What's everybodys thoughts on Suicide? I bring the topic up becuase in Health, besides learning about "Breats" *snickers* They show us things like, Violence, Suicide, Drugs, etc. My teacher showed us a video about Suicide...two of them. They are pretty gorey... I never even THOUGHT about Suicide until I watched that Video.
I personally think its wrong and selfish. And the "cheap way out". If anything, go the army, get killed that way. Or, do some good....
Get a gun, go around to a gangs hideout...... and BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM, kill them. They are doing nothing but bad stuff anyways, might as well kill some while being killed.
It's still wrong though. Have you ever had any experiences with this and would you ever do something like this?
PS- Yes, I am being serious, "Throw me a friggen bone here!"
![]() Aug 23 2002, 4:24 pm
![]() Aug 23 2002, 4:28 pm
*Throws Bone*
About the going around to gangs.. no.. gangs do nothing wrong.
Target drug dealers. Go killer-bean on their asses. Marijuana dealers, leave them be.. the others.. do them in, destroy their stash, and steal their money. You want a meaning in life? MAKE ONE otherwise, make a difference |
Yea, some people just think they have nothing else to do, they think they aren't loved. Maybe people just do it because they don't get the attention they want, or maybe even deserve. It is a cheap way out none the less, it's like quitting for no real reason. Usually it's the mis understood people that kill themselve's. Like they get picked on all the time, or no one really talks to them, or treats them with respect because they're different. Basically, if people could get along and treat eachother kindly(in real life) then there probably wouldn't be many cases of suicide at all.
Sariat wrote:
Get a gun, go around to a gangs hideout...... and BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM, kill them. They are doing nothing but bad stuff anyways, might as well kill some while being killed. Suggesting a shooting spree hey? Anyway, sometimes life is a lot worse then death. If youve ever had someone you love die youd know exactly how painful life can be. -DogMan |
I never found out till recently, but the person that used to live in our house hung himself in the basment. He built the house with a construction crew, and he wanted to die in it.
I find that rather freaky, whenever i go into that spare room.. I get the chills. Alatar |
Oh, and do it at 4:00 in the morning, when you can't sleep because the drug-lords are having a party in a warehouse down the street.
Dareb wrote:
About the going around to gangs.. no.. gangs do nothing wrong. That is 'half' correct. There is gangs that kill Black people, and gangs that kill white. Down with them. Target drug dealers. Go killer-bean on their asses. Marijuana dealers, leave them be.. the others.. do them in, destroy their stash, and steal their money. Alatar |
Mertek wrote:
Oh, and do it at 4:00 in the morning, when you can't sleep because the drug-lords are having a party in a warehouse down the street. There is a big crack house 2 blocks from where i live. There was a shoot up awhile ago in it, 3 people died. (Includeing one cop) Still to this day, you walk by you smell weed, needles on the yard. It's pathetic. Alatar |
Only time id ever do that is if i got really bored, developed a life-threatening disease, or someone close to me died by druggy hands. And thered be a slight deviation.. I wouldnt intend to die, I wouldnt intend to kill, and I wouldnt be known.. First off, Id study how to make a gun and bullets. You can learn to make a bomb from the internet, and you can get the materials everywhere so why the hell not a gun? It would be designed to not be lethal, but armor piercing. Definately Tranquilizing. Id keep the pathetic lowlifes alive while i destroy their business and drug-house. By the time they wake up they have nothing left. Now this wouldnt stop them, they would just go back and get more.. eventually theyd get the idea or id get lethal. And thats the way i am. violence is often the answer to those who "dont care" but death will solve nothing |
Dog Man wrote:
Sariat wrote: Consider death a sleep, one for eternity. Or, if the 'saying' is true, your spirit escapes your body and you have a big party with god! Alatar |
who needs a shoot-out when you can shoot them in the finger and they go down for 5 hrs?
Also i dont intend to rush in guns-a-blazing. more like rifles with sights, gas bombs, and whatnot. Full-body armor and rigorous physical training would make you damn difficult to actually take down. |
Dog Man wrote:
Sariat wrote: My friends and I have always joked about this -- "Heck, if I ever wanted to commit suicide, I'd at least be sure I took some other people with me." But the murder spree option is actually worse than suicide -- which itself is worse than just about anything else, except the murder spree. The modern view of suicide -- not necessarily the most popular view, but the view of what I'll call the "modern" mindset -- is that it can be a practical alternative to suffering, whereas the traditional view is that it's never (or very close to never) justifiable. Some people interpret the Biblical saying about "blasphemy against the Holy Spirit" -- the one unforgivable sin, in Christian theology -- to refer to suicide. In that view, suicide is the ultimate surrender to the sin of despair (the absence of hope). On the other hand, the modern mindset could criticize someone who resists death, but ends up dying anyway, as a poor deluded sucker who could have avoided a lot of pain. Personally, I tend to resist that mindset because suicide is a pretty logical consequence of the mindset itself -- if nothing means anything, you may as well stop now and cut your losses. Then again, the philosophers of existentialism have plenty of ideas about why one should bother going on despite the apparent logic of suicide; and very few people who are otherwise heavily committed to the "modern mindset" would advocate suicide except as a last-ditch measure. So, for what it's worth, the general consensus across most schools of thought is that suicide is pretty bad. And it's certainly not a solution for some high-school kid who's upset because a girl turned him down for a date or something like that, which -- though it may be painful at the time -- won't matter at all a year from now. That's enough babble for now, I guess! |
To be, or not to be... that is the question: whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them.
To die... to sleep, no more; and by a sleep to say we end the heartache, and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to. 'Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished. To die... to sleep... to sleep, perchance to dream. Aye, there's the rub! For in that sleep of death, what dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal coil must give us pause. There's the respect that makes calamity of so long life. For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, the oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely, the pangs of despised love, the law's delay, the insolence of office, and the spurns that patient merit of the unworthy takes, when he himself might his quietus* make with a bare bodkin?Who would these fardels bear, to grunt and sweat under a weary life, but that the dread of something after death, the undiscovered country, from whose bourn no traveller returns, puzzles the will and makes us rather bear those ills we have than fly to others that we know not of? Thus conscience does make cowards of us all, and thus the native hue of resolution is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought, and enterprises of great pith and moment With this regard their currents turn awry and lose the name of action. *Oooh oooh, she said Quietus... this must be a quote from Vampire: The Masquerade. |