![]() Aug 23 2002, 5:51 pm
In response to Alatar
if you commit suicide your soul is trapped on earth until armageddon, some people say you relive your last moments over and over.
Dareb wrote:
OOoooh.. Alatar, i need to visit that place. i want to get that little gem you have there. Lol sure Alatar |
Actually, traditional Judeo-Christian belief holds that everyone's soul is trapped on earth until Armageddon... the exception is suicides, who, especially in the Judaic portion, cease to exist on all levels. No soul, nothing.
sometimes when i grab a knife i feel energy flow down my hand and that my mind splits into 2 consciousness' one wants nothing but to tear flesh and i have lucid visions of draggin a knife edge against flesh.
Of course ill never do it, its easy to resist, you get that feeling when something is trying to possess you. Or when a spirit is trying to talk to you.. Think about unusual thoughts, thoughts YOU dont have as being whispers of a spirit.. because more likely than not thats what it is.. scientists are idiots, they cant explain the intricacies of the soul OR how closely related the brain is to them.. I cant either. All i know is that i get freaked out when i talk like this, and thats why its gonna end here |
I personally think its wrong and selfish. And the "cheap way out". That's the best part. Once you're dead, you don't care! If anything, go the army, get killed that way. Or, do some good.... Pah, if you're going to kill yourself, stick to just yourself and leave everyone else out of it. |
if you ever commit suicide, Come to me.. Ill be the pillar of light just offcenter (dont ask)
cuz your not gonna be heading down the tunnel with the big light at the end of it, and you WONT be falling. come to me so i can prove you wrong in death and give you a second chance in life |
As my psyche stands right now, I can't even fathom the kind of pain it would take to cause someone to think that death was better than life...
I've never felt that kind of pain... My life has been a decently good one... So now, I say to myself that nothing could ever bring me to that point... "I'm stronger than that..." But is that strength only there because I've never been through anything that painful? I mean, it's easy to sit here and say that I'd never consider killing myself because I've never had any reason to... Luckily, as of this point, if anything bad DOES happen, I think I've strengthened myself enough to take it... Or at least I'm mentally stable enough to be able to get by... But if my life were vastly different...and I'd have had a horrible existence all along.. Then who knows? Maybe suicide would be seen as my only way out... If I'd've grown up in an abusive home...or fallen into a life of drug use...or any number of other bad situations...perhaps I wouldn't know how to deal with things...and death would seem more appealing than life... So I can't really comdemn suicide... I don't have the same life that these people have... I don't know what it's like to have unending mental anguish or to live under those conditions... I can't understand it... I don't understand how or why anyone could do that to themselves...but I just don't know... So I can't say for sure... However, for myself...I'd absolutely never even consider it... No matter how bad things get (knock on wood) I think I can handle it and make it through alive... |
People commit suicide because they feel they have no worth and no cause and cannot make a cause for example some man is obease, very shy and seems to fail at everything he trys to do then you would kinda feel like an outcast and that there is no point in living and to continue life would be just inflicting on going pain on those around you and yourself so you see ending your existence to be the only solution but then you kind of think how your family would feel if you died how they would cry and be in even more pain so then you continue your life in eternal pain trying to be happy all the time while inside you feel constantly tired and bored of this pointless existence but you must continue in hopes that one day you will find your existence and meaning hoping that if you keep trying things just may turn in your favor.
And as for the killing people thing I think the ending of somones life is the most selfish thing you can do you kill somone just so you can feel a sense of good that you have sent ended somones existence just to make you feel good you have killed somones child somones love somones enemy somones friend even if they kill people them selves it still does not give you the right to end somones life there are other ways of stopping somone then killing them. Aint it good to be alive. |
*Oooh oooh, she said Quietus... this must be a quote from Vampire: The Masquerade. Ooooo I saw that one! Lol, it's Hamlet. |
I don't see how that could be possible... You just stop existing entirely... I mean if you sit and think about it, could you imagine just all the sudden not being here? It's impossible.
It's impossible to imagine nothingness, but that doesn't mean that nothingness is impossible. Anyway, I'm not discussing what is possible or what is actual, but what is believed.
I can imagine nothing.
But it still isnt possible, once there is existance you exist forever, and weve existed before this, just on a level of existance we cant comprehend.. we now have individuality before we werent individual we were a piece of one thing.. nothingness isnt possible never has been. there has always been something |
i dont think drug dealers are people. thats why i could put a bullet between their eyes and not think twice. and it wouldnt change me because they arent human. more like a flailing flesh bucket
I believe suicide can only be commited when your mentally ill, even if you show no signs of being sick in the mind. It is also not an easy way out of something considering once you get out of something bad in life, you can't return to life(I think), unless there is a suicide in death? It also is probably not easy considering if you were sane, it would take every ounce bravery and stupidity in your body to kill yourself. I have also had many experiences with this considering my family is pretty much 70% manic depressives and sadly I make up some of that 70%, so I'm going to have to say that I might and I might not commit suicide(or try). Really I don't see any point to what may cause me to commit suicide since I have a grasp on my manic depression and life is great to me.
<<>>Kusanagi<<>> |