Since I first started on BYOND, my graphical abilities have gotten extremely better! I've tried 3d modeling, and failed... so I think I'll just stick with 2d art. I am not only doing 32x32 icons, but graphics that are up to 200x200.

So know wha'? Yay me.

(Edit) Not to brag or anything, but I believe I'm one of the top 5 graphical artists on BYOND :-P
Dracon wrote:
(Edit) Not to brag or anything, but I believe I'm one of the top 5 graphical artists on BYOND :-P

In response to SilkWizard
Ya' know, jus'... jus' Wow.

Hey, isn't that considered spamming? SPAM!! We got a code red, code red! Release the mole people!!

Besides, "Wow." isn't even a sentance... it's a single interjection....

(edit) That annoys me when people reply with a single "lol" or "Wow."
(edit two) ::hugs SilkWizard:: awwww....
I know I gotta be in there somewhere, I know my characters arent the best, but Im killer with objects of any types.

(Note)Not to brag, but Its been a while scince ive brought up a trace of ego.

In response to Dracon
It's great and all that you think you are a good artist, however...

Spam is not one line or one word. It is millions upon millions of lines used to clog up a network or maybe even crash it. "Wow." is hardly spam. "Wow." 9 million times is spam.
In response to NeoHaxor
Hell, Ken, you have got to be on the top 5 somewhere. We are both really good with graphics... 'cept you haven't seen my graphics lately, and I haven't seen yours. A battle of graphics I say!
In response to Mertek
Ohhh...okay... I still think it's annoying :-p
In response to Dracon
And no cheesy 32 x 32 graphics either. Scince my first out-of-byond alien guy I made during the contest with Fuz' Ive gotten really good. Give me until 3 - 4 when I am at home, then we'll begin over aim.

May the best man win.


*Writes "Dracon" on the ground in front of him and begins digging a 6 ft. hole*
In response to Mertek
The length of the message does not determine whether or not it is spam. (Although, the lengthy ones are more likely to get someone banned.) "Me too" and "lol" posts donate little for conversations, but they do add up and waste server space. I don't have much of an opinion on the "wow" post. However, the majority of single word posts are indeed spam.
In response to NeoHaxor
i quote neo haxxor "fuz was too insecure to do it in 32x32"
lets hope this doesnt have anything to do with the sprites you bought from me O.-
In response to NeoHaxor
NeoHaxor wrote:
I know I gotta be in there somewhere, I know my characters arent the best, but Im killer with objects of any types.

(Note)Not to brag, but Its been a while scince ive brought up a trace of ego.


In response to FuZzY DiCe
That was a while ago... besides, I'm talking about bigger-than-icon sized graphics.
In response to FuZzY DiCe
I would let him do it in 32 x 32, but I have to give him some chance at winning. :-)


'Wha'dda pal, whadda pal-whadda pal, whadda paaal'
In response to NeoHaxor
ooooooook whatever...
In response to Dracon
like that one you made before...
i know this dude named drew tran who could own all of you...yeah no it

p.s. fuzz is pretty good too, i think you should all realize that
In response to Neptunes
I love how people assume that their friends are the best without any background on the competitors. Anyway, people graphics are boring to me, I would easily challenge anyone to an item drawing challenge, like swords and the such in 2D.

In response to Neptunes
Best Artists

1 FuZzY dIcE
2 dunno
3 dunno
4 dunno
5 dunno
In response to NeoHaxor
oh yeah items are hard...
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