Dareb wrote:
i dont think drug dealers are people. thats why i could put a bullet between their eyes and not think twice. and it wouldnt change me because they arent human. more like a flailing flesh bucket There's one sure-fire test to find out if someone is a drug dealer. Get a small blood sample and poke it with a super-heated wire. If it jumps out of the Petri dish, BURN HIM! |
Funny, I always thought the Bible said that in death your judged for the second to last time and sent to a semi-eternal punishment or reward, that is until Christ is supposedly supposed to come back after hell breaks loose on earth and then the "Final Judgement" begins. I myself think we just part into an alternative universe where you can communicate with anyone at anytime and make/do anything you want.
<<>>Kusanagi<<>> |
As far as suicide goes, I think everybody ELSE is selfish if they don't let you (I should know I've tried umpteenth times before I got a good social standing).
thats true.
Those spirits who are sent to that punishment can become ghosts. And as ive stated many times before, they are a source of energy for me. I was born with the ability to absorb souls and thats why i know that in total all religions are right. sure they lack some areas of obscurity but those areas are human error. I dont know why I can absorb souls but I take it as a gift of god. and i take my life's meaning as being one of many that are to redeem the souls of the damned and give them second chances in life. |
im almost always serious, besides their are many others like me. while there is no specific organization they still are there
I'm sure you can absorb souls as a source of your energy, might as well remove your mouth since you don't need to eat anymore! I'm guessing your god you believe in is the Christian god, or Jewish god(For them it is "God" with a capitol G to show a sign of respect.), but that "God" is a beloved and holy one, so I highly doubt you are granted the ability to eat souls and totally destroy them for your own energy.... Oh yea, and granted your talent I suppose you cannot make an error since you know everything by the consumption of souls, so thats why your usually proved wrong in discussions!
<<>>Kusanagi<<>> |
eat souls? destroy them?
Source of energy, not being a source of nutrition. Also every human mind has a psyche. in the psyche is where the human soul is but not only one can be in there at one time. People with Multiple personality disorder were born with more than one dominant soul and they have no control of which one comes out at what time. Long ago priests believed that people who suffered multiple personality disorder were possessed by demons.. when science moved in they explained things in ways that could be proven but with science they only cover the material plane of existance.. not to say that they arent right. Exorcisms no longer exist due to the fact that they now appear awkward in such a day and age. I dont destroy the souls i absorb. i quite simply absorb them. that adds to the power of my soul and will. The window closest to you faces the south-east |
Oh my God. Not your god. You are crazy if you think that you can eat souls. You have severe mental problems and should seek counceling.
there are others out there that can do this, im not special. Some kill and absorb souls into the hell they make for them and they get souls much quicker than I ever will.. they are called serial killers..... what you think they kill for the hell of it?
unfortunately my beliefs cant be considered insane because it falls under religion. which psychiatrists cant touch with a 10' pole. All i ask is that i be directed to all the supposed "haunted houses" in North America (both canada and america) so that i can prove people wrong. Until then the evidence is against me |
You still didn't explain what happens to the souls when you absorb them, do they magically come back? For one thing multiple personalities is caused by extreme stress and other related problems with the mind. Usually when you hold in a part of your feelings for a while you'll snap, and when that happens those feelings gain complete control over your body for periods of time. This has all been scientifically proven which shows that your still living a dream, please stop now before you make yourself look more like a liar, and I quote you from before(Probably not exactly, but close enough), "I don't lie, and never have.".
<<>>Kusanagi<<>> |
Ecclesiastes 9, verse 5 says that the dead are conscious of nothing.
Psalm 146, verse 4 says that when someone dies their thoughts perish. John 11 verse 11, when Lazarus died, Jesus said that he had gone to rest, and that he was going there to awaken him. Psalm 13, verse 3, David prayed that he may not fall asleep in death. Acts 7, verse 60, when Stephen was stoned to death, it says that he fell asleep. Thus the statement. And if you don't like that translation, here's some others: American Standard Version King James Version(s) |