In response to Gakumerasara
If these big companies offered alternative purchasing, there would be less people stealing on the internet, funny how christians themselves would sin for a song theft is theft, plain and simple. now dont get me wrong, im just slapping at the religious people because they are being hypocrits.

Repenting isnt true unless its meant, to mean it would be the honest atonement where you wish never to do it again. not because of the consequences but out of free will.
In response to Stimulus
your a clown.

freedom of speach, im allowed to say anything if its true.

How are you being a clown?

your making a spectacle of yourself in front of others to get a reaction. thats what clowns do. The big red nose is just because your sloshed
In response to Dareb
Ummm...Dareb...if you release your games how is it gonna be stolen unless you give out your source? But idea wise, no matter how long you wait, your ideas will be stolen by someone, or maybe someone would have the same idea but be a little slower in coding so their came will come out after yours, but either way you'll just have to live with it.
In response to Stimulus
true, true, but id rather wait, i have other things to do that are more important.

Like working with my father to complete my huge complicated story. In a simple short summary I believe its worth the title of Final Fantasy.

ive been working hard on it for the last 5 years and would rather have that finished before I even start working on Byond games. But I'm a huge procrastinator
In response to Dareb
If these big companies offered alternative purchasing, there would be less people stealing on the internet, funny how christians themselves would sin for a song theft is theft, plain and simple. now dont get me wrong, im just slapping at the religious people because they are being hypocrits.

Who ever said anything about being Christian? - certainly not me o.O

Repenting isnt true unless its meant, to mean it would be the honest atonement where you wish never to do it again. not because of the consequences but out of free will.

I never said anything about repenting either; I will continue to download music as I have for as long as necessary.
In response to Dareb
Dareb wrote:
your a clown.

freedom of speach, im allowed to say anything if its true.

How are you being a clown?

your making a spectacle of yourself in front of others to get a reaction. thats what clowns do.

Hmmmm...first of all I saw a picture of Chris already and in my opinion he kinda does look that way (yet again no offense).

Secondly, "The big red nose is just because your sloshed", comment must be a FAILED attempt at humor because you have never seen me in real life, so next time you make a joke about someone, make sure its atleast funny.
In response to Gakumerasara
you reply to my statement as if it were aimed at you :)

i was only stating that part to the religious types who go against the teachings they claim to hold faith to.

Is it wrong in regards to society? yeah, a little. but your not hurting the music companies by much, they are still making a profit. And the bands you love so much make their money from tours.. they get very little from record companies.
In response to Stimulus
there would be many that would find that humorous.
In response to Dareb
Dareb: When you have a minute, I'd like to talk to you about something on pager.
In response to Gakumerasara
unfortunately during the move the dying computers video card crapped out. And since that has all my byond stuff on it I wont be on for at least a month.

email me at [email protected]
In response to Dareb
done and done
In response to Dareb
Go easy on those jabs dareb, save them for the illiterate children of England.

Also, clowns kick ass you circuphobic bastage! And dont go making jabs at my friend (Unless you can provide some actual humor) or I will poke your dog in the eye with a marshmellow roasting stick.

In response to Dareb
Ok dareb, this being the centillionth time that you have tried to argue this point after the rest of the community has corrected you has made me view you as stupid.

And if you dont know Stupidity is defined as doing something over and over, while expecting a different result.

Dan and/or Tom may have the power, yes, however they dont have the time nor unhumanly amount of patience it would require them to browse their entire stock of games and delete each one single handed. This, my friend, would also require them testing each game to see if it is a rip off of Dracon (Or anyone's) game, and Im telling you it isnt possible. It is the literal needle in a haystack. It is impossible and therefore will never be accomplished.

But if you realize that people were more responsible for their own items this would have never happened. I hear people constantly saying "But what if there is a Haxor!?" well trust me friend, there isnt, No one in their right minds would attempt to learn this difficult and time-taking procedure just to get a poor excuse for a video game. Close to nothing on BYOND is worth this effort.

So please, stop your ranting because you have now have been dubbed "Dareb: The Obnoxiously Persistant"


P.S:Please dont argue without any physical and realistic proof against my statements.
In response to NeoHaxor
go ahead stay-pufft
In response to NeoHaxor
Dan and/or Tom may have the power, yes, however they dont have the time nor unhumanly amount of patience it would require them to browse their entire stock of games and delete each one single handed.

