In response to Dareb
Dareb wrote:
Dan and/or Tom may have the power, yes, however they dont have the time nor unhumanly amount of patience it would require them to browse their entire stock of games and delete each one single handed.

This is the key point in your argument.. but to me, it sounds like an excuse..

It's not, and we've explained this to you a million times. NeoHaxor hit right on the head with what he said: You've brought this point up on every thread that touches on rips, and you've been refuted solidly every single frelling time.

Until I saw that Lexy and Guy had responded to this thread, or NeoHaxor's entirely correct (if somewhat disparaging) response, I was prepared to delete your post without comment. You have nothing to say on this that you haven't said literally hundreds of times, and your point has been struck down every one of those times.

You're not allowed to pontificate on this subject anymore. We all know you feel Dantom should be doing more to stop rips. They can't; you won't accept the reasons why, but that doesn't stop them from being true, and you from being wrong. So stop cluttering up the forums and wasting our time with this garbage.

If dantom doesnt have that time they could very well have other people they trust do it for them. thats possible and you know it. its common sense and I dont see why I should have to go into deep description of how THEY should be handling things.

This approach works for forum moderation, but game rips are a whole other animal. The amount of time and effort needed to invest in preventing rips would soon go well beyond (and may already be beyond) what even a staff of volunteers would be able to put in, and Dantom certainly can't afford to spend money to hire people to deal with it, either. Figuring out which games are rips and which aren't would be nigh impossible, and it's pointless to even try.

You say "thats [sic] possible and you know it", but the only thing that's possible about this is that they can probably get people to help out with various aspects of the hub, as they've done with forum moderation; saying it's possible to actually police the rips is to ignore reality. Some could be caught, sure, but others might be too well disguised, yet still be rips. This would require people to have seen the original game, and be able to compare it to the ripped versions--which would also require logging into any of those games that might appear. Good luck getting (trustworthy) volunteers to spend their free hours logging into every DBZ game that appears on the hub. It ain't gonna happen.

Most of the blame for rips falls on the idiots using the code, and the people who are naive enough to release it (accidentally or otherwise) in the first place. And the copyright issues you claim have legal standing don't really apply to the situation embodied in game rips. So essentially, this is a low-grade problem, mostly an annoyance for the original authors--who should somewhat blame themselves--and for people who are fed up with seeing all the rips (or alleged rips, or people complaining about the alleged rips) around.

You're ascribing legal significance to a minor problem that has none. You're assigning obligation to Dantom where none exists. And no amount of reasoning has sufficed to shake your belief that you're right. Well, you're entitled to be wrong, and to stand by a wrong point of view, but you're not entitled to prattle on about it a thousand times on these forums. You've had your say and you were trounced, over and over again, and it's finished now.

Lummox JR
In response to Dareb
Dareb wrote:
just put your foot down and demand that dantom do something, its that simple, they are saying they arent responsible for everything yet they are the only ones who can end this. Its because of that very fact that they are the only means to an end that they are then forced into responsibility no matter how much they may refute.

That responsibility exists only in your own mind. There is no such obligation on Dantom, nor should there be. The reasons are many and overwhelming, and I will not list them again here. You've heard them all before, and brushed them aside. You're wrong, and you've been told that time and again.

For example.. You bring a car into a mechanics shop, you both agree that its a simple check-up. Yet when you come back they say that your car MUST have an oil change, new radiators, new brakes and whatnot. If they have already begun working on your car without your permission they are responsible for covering their own expenses.

This may seem dissimilar but it is very much alike.

If one abandons all concept of logic and the ability to make a remotely sensible analogy, yes, this could be seen as a similar case.

Dantom aren't "working on" anything here without permission. They're not changing the terms of an agreement (their policy is quite clear), and they're not providing a paid service. If they were providing a paid service, this still wouldn't translate to them being responsible for policing rips. The only way that responsibility can be pinned on them is if they claimed it in the first place. They didn't.

People can send out all the disclaimers they want, but dantoms disclaimer is a ridiculous one. it cannot be heeded.

By you, anyway.
But then, you haven't heeded anything else on this subject, like the myriad arguments undercutting your position. Your point has been restated many times but it's been shredded to death every time. That doesn't stop you from repeating it, because you won't listen to reason.

Like a beware of dog sign on your front door, yet the dog is tied out front and is quite violent. People are entitled to go up to anybodies door unless its private, So if that dog nips them or hurts them, guess whos responsible.. thats right, the owner.

Also nothing like an analogy to this situation. Unless you're trying to claim all disclaimers are invalid, which your analogy by no means proves, I don't see where you're going with this.

Now all this is not to say that dantom isnt doing good, They are pushing themselves to the limit and sometimes further for byond. Ultimately its important that you never get into a position that dracon is in, yes he got himself into this by his trust in people but now hes putting his foot down, the rippers must give up.

