icon = 'turfs.dmi'
icon_state = "furnace"
density = 1
set src in view(1)
if(usr.tick == 1)
if(usr.hashammer == 0)
usr <<"You have no hammer"
var/choice = input("What would you like to smelt?") in list("Bronze","Iron","Cancel")
if(choice == "Bronze")
usr.tick = 1
usr.overlays += /obj/smith_icon
//what here to turn all obj/copper_ore in usr to copper_bars..or if theres no copper ores in the usr's invetory tell them: "You have no ore to make bronze bars"
usr.overlays -= /obj/smith_icon
usr.tick = 0
if(choice == "Iron")
usr.tick = 1
usr.overlays += /obj/smith_icon
//Same here?
usr.overlays -= /obj/smith_icon
usr.tick = 0
if(choice == "Cancel")

errors: proc expression :warning: variable defined but not used

Byond Runescape.dmb - 3 errors, 1 warning (double-click on an error to jump to it)

WHOA..would you look at that codester.a better runescape game.

Mines better. You can mine over 10 ores. You can master how to mine certain items. You can smelt 10 different Bars. Smith almost 100 weapons and 67 armors. And lots more... Beat that...
In response to Codesterz
mines not even DONE.anyway, to everyone out there.nm i got it fixed
In response to Codesterz
So I get to compete against someone in making a Runescape Game.
In response to Siientx
I started yesterday!!!
In response to Codesterz
This is Newbie Central, not Bragging Central :oP

Besides, with custom materials, varying qualities and about 30 different things you can make, the FoomerMUD smithing system (which was never officially finished, but in concept, since I never got around to it) allows you to create 30 * 8 * lots (say 50 materials), or about 12,000 different objects. And that's just smithing. :o) But keep in mind that there is no real count on how many materials you can use, since you could combine and rename metals.
In response to Codesterz
In response to Codesterz
Quality over quantity. A mediocre game with a huge 500x500 map pales in comparison to an excellent game with a mere 50x50 map. So instead of adding hundreds of thousands of different items/monsters/etc., add hundreds of thousands of new and innovative features. It's easy to make a hundred types of weapons. It's not easy to make a good battle system to go with all the weapons you make.
In response to WizDragon
I have the quality and quanity...
In response to Codesterz
Codesterz wrote:
I have the quality and quanity...

I hope you use a spellchecker too.
In response to Foomer
Shut up. How I type in a Forum isn't important...
In response to Codesterz
Codesterz wrote:
Shut up. How I type in a Forum isn't important...

Suuuure it isn't...
In response to Codesterz
It sounds like since you seen the success of Realm of Mordor, your trying to copy it when next version comes out, no clone can beet it.

In response to Alatar
i'm making a runescape game..but i liked the bubble idea ^_~
In response to Siientx
I was making an Lotr game witch would be like this game. But I lot all the files so I had to restart but instead of making a LOTR I deided to make a Runescape Type Game.
In response to Codesterz
So what you're saying is, you have some creative disorder, and can't come up with your own idea?
In response to Garthor
Of course I can all to easilly... Just what my mind thinks up requires some of the best coding which I can't do yet. This is more Fan Game.
In response to Codesterz
You'll notice that the respected people type neatly, or at least with good grammar. If you want to give people a bad impression of yourself, tiep liek this so u wil l00k dumm. Typing poorly is almost like telling people that you're too stupid and lazy to type normally. And you don't want to people to think you're stupid, do you?
In response to WizDragon
It's a waste of time to check my spelling as long as you know what I'm saying it's good...
In response to Codesterz
It's a waste of time to spend 10 or 15 seconds to check what you just typed for misspellings or grammar slip-ups? People will think less of you if you don't care about typing neatly. Typing poorly is like wearing messy, unwashed clothing. It gives you a bad image.
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