I'm here today, to say sorry for what i have done in the past under Cappa Kyle name, along with RaeKwon. I will name some things i am sorry for.

  • When i was cappa, last auguest i believe i stole DarkAgesB codeing.
  • When i was cappa, i tryed to copy every game (sorry for my "vitims")
  • With RaeKwon, i take things to seriously even when people are joking (need to stop that).
  • With RaeKwon, i don't awnser pages i get. If you seen my pager list you would understand =P

    I only have problems with afew people currently right now, Nadrew, Sariat, and afew others. (But those are the to main)

    Yesterday in DWO i had alittle problem with Nadrew, he lied to me about Tom, when he started bringing Tom into the picture is when i "Snapped". I confirmed with tom, and what Nadrew said was false. Tom also included some stuff in the letter for instance "You have alot of enemies, it must be some things you say even if you don't think its bad"

    Now, can i please have some suggestions on what can inproove my behavior on the BYOND forums, and in Dream Seeker it's self?

    I don't like it when i enter a game and people start harrassing me saying i can't code, and steel games. I can make you take back what you said, and i do. I'm sick and tired of people judgeing me as being Cappa Kyle, i am NOT him no more, calling me crappa pyle (lol) won't help anything *Looks at nadrew*.

    Nadrew, if you read this, Yesterday in DWO those comments you made about me "Going to be banned from BYOND (LIE!), Can't code (LIE!, i can proove you otherwise, like i said in DWO)", and steeling games (LIE! havn't done that since the day of good o'l Cappa the crap masta kyle (See, even i diss him, because i know what i did back then was wrong, thats why i'm trying to correct it now).

    I thought i should get this off my chest. Thanks for reading this.

ummm duh! even I knew you were him + Pilgrim(sp?) + Sex....yes i know too
In response to Cyclometh
Cyclometh wrote:
ummm duh! even I knew you were him + Pilgrim(sp?) + Sex....yes i know too

How about you read the whole thing? I am RaeKwon, Cappa Kyle, Pilgrim, Alatar, Sex, <font size = 1>Fucknut<font size = 3> (want that key deleted).

In response to RaeKwon
Duh again. I read the hwole thing and it never mentioned the other keys you have. Thank you very much, Mr. Roboto
In response to Cyclometh
Cyclometh wrote:
Duh again. I read the hwole thing and it never mentioned the other keys you have. Thank you very much, Mr. Roboto

People like you, i think personnaly, were dropped on there head as an infint.
In response to Cyclometh
Cyclometh wrote:
Duh again. I read the hwole thing and it never mentioned the other keys you have. Thank you very much, Mr. Roboto

HEY! He is appologising for his past actions and all you can do is get on his case!?

Why don't you take my friendly advice and get off of his case and leave him be!

What BYOND doesn't need is people who start mouthing off at people who are appologising for their past actions!

The past is the past, leave it and get on with the future. If you carry on at RaeKwon while he is appologising, actually, while he just 'appologised', then the one acting up and being nasty here is you Cyclometh.

So stop it and let him be. Like any other person, back off from getting on peoples cases when they appologise for their past behaviours. BYOND would be a better place without things like that!

In response to RaeKwon
RaeKwon wrote:
People like you, i think personnaly, were dropped on there head as an infint.

Multiple times, no less.

One thing I think you should work on, Rae, is your spelling and grammer. Assuming a more professional look will help you make better friends..... just look at me! *not helping ;)*
In response to Polatrite
Polatrite wrote:
RaeKwon wrote:
People like you, i think personnaly, were dropped on there head as an infint.

Multiple times, no less.

One thing I think you should work on, Rae, is your spelling and grammer. Assuming a more professional look will help you make better friends..... just look at me! *not helping ;)*

True True.. Don't forget 80% of you are older then me =)
People, let's not have a flamewar here. If we all start lobbing old accusations at RaeKwon we'll be here till 2004, and he can easily lob some back at his accusers. This is all history, okay?

RaeKwon, I wish you hadn't listed that other key, even in small type, because it's still inappropriate for the forums; better to asterisk out the entire profane part (not just leaving one letter) or leave it out entirely, and e-mail Dantom with a request to delete the key.

As for Nadrew lying to you about an impending ban, this is the first I've heard of such a thing; I'm certain Dantom weren't considering it. However, I'm doubtful that Nadrew would just up and lie to you; it's far more likely that he was mistaken on some point, and misunderstandings escalated at both ends. Whatever the case, I really don't think this was a good place to bring all that up.

Lummox JR
In response to Mellifluous
Mellifluous wrote:
The past is the past, leave it and get on with the future. If you carry on at RaeKwon while he is appologising, actually, while he just 'appologised', then the one acting up and being nasty here is you Cyclometh.

So stop it and let him be. Like any other person, back off from getting on peoples cases when they appologise for their past behaviours. BYOND would be a better place without things like that!

Exactly! Making mistakes is essential for learning, and it shows strength to apologize for past behaviour. Forgiving old behaviour can be hard, but we should all really try. It's one step closer to making the world a better place.

The past is no more.

RaeKwon most certainly can code. I have helped him a few times, so he's definately not clueless to say the least. I'm pretty sure (99%) he doesn't steal coding anymore. So he seems okay. The only thing I don't like about him is some of the arguments he gets into (they really tick me off and it's a struggle not to take sides). There's my only suggestion-don't get into flame wars. Other than that, I really have nothing else to say.
In response to RaeKwon
Then again, 20% of us are younger then you.

In response to WizDragon
RaeKwon, glad to hear about you apologizing for the errs of your past. Takes guts to do, especially if you aren't used to apologizing for your actions. Just one suggestion: avoid responding with flames or barbed comments. If you're having difficulty, consult Lummox JR on the fine art of the "open ended comment", he is the best I've seen so far at it, and it will save you a lot of grief from moderators while still getting your point across. Peace, man.


P.S. Is Realm of Mordor 2 have a bugged login system? Or is it just a private server? Every time I try to log in, the connection dies.
In response to UnknownOrb
UnknownOrb wrote:

Don't use capitals it's hard to read. Yes i can code, yes i make games. Everyone up to this point sucks though. Realm of Mordor 2 will be my best so far.

In response to Xanathar
Xanathar wrote:
P.S. Is Realm of Mordor 2 have a bugged login system? Or is it just a private server? Every time I try to log in, the connection dies.

No, Realm of Mordor 2 does not have a bugged login system. We have a beta testers list and if your Key is not there, you're disconnected from the game...Otherwise, you're in.

There is many things in the game so far, but, more is needed until it is steady enough for a public release.

So, please wait patiently and, don't pester RaeKwon while he is working on the game. This is because you will only slow the production of Realm of Mordor 2 down.
