In response to Kusanagi
what, im not saying that what im saying is an absolute, im admitting that it CAN be coincidence.. your the one saying absolutes and thats narrow.
In response to Dareb
Dareb wrote:
Although there are many with the gift, some never know of it.

Really? If I'm one of these, how can I use this oh-so-magnificent God-given gift?
Heh... This thread turned awfully weird down

But while reading Dareb's claims, a thought came to me... What he's saying isn't very much different from the ancient concepts of chi/ki, and Taoism...

Basically, under these systems, we all come from the universal energy, and we all return to it in death...

Practitioners believe in channelling this energy (akin to the Force from Star Wars, if that's easier to grasp for you) to gain higher mental enlightenment and physical ability...

So what he's saying isn't exactly unprecedented... His wording seems a bit extreme (IE declaring the energy he takes in to be actual human souls rather than just loose life energy)... But it's not much different from Taoist principles...

So while it might seem a bit strange ond far-fetched, it's not too far from ancient, well established thoughts...

I persoanlly place little stock into such thoughts... I'm a firm believer that we are nothing more than a complex biochemical machine and that our "minds" cease to function (and therefore, exist) once the machine stops working (death)... And that there is no universal life energy... Of course, according to the scientific laws of energy/matter conservation, our energy must be returned to the universe once we're done with it... But I think that is obviously done through decomposition... Passing our energy to the little organisms that decay our bodies...through purely biochemical processes...

Oh well, I guess we'll all find out someday... Too bad we won't get to share
In response to Shun Di
Shun Di wrote:
Did You Absorb My Grandpa? > OMG Dareb, Your An Idiot If You Think You Can Absorb Souls *ROTFLMAO* [Edit]I think you have a psychological diserder[/Edit]</font>

!~~Shun Di~~!

Shun Di, please try to refrain from having every-letter capatalized. It's a pain to read.

In response to Alatar
Hes a newbie.he can't help himself.he riped codes from dbz zeta and used em in a demo.also used codes from kunark's rpg demo.

In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
some have.

Spirits are all around ,you people just grow to ignore them. I personally cant see them.

And your right, when i first started seeing things this way i never even knew what taoism was.

I was shocked when I read up about it, it only bolstered my belief.

I honestly dont see the problem in having faith in any specific religion as long as you dont go head-over-heels upon it. Whats the worst that could happen when you die? Nothing would happen, because you would then cease to exist.

The idea of non-existance nauseates me. I refuse to believe that there is nothing beyond life.
In response to Vortezz
when you feel a presense try to pull it towards you in your mind. Thats about it.

In response to Shun Di
Shun Di wrote:
Did You Absorb My Grandpa? > OMG Dareb, Your An Idiot If You Think You Can Absorb Souls *ROTFLMAO* [Edit]I think you have a psychological diserder[/Edit]

Shun Di, it was very inappropriate to insult Dareb here. Whatever he happens to believe, or how silly it may seem to you, Dantom have made it clear that they don't want insults flung about in the public forums. Please refrain.

Please also stop capitalizing every word. (It's Just Plain Annoying!) And keep in mind that the moderators have very limited patience for the black-text joke and the time is probably coming soon that we won't tolerate it any longer, even if what you say in there happens to be otherwise clean, which in this case it wasn't.

Lummox JR
In response to Dareb
That was totally irrelevant to the post you replied to, and I also believe your using narrow minded in a wrong way, way to often. Also, please quote me on when I have said an "absolute" as you call it. When I say that, I mean it by in this topic.

In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
Actually the whole point of Taoism is to respect life, not physically improve yourself. I also find it hard to believe about what Dareb is saying, since Taoism believes that everything spiritual has to be acquired in life and through deep meditation and hours of contemplation, then again I'm not sure if Dareb is a nut case or not, or if he believes in Taoism to that extent. I truly doubt Dareb meditates 24/7, or else he wouldn't be bumming on BYOND all day, and he wouldn't be against freedom or the United States so much.

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