on HUB it says never ever submit UNFINISHED games....
but how much is considered playable or finished?
My RPG so far has one town, one castle, and couple enemy, 2quests, lots of civilians....

can I submit this yet? :|
Depends. Is it complete? Does it have enough game systems to be totally playable? If not, you might not want to release it... it gives it a feeling like you're "done with it", and you won't really want to work on making it better the same way you did before.

Looking at games like the new FQO (some of you have seen it, some havn't... Darkness should release some screen shots!) and Hedgerow Hall, you see very finished games. You don't have to go that far before you release your game, but you should have enough done so that a person can play your game for hours without getting bored.

When you bake a cake, at what point do you consider the cake to be done? Is it done after you mix the ingredients? Is it done after you bake it in the oven? Is it done after you add the frosting? Is it done after you add the decorations?

Answer is, it all depends on the cake. But really, it shouldn't be hard to use common sense to decide whether your game is finished or not. Usually, when the game is at the point where there is nothing that NEEDS to be improved, it functions the way it was intended to, and is reasonably bug free, then it can be considered done.
In response to Lord of Water
Lord of Water wrote:
you should have enough done so that a person can play your game for hours without getting bored.

That doesn't apply to all forms of games though, mostly just RPG-style or adventure games. Most people, for example, aren't going to play Chess for hours without getting bored.
In response to Foomer
Coo..and yes mine is RPG, and I doubt its gonna last for even an hour yet...

I'll keep working on it,
