Note: Ive put in points to explain some stuff the people who avoid anything with DB in its name wouldnt know.

Now, on with the post...
The thing is, it would probably encourage more 'rip offs'. People think, "I can make something better then this", or "I could make a great game like this.", and it ends up with another wannabe that never takes off the ground due to the owner getting bored or not being skilled enough.
Search for DBZ, DragonBall or DB on the HUB. You will find hundreds of DBZ games that are literally nothing more then a few differnt say verbs, and possibly a punch verb.
One thing I have to give you credit for is the names thing, DBEO* has actually had a 'No DBZ names' rule since back when Manifacae was in charge**, it just never got implemented.
With some of your other ideas though, they will be a little restrictive when it comes to RPing***, and Im guessing by how much thought you have put in your going to have an RP factor in it.
That comment is mainly refering to the Namkian's not wearing Saiyan Armors or Scouters (Which by the way arent Saiyan, remember Saiyans are Idiots, Frieza would have given them the armors)****.
If a Namekian was evil, even though in the show the only evil one is Piccollo*****, Im sure he would have no problems wearing the Uniform's of evil people, or have any problems even working for evil.
One thing you will run into is Saiyans Superiorty******. There is almost no way to make them 'true to the series' and not completely dominant over all the other races.
It becomes insanely hard.
Also, you seem to have planned a lot out, but have you actually thought how hard its going to be to do this. You may think, 'Its only 10 lines of code for that feature max', but getting those 10 lines to work with your other 1000 features is hard.
Overall Id say you have a lot of ideas, but dont go getting too deep to fast. I recommend not releasing anything unless its in actual beta. You'll lose a lot of motivation fast.

* One of the main DBZ Games. Probably the one that started it all.
** For those that dont know, The DBEO Project has been passed on several times over the years. Starting with Manifacae, then Mui Shen, then Cinnom, then onto me and War.
Its surprizing how many people who claim they 'have been there from the start' think that Cinnom started DBEO...
*** Just for all those laughing at the thought of a DBZer RPing. There are actually mature DBZ fans. We arent all power gamers. I actually ran a text based RPG that was entirely story based which was pretty well known among RP crowds. WE ARENT ALL MORONS! You just dont notice the smart ones because the 10 year olds make it embarrasing to admit we like it. Youve got to belive me!
**** Saiyans are basically really strong but stupid jerks. Freiza is a really strong guy who pays guys like the Saiyans to go and 'steal' planets so he can sell them.
***** Piccollo is a guy created by the Gaurdian of the Earth, Kami. Kami expelled all the evil from his body, which came out in the form of Piccollo.
****** Since Goku the main character is a Saiyan, as the series progressed Toriyama made them more and more God-like.
They started with just one transformation, Ozaruu (Basically turning into a giant monkey). Then Super Saiyan was introduced. After that was over, everyone became Super Saiyan, which meant that it was just a standard. So eventually Ultra Super Saiyan was introduced. A stronger, but highly flawed version of Super Saiyan. That was only in for a while because of its drawbacks. Super Saiyan Level 2 was added. Then 3, and eventually 4. Along with a Super Saiyan Ozaruu form.
On top of that, when a Saiyan is almost killed, but survives, the Saiyans power level (Power level = How strong they are) doubles.
Meanwhile the only character too manage to keep up with them was Piccollo, and eventually he fell behind.
In response to Dog Man
They started with just one transformation, Ozaruu (Basically turning into a giant monkey). Then Super Saiyan was introduced. After that was over, everyone became Super Saiyan, which meant that it was just a standard. So eventually Ultra Super Saiyan was introduced. A stronger, but highly flawed version of Super Saiyan. That was only in for a while because of its drawbacks. Super Saiyan Level 2 was added. Then 3, and eventually 4. Along with a Super Saiyan Ozaruu form.

Wasn't Super Saiyan 4 the Ouzaru Super Saiyan form? (The one where they got the black hair back and the shirt-like fur on their chests?)
In response to Orochi p_fish
Actually Super Saiya-jin level 4 was the contained force of the golden Oozaru, which was pretty much the Super Saiya-jin Oozaru.

Yes! I watch Dragonball Z; So?!
In response to Nadrew
Oh okay. I get it.

