Okay, Im trying to make a basic Ki Attack (Dont make any comments about DBZ, or I'll KameHame-Ha you... Grrr...)
but I cant figure out how to do one thing : Divide.

So I have my verb, Ki_Blast, blah blah blah...
So I get to 'var/damage' and I decide to make it so the attack takes a fourth of your 'PL' and then later doubles it for the damage...
My problem lies in the fact that I dont know what the division symbol is.
Division symbol is '/' I believe.
In response to Mertek
Okay... This is what I've got...

Ki_Blast(mob/M as mob in oview())
set category = "Combat"
view() << "HIIIIIII...."
(error line) var/damage = 1/2 usr.PL + rand(0,50)
view() << "YA!"
if(damage <= 0)
usr << "[M] dodges your blast!"
oview() << "[M] dodges [src]'s blast!"
M.HP -= damage
(error line) usr.PL -= 1/4 usr.PL
view() << "[M] is hit by [src]'s Ki Blast!"

Then I get two errors, both, coincidentally, where the '/' is used... :( usr: Expected end of statement usr: Expected end of statement
In response to Gathin
It is a coincidence. The slash was correct. The problem is that multiplication does not just happen between two things typed next to each other.

This is not a legal expression: 1/2 varName

This is: 1/2 * varName

This is more simple: varName/2
In response to ACWraith
Umm, I solved the problem with a stroke of genius a minute ago... I made it like this :usr.PL -= usr.PL / 4
1/4 usr.PL was just plain stupid of me.
In response to Gathin
why not usr.PL *= 3/4
In response to Garthor
Garthor wrote:
why not usr.PL *= 3/4
Illegal. When you do
usr.PL -= Something
You mean to subtract Something from the current value of usr.PL
-= is the same thing, and = means equals.

I don't really know why they don't have *=, but you really don't need += or -=

myvar += 55
is the same as:
mayvar = myvar+55

Except it is longer.
In response to Nova2000
Gee, that's funny, because last I checked, it not only worked, but was in the reference. I don't see why you're explaining how += and -= work to me, either. Also, += and -= are features of all (as far as I know) programming language. Last I checked, Dan and Tom weren't needlessly chopping off features of C++.
In response to Garthor
Garthor wrote:
Also, += and -= are features of all (as far as I know) programming language.

Well, that's not really true... Visual Basic doesn't. But I assume you meant proper programming languages, so in that case you would be correct. :P