Yes!!! YES!!!

I have been writting a story for 5 years now. and im about finished it! But now i must make something to show to movie producers... I need someone to make my script into a comic book so i will need artists to draw the characters and surrounding areas.

My email is [email protected]

please send only copywritten material to me, and label it. That way both of us are protected.

This would be an audition. Now.. the script would be nearly 200 frames so thats alot of work.. So you will be paid for your work So just send me an example of your work and ill look through the entries. It could be a few months before im finished actually writing, so Ill contact the best of the artists by email.. Ill then call you over the phone to go over payment.

So just send me examples of your work.

no porn please. Im looking for how well people can draw humans in different poses, different clothes, and animals.. Ill be looking for quality so please. send me your best work.

Im new to byond, but what the hey. im a good artist. Ill send you some labeled drawings
Dareb wrote:
please send only copywritten material to me, and label it. That way both of us are protected.

I believe the word you're looking for is "copyrighted". "Copywrite" isn't a word; "copyright" is.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
copyrighted isnt the word... when in that aspect its copywritten.. please dont correct people unless you KNOW they are wrong

In response to Dareb
Dareb wrote:
copyrighted isnt the word... when in that aspect its copywritten.. please dont correct people unless you KNOW they are wrong

I do know you're wrong, Dareb. "Copywritten" is never correct. "Copyrighted" is the term because it means that copyrights have been secured. "Copywritten" would only be correct if "copywrite" was itself a word, which it isn't.

Never let it be said that I'm unwilling to back up what I say:

Lummox JR
In response to Dareb
I agree with Lummox on this one.
In response to Sariat
doesnt matter if you agree. your wrong, professionals have written it the same way i do.. lummox is merely correcting just to sound intelligent
In response to Lummox JR
keep saying that to yourself lummox. but ill keep writing the way i do. i dont appreciate being corrected.

Now if you dont mind. i want to keep this clear of a debate as this post is merely advertising

in which case im sure you might think it belongs in the class. ads. unfortunately this has nothing to do with byond therefore its off topic
In response to Dareb
Actually, he is entirely correct.



In response to Dareb
And there you have it, proof from 1 credible source (Me) and proof from somebody you shouldn't trust (LJ)
In response to Sariat
Oh yeah, and a rant from the village madman (Alathon).
In response to Alathon
i dont think it matters. i just dont like idiots trying to prove me wrong when they should just shut the hell up in the first place
In response to Dareb
Hrm, we're not idiots (I shouldn't speak for other people *Grin*), anyways, I guess we're not going to change your mind, so let it be.
In response to Dareb
Dareb wrote:
keep saying that to yourself lummox. but ill keep writing the way i do. i dont appreciate being corrected.

Why is it that you can't accept correction even given clear proof that you're wrong? No offense here, but that's a textbook definition of insanity--and I'm sure it falls under some personality disorders, anyway.

Bottom line: "Copywrite" isn't a word, nor is "copywritten". "Copywriter" is a word, but only because it applies to certain fields where they refer to something as "writing copy"; that's not anywhere near the context you intended. You were talking about copyrights, which means words used in that context derive from -right, not -write. The dictionary links I provided prove what I said to be correct; in fact the definition you'll see of "copyrighted" is almost word for word what I told you it was.

If you're going to get hostile every time you're corrected, then you should put more effort into knowing what you're talking about. On any issue even remotely related to copyrights, you haven't been correct even once; now we're debating spelling, for crying out loud, and even though that's a cut-and-dried case and not subject to differing interpretation (since this doesn't fall under the umbrella of American/Canadian spelling differences), you still want to insist you're right no matter what.

A man doesn't lose face by accepting correction, if that's what you're worried about. One loses face by deliberately choosing to be wrong when the proof is laid out square in front of him. There's no need to be stubborn about this; even if you feel you're right on lots of other things, nobody's right all of the time. Just accept that in this case, you were mistaken. These things happen to everybody.

Lummox JR
In response to Dareb
Dareb wrote:
i dont think it matters. i just dont like idiots trying to prove me wrong when they should just shut the hell up in the first place

I think we've already discussed that you're to stop pulling out the insults, Dareb. You did it in a previous thread without being insulted, and you're doing it again. This is not acceptable.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
you have no proof and your correcting me, your testing me lummox of course im gonna strike back. in the best way i can too.. stop replying to me in 'your little way' and there would be no flaming..

your entire argument a while ago with deleting religious threads was that you were preventing a flamewar.. so why not do the same in this scenario and admit that you are part of the problem.
In response to Dareb
Dareb wrote:
you have no proof and your correcting me, your testing me lummox of course im gonna strike back. in the best way i can too.. stop replying to me in 'your little way' and there would be no flaming..

I posted the proof. You replied to the message in which I provided it. Alathon reposted the exact same two dictionary links. In what way does that constitute having no proof?
And correcting you is not the same as insulting you.

your entire argument a while ago with deleting religious threads was that you were preventing a flamewar.. so why not do the same in this scenario and admit that you are part of the problem.

If you want me to delete your entire thread, say the word and I'll do so. I will of course repost the spelling correction if need be.
You're the only one turning this into a flamewar by pulling out insults, Dareb. I'm tired of seeing that happen on your part, and I'm not the only one. Find a polite way to drop this argument, please.

Lummox JR
In response to Dareb
and dont take me for a fool lummox, you are a moderator and i know your trying to push me to the edge so that you have an excuse to bann me, just so you know. that can get your mod disposed of.. keep me out of your sights lummy. or ill pull out the big guns and send every little thing youve corrected me with, every little measly minor thing. and use it against you... Id hate so much to compromise your standing but thats the way it is.
In response to Dareb
I agree with the last two posts.
In response to Dareb
Dareb wrote:
and dont take me for a fool lummox, you are a moderator and i know your trying to push me to the edge so that you have an excuse to bann me, just so you know. that can get your mod disposed of.. keep me out of your sights lummy. or ill pull out the big guns and send every little thing youve corrected me with, every little measly minor thing. and use it against you... Id hate so much to compromise your standing but thats the way it is.

You seem to believe that he is the only moderator who is quite fed up with your attitude on these forums. No one is trying to push you to the edge, your doing quite well on your own.

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