get through all the posts. Now admittedly, I had some bad problems with the scrollbar, and my mouse's scrolling wheel may be messed up, but even considering that, that's still pretty impressive, that one thread could be so popular as to require that much time. Kudos to whoever put this up (sorry, it's been so long since I last saw it that I've forgotten your name ^_^) for making such a popular post.

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