Some AMERICANS want to remember! It does no good to let history remain forgotten. Maybe if you were American you would relize. It's not just my grief and anger at the terrorism its AMERICA'S! And you know something? If you were to lose a family member I would sure as hell feel bad for you.
Again, I'm just playing devil's advocate -- I'm more on your side than on Hutchy's.
The point is, I doubt Japan thought much of a threat along the lines of "We will destroy Hiroshima and Nagasaki with our new bombs". The world's leaders have a flair for exaggeration, and considering the technologies that were employed during the Pacific Front wars, Japan had no reason to assume that the bombing raids would be anything more than high-explosive cluster bombs or something like that. Costwise, it would be less expensive to repair the damage from bombing raids than it would be to evacuate two entire cities. The bombs were, to say the least, one heck of a lot more powerful than Japan (or even the Americans) expected. The second point is that it takes a lot of nerve to drop a bomb on a city you know to be populated. |
In case you couldn't tell, I was defending your argument, even though I support the other side in this. (That's what playing devil's advocate is, if you weren't aware.)
And yes, I'm aware that the pilot of the Enola Gay committed suicide. |
Three things:
One, almost every part of America, and most of Canada, feels that the tragedy of September 11th is not the sort of thing that you just pray quietly about in your bedroom. Two, what the heck does Dragon Ball have to do with this argument? Three, if this flaming continues, this thread and its related threads might have to be closed. |
Yes that's probably correct. But they DID have fair enough warning. After the first bomb was dropped they should have evacuated ALL the major cities. But that's not the point here. The tragic events of 9/11 are. They attacked symbols of America's power in cowardly acts. Where is in Nogasoki and Hiroshima it may have still been Civilians, but with all warning given.
(And I think America DID know the power of them...they wouldn't drop a bomb without testing it would they?) ::DBHavenMaster:: |
I doubt the flaming will continue. I will proceed to ignore Hutchy and his highly offensive comments. There is no reason this thread should be closed. Anyway the song is being uploaded as I type this and soon will be avaliable for free download on the hub.
::DBHavenMaster:: |
And they do think its the sort of thing you should start a forum topic about get real! (One thing you need to figure out about how the reply with quote works is that you don't put the carets in front of your speech. You're supposed to separate what you say from what they say.) Do you mean to say that if the Tower of London were suddenly decimated by a missile strike from a Russian terrorist faction, it wouldn't be forum-worthy? If he is a DBZer it would explain alot As far as quality of arguments have gone, his are a lot less prejudicial and crude that yours. Three, if this flaming continues, this thread and its related threads might have to be closed.Good idea Or, the more discrete thing: preventing you from posting on this thread. |
DBHavenMaster wrote:
Yes that's probably correct. But they DID have fair enough warning. After the first bomb was dropped they should have evacuated ALL the major cities. But that's not the point here. The tragic events of 9/11 are. They attacked symbols of America's power in cowardly acts. Where is in Nogasoki and Hiroshima it may have still been Civilians, but with all warning given.Actually they did quite a lot of testing. They did even had a bet going on of how powerful it would be during the first bet. The one who won was a visiting scientist, he won because he wanted to flatter them with an impressively high number. The second closest only guessed about half the strength of the bomb. By the way, the bombing was not realy needed. Japan was almost beaten anyway. The world of science tried to stop the military from using the bomb, but it was no use. The military leaders only replied "if we got it we will use it". All they archieved was to make them use the bomb on some smaller targets than they first wanted. Their first choice was Tokyo. |
Spuzzum wrote:
Well, in all fairness, Americans have done a fair amount of international bigotry themselves. Canadians are welcomed with open arms all across the globe, but most people don't like Americans as much. Well, that might have something to do with the fact that the three guys who make up the entire Canadian army are too busy defending the homeland to stick their noses in the business of other people around the world :P |
Gughunter wrote:
Spuzzum wrote:You said it yourself the GOVERNMENT needed a slap in the face. If there was to be an attack why not on the GOVERNMENT the civilians were just like you and me and most had nothing to do with politics and frankly weren't involved with the United States leadership. So if those terrorists want to continue there evil acts on innocent victoms than I think a lot of people would enjoy seeing them burn in hell. ::DBHavenMaster:: |
Hutchy2k1 wrote:
Yeah silence me good idea, what are you come kind of Gastapo you dont like my opinion so you get rid of it bright idea. Hutchy, Spuzzum's not by a long shot the only person who thinks you're out of line with your comments. I in particular think your comments have been fairly rude, offensive, and obnoxious in most of the threads you've touched over the last several days, not just this one. Please tone it down. Lummox JR |
Three, if this flaming continues, this thread and its related threads might have to be closed.Good idea That sounds good :) ::DBHavenMaster:: |
Hutchy2k1 wrote:
What other threads? Can i see some evidence? Here's a good one: id:128968 Lummox JR |
Who would have seen that Hutchy? It wasn't the thread you started 10 minutes ago was it? Nah...couldn't be...
::DBHavenMaster:: |
Da_Rusho i didnt really understand your post but anyway....The United Kingdom also mourned the attacks of 9-11-01. There was a ceremony at St Pauls Cathedral in London and a rememberence gathering out side the US Embassy in London. The UK greatly aids the US.
We Will Remember 9-11-01 |
Gojira wrote:
The United Kingdom also mourned the attacks of 9-11-01. There was a ceremony at St Pauls Cathedral in London and a rememberence gathering out side the US Embassy in London. The UK greatly aids the US. I thought this was pretty neat: |
[link deleted] Please be aware that it is somewhat a country song but emotional none the less! (About 4.5 megs in size, MP3 format)
::DBHavenMaster:: |
I'm not sure it's right to use Dantom's space to host a song, I am pretty sure though about his space being used for BYOND related things only, and just because it's 9/11 and thats an American song does not make it right to use up BYOND's valuable space. If you want to get people to download a song then set up your own website and host it from there please.
<<>>Kusanagi<<>> |
The citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were warned via Radio Address. It was there own fault that they were stubborn enough to ignore that. But in 9-11's case civillians had no forwarning on the attack to come. Atleast Japan had an idea.