Under what authority?
No, don't answer that. It's a rhetorical question. I know your answer, that the law compels Dantom to act on this, but you're wrong. We've told you why many, many, many times. So don't bother to answer that one, for the love of all that is good and decent.

If dracon were to bring this to court he would win.

If you ever take a bar exam, please send me your results. I could use the laugh.

Dracon could show no monetary damages of any kind, nor even significant intangible damages. This isn't, after all, a work he'd have any right to make significant money on. Nor has it been plagiarized, precisely, because it's widely acknowledged that he wrote the original; however I'm not sure, and somewhat doubt, plagiarism is even actionable in the first place. Furthermore, because this is a fan game and based on someone else's intellectual property, it's doubtful he'd even have standing for a suit. And if he did manage to get this into court, any lawyer worth their salt would counter it with the argument that a fan game author complaining about near-clones of his game running amuck is tantamount to hypocrisy. No such lawsuit stands even a prayer in court.

Gads, Dareb. How many times do we have to tell you you don't know what you're talking about? Leave this subject alone.

Lummox JR
In response to Dareb
Dareb wrote:
your a clown.

freedom of speach, im allowed to say anything if its true.

Privately owned forum; they're allowed to set the rules, and decide what you are and aren't allowed to say. And one of those rules is that you don't just go attacking other users.

Freedom of speech is a right concerning public speech (or speech in your own home or domain), as a matter of law. That is, it's illegal to create a law outlawing specific kinds of speech, except within strict limits like libel issues. That doesn't mean you don't have the right to decide to throw someone out of your house--or place of business--if you don't like what they say. It does mean that you don't have the right to imprison people for the offense. Dantom provide these forums to the community and we're guests here; you have the option of using other forums or none at all if you prefer. Therefore, "freedom of speech" does not exist as such here; it's not just some phrase that can be applied to anything, but a term--with specific meaning--referring to one aspect of our system of law. Your freedom of speech, as a matter of right, rests in your right to choose whether to post here and be subject to Dantom's rules, or not post here at all.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
I think you failed to see the concept of what I wrote, i was showing my predecessor that what he did was no less insultive. If you wish to complain about how I wrote that please refer to previous posts instead of just targeting mine ,please
In response to Dareb
Dareb wrote:
I think you failed to see the concept of what I wrote, i was showing my predecessor that what he did was no less insultive. If you wish to complain about how I wrote that please refer to previous posts instead of just targeting mine ,please

Ah. I missed the freedom of speech comment in Stimulus's post. I stand corrected.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
How much do you think Id have to donate to dantom before I had any say in this matter?
In response to Dareb
Dareb wrote:
How much do you think Id have to donate to dantom before I had any say in this matter?

You would have to be Dantom to have any say in the matter. The responsibility is only theirs if they choose to accept it.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox Jr. Although I like reading your statements and counters, they are just too long and (eak)!

Yes, we all know you have an extended vocabulary, but please man, If you wanna write a book, send it to scholastic. They publish everything.

In response to NeoHaxor
NeoHaxor wrote:
Lummox Jr. Although I like reading your statements and counters, they are just too long and (eak)!

Wordiness can be a problem for me. Fortunately, I don't think I'll be having these discussions anymore.

And it's JR, not Jr.

Lummox JR
In response to Dareb
What was the point of pointing out Christians? I mean, you would never point out something bad about Jewish people would you? How about Muslims? Oh no, you have to point out something bad about the most ridiculed religion, yet one of the more popular ones, maybe if you knew more about the religion you wouldn't be so harsh to it. I was at one time a Christian, I know what it's belief system is and what you said above was totally wrong considering most Christians(Ones that are deeply involved) don't even use the internet unless it is absolutely needes for buisness or something like that, the rest of the Christians are usually just put into it by their parents, and since they have never said they were definately going to follow the 10 commandments perfectly and never steal or cheat or lie, if they said they would never lie then they would be lieing, because the belief system in that religion is that humans aren't perfect, so by downloading music it is totally justifiable since it's caused by human error and want. What I don't get is how you hate everything that is different from what you believe, thats how the KKK thinks you know, do you want the KKK to be your leader and to make your choices?

In response to Zilal
"Napstering" music: who does this? I do it. In many cases, it's against my ethics, yet the consequences are hugely distant or nonexistent. Most importantly, my favorite singers are not going to stop putting material out, and nothing is going to happen to ME at all. In the meantime it saves me money. So it's very hard to resist.

I really dont listen to music much, do you want to pay 30 or 40 bucks for some crap cd, they put the prices way to high, thats why people napster, if they were about 5 to 10 loads of people wouldnt use napster.
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