And yeah, I'm secretly a fan of the series too. Not a fan of the fandom, though. :P
In response to Orochi p_fish
There's nothing wrong with the series, it's not for Dragonball fans in general, it's for people that enjoy heros, and proud moments between aliens trying to kill someone. As opposed to Dragonball which is centered around quests, and Dragonball GT is a little of both.
In response to Lesbian Assassin
yeah it would be funny on the 1st 2nd 3rd AND 4th levels...thats crazy...possibly the 5th...WHOA WHOA...not the 5th...
In response to BurningIce
BurningIce wrote:
Why do you HAVE to? Will he beat you up or something?

Unigue power signatures for each character that are reflected in that character's natural aura color.
Since the fun of watching the cartoon is watching the battles, the game's combat should be very exciting. Combat in the cartoon is very fast paced, and this is how the game's combat should be. This also happens to be what all current DBZ games on BYOND are lacking--exciting combat. A DBZ game is going to be a fighting game, because the cartoon is a fighting cartoon. The combat should be as realistic as possible. It should include all sorts of hand to hand attacks: punch, kick, charge, uppercut. When fighting, you should be able to easily access these attacks, or do random ones. Certain attacks should knock you back, at which point you would automatically come back by charging forward, teleporting, or flying. Attacks should be dodgable by teleportation and parries. This all has to go extremely fast, so verbs obviously aren't the way to go unless they are macroed within the game.
Instead of having Goku, have Gochu. Goku's retarded cousin.
In response to Sariat
And Vegeater, Vegeta's Sexy Clone.
In response to Ebonshadow
Combat in the cartoon is very fast paced,

I don't really watch DBZ, but everytime I see it one they're still fighting Frieza. This has been going on for at least a month. How is that fast paced? :-)

In response to AbyssDragon
AbyssDragon wrote:
Combat in the cartoon is very fast paced,

I don't really watch DBZ, but everytime I see it one they're still fighting Frieza. This has been going on for at least a month. How is that fast paced? :-)


LOL! Its kinda like WWF...errr... WWE (Now that is whack)

Anyways, they spend most of the time talking, then they have thier cheap ass little fights. With the overused scenes (just like in wrestling, they do the same thing over and over)
In response to AbyssDragon
AbyssDragon wrote:
Combat in the cartoon is very fast paced,

I don't really watch DBZ, but everytime I see it one they're still fighting Frieza. This has been going on for at least a month. How is that fast paced? :-)


You are speaking of the slow plot. There's a reason why people call it Drag-On-Ball Z. For instance, the Frieza saga has a five minute battle that lasts roughly a month.

However, the actual fighting is fast paced. Many actions occur in a small amount of time and opponents knocked out of the battle area often manage to bounce back in. A decent game should imitate this feeling.

While I like having special move options, I would not want to be bothered with simple attacks. I believe they would slow the game down and therefore provide the opposite of what was wanted. Players would not be able to react fast enough. Who the heck wants to click a punch verb 50 times a second to imitate something in a cartoon? Would it even reach the server if they did?

I would rather be able to choose a stance at any time and then click the attack verb at any other time. My default offense and defense would depend on my stats and my stance. This way, the bouncing and such can be handled by the server as opposed to the player. Special moves would still be separate verbs.
In response to Sariat
Heeeey, you could replace Goku with Gotchu, and turn it into a game of tag! But not any game of tag, in this game you can launch fireballs and shockwaves, fly, summon little green critters to help you, and beat the crap out of people! Slap the DBZ:Tag label on it and you've got something special! LOL
In response to Lesbian Assassin
Lesbian Assassin wrote:
Talking Skateboards.

Ah, DBZ:U. How we miss thee.

-- Tarmas.
No, I did not just post.
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
There. I've contributed an idea to a DBZ project. I feel dirty.

Doesnt it feel sooo good? :)

In response to ACWraith
I love anime. They try to show someone's going really fast by changing the color of the background and making it take 30 seconds for them to fly across a room. Some things are so stupid they acquire a sort of genius... this surpasses that, being so stupid that it acquires a sort of stupidity.

My favorite scene in any Dragonball series is in the original Dragonball, when the little muppet baby Goku is fighting someone, and they both jump up really high in the air, and Goku lands first... then waits for his opponent to come down, and just before he lands, Goku kicks him, winning the battle.

That's like a metaphor for the whole show. The scene sums up in a tidy little capsule everything that is horrible, wrong, and stupid with the cartoon.
In response to Senormofo
heres an idea;
make a RPG,that you completly control,with a basic set of rules...kinda like a text mud!
that way,icons arent a problem ^_^
(the best DBZ games would be RPGs,with a GM,and players,and NPCs,and no annoying people that arent invited ^_^ )
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