It seems that almost all people on BYOND do not understand what plagiarism is, or deny doing it. Just because the source of one of my games is stolen, does not give you the right to make a game out of it. Sure, I wouldn't mind if you studied off of it to better your BYOND coding abilities, but taking a game, working off of it, and selling it is known as plagiarism.

Definition of plagiarize:

Main Entry: pla·gia·rize
Pronunciation: 'plA-j&-"rIz
Function: verb
definition: to steal and pass off as one's own : use without crediting the source
intransitive senses
: present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source

If you have made a game off of someone elses, please rid of it. I believe it would be better for the whole BYOND community.

Thanks for reading, -=Dracon=-

::edit:: What are your views on plagiarism?
We've been through this a number of times. Seeing as I have only killed or converted 1/2 the DBZer population, it's not going to work. We gotta wait for them to [hehe, not forum-like contact me if you want to know what goes here]

In response to Sariat
Yeah... guess we'll have to wait for them to mature... or.. :: pulls a gun from his trench coat, and quickly puts it back in ::
In response to Dracon
Wow, Dracon said the M word while having a form convo with Sariat, this must be a sign of the apocalypse!

My view on plagiarism:

It seems that almost all people on BYOND do not understand what plagiarism is, or deny doing it.
In response to Lesbian Assassin
Ah, I'm glad you agree :oD
In response to Kusanagi
Only if some kind of monkey is involved... (psst, there's your cue!)
In response to Dracon
No using my smileys.
You realize, If you were actually responsible toward your works and didnt distribute them to the average Joe Shmoe or Jane Doe, plagerism aside from story wouldnt be a problem?
(An original storyline is uncommon in today's world)
The same thing has happened to me recently with an old game, But constant complaining wont get you anything aside from alot of negative remarks and a title of being obnoxiously persistant, and again I apologize for my old game leaking throughout the community as I trusted a friend with it without thought of a backstab, and realizing I can do no more, I will just let it work out.

I will end my comments here to prevent any flaming from my side.


P.S: I understand your thoughts chris, as one should never have to witness the murder of their children. (Not in a literal sense)

In response to NeoHaxor
What about the average Hobo Dan?
In response to Sariat
Hobo Tom beat him up, remember?
In response to Foomer
Foomer wrote:
Hobo Tom beat him up, remember?

Hobo Dan 0wned Hobo Tom.
In response to Sariat
Well -- Hobo Dan makes a hobo living, while Hobo Tom gets a sub-hobo's wages. That means that Hobo Dan is hobo-fed, while Hobo Tom is sub-hobo-fed. But Hobo Tom goes on hobo bike rides with Hobo Mike, so Hobo Tom is hobo strong. It's a close hobo match for sure.
I think the reason kids -- and adults -- have no compunction about committing certain obviously immoral acts (such as plagiarism, and napstering) is simply because the consequences are so distant to nonexistent.

The consequences are there if you plagiarize for a school paper: you can get an F on the paper, an F in the class or even be expelled from the school. And rates of plagiarism in school papers vary according to the perceived likelihood of getting caught, but I don't think they're particularly high anywhere.

But if the only consequences were that (1) You might learn less if you copy from someone else, and (2) You might offend an author you've never met and who might be long dead, the rates would soar.

"Napstering" music: who does this? I do it. In many cases, it's against my ethics, yet the consequences are hugely distant or nonexistent. Most importantly, my favorite singers are not going to stop putting material out, and nothing is going to happen to ME at all. In the meantime it saves me money. So it's very hard to resist.

When the author or musician speaks up, that can change things a little. It won't keep everyone from plagiarizing or downloading music, but it will stop many of those who justified their actions with the impression that plagiarism or downloading was no big deal to the creator of the work.

Is is important to complain when someone's doing something you don't like. The effectiveness of the complaint depends on a lot of things, including how you word it, of course.

In response to NeoHaxor
Ken, of all people, you are to complain about my complaining? There is a difference between distributing my work, and having it stolen. For it was you that caused the "Dragonball Genesis" epidemic. So this must make you an average Joe Shmoe? Nah, you are one of the creeps in the world that gave my game to random people. Tsk, tsk.

But when Dragonball Zeta was stolen, it was not one bit my fault. It was stolen by Migzor, for he posed as my mapper and retrieved it.

So, Ken, you're one to speak of responsibility? Before telling other people to get responsibility, learn some yourself.


::edit:: (Note to Ken) Find out the real truth before shooting off your loud mouth.
In response to Spuzzum
Not THAT Tom and not THAT Dan.

I'm talking about another Dan... Hobo Dan.
In response to Zilal
Thank you Zilal for sharing your truthful opinion. I fully agree with you. (except "Napstering Music" doesn't really fit in with my topic of plagiarism, but it is a good example :oP)
In response to Sariat
Alot of famous hobo's around I see.

<font color = red> Young Blood
In response to Dracon
I find it pretty humerous that you think it was me that distributed your pathetic genesis code. When in all fact I was disgusted with it and passed it on to SSJRadditz with your permission included, that being the end of it.

Also, I am not complaining, I am helping you realize that your worthless rants are just that, worthless. and as for zeta, get some background on someone your trusting with your source.

And Im sorry you found this as a flame against you, as It was not meant to be, but yours seemed an all out offense on me for your own misunderstanding.


P.S: I still think you look like one of the osbornes.
In response to Sariat
So was I. Hobo Tom and Hobo Dan. Hobo Tom survives on hobo cheeseburgers, and Hobo Dan has a Hobo Wife and Hobo Kid.
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