This is the key point in your argument.. but to me, it sounds like an excuse..

If dantom doesnt have that time they could very well have other people they trust do it for them. thats possible and you know it. its common sense and I dont see why I should have to go into deep description of how THEY should be handling things.
In response to Dareb
Dareb wrote:
people saying they "try before they buy" excuse wont work anymore. If they live in a half decent city there will be a music store that has previews where you can listen to a cd before buying.

Not all CDs are available to preview (except a select few), and this requires a separate trip.

I wouldn't call this so much an "excuse", because that implies it's not valid and it's just a flimsy reason given out to uphold a weak argument. (You know, like saying Oxford is the only correct dictionary and then not checking it.) Preview is plenty valid in an information market, just as browsing books is legal.
Here's one to puzzle over: If I download a 2-page excerpt from a book, am I stealing?

but If you do live in a backwater city by all means go nuts. its still theft in gods eyes.

*when did i realize i was god?*
* I was praying and suddenly realized I was talking to myself*

All accusations of megalomania aside (actually I'm more inclined to think it's narcissism), you basically just stepped on that point. What you meant is that it's theft in your eyes. However, we've established that your views on copyright law are shared only by the RIAA, MPAA, and Fritz Hollings (D-NC). They bear no resemblance to the actual practice of Fair Use.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
I never said oxford is the only correct dictionary, I said its the only one I trust.
In response to Dareb
just put your foot down and demand that dantom do something, its that simple, they are saying they arent responsible for everything yet they are the only ones who can end this. Its because of that very fact that they are the only means to an end that they are then forced into responsibility no matter how much they may refute.

In response to Dareb
Dareb wrote:
If these big companies offered alternative purchasing, there would be less people stealing on the internet, funny how christians themselves would sin for a song theft is theft, plain and simple. now dont get me wrong, im just slapping at the religious people because they are being hypocrits.

Repenting isnt true unless its meant, to mean it would be the honest atonement where you wish never to do it again. not because of the consequences but out of free will.

The fact that someone does not subscribe to your particularly narrow definition of Fair Use doesn't make them any kind of hypocrite unless they happen to be defending it. As I already said, I have no truck with just downloading an entire CD (except for preview); if you're gonna do that, just buy it. The law already protects copying cassettes; the only reason there's any kind of gray area is because MP3s are digital.

Lummox JR
In response to Dareb

Just because they may have the power doesn't mean they have the responsibility. Dan and Tom are the only ones who can transfer everyone's dimes into my account. Since they're the only ones with this power, they are obligated to do so?

As for the example of the mechanic... Dan and Tom didn't go into Dracon's computer and fiddle around with his code against his will. They did nothing with his code, against his will or not.

To use another example, most warrantees are voided if you open up the case of whatever's under warranty, add non-standard parts, etc., because doing these things makes it doubtful that the supplier is at fault if something goes wrong. Dantom is responsible for the security of information stored on their sight... it is "under warranty." Dracon chose to pass his code out, effectively breaking the seal.

To use another example, in Hedgerow Hall, your burrow is totally secure and totally safe, because as long as you keep the main door closed, no one can get into it under any circumstances. I don't code in any movement powers without making an exception for closed burrows, and anyone who finds a way around this without immediately reporting the bug will be expelled for cheating. I as maker am responsible for the safety of a closed burrow, since I have guaranteed its safety. If you choose to open the door, though, even if it's just for a second to let a friend in, all bets are off. That friend may be helping someone else slip in, someone might slip in invisibly, etc. Therefore, if someone makes it inside your opened burrow and robs you blind, I am not responsible. Dracon "opened his burrow."

Since you're into the whole God thing, I'll ask "Where were you when Dantom brought forth the atoms from the datums?" Dracon wouldn't be able to make code and icons to even be stolen if Dan and Tom hadn't made BYOND, so anything he gets from it is a blessing and he should not ask for more. Just like God, Dan and Tom have given us free will to do with the creation of BYOND what we will... just like real life, this makes us responsible for our own actions.
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