Well I dislike Sqaure because they call thier games role playing games despite that is the worst genre to call thier games. Roleplaying is taking a faceless character then comming up with a personality for them then actting it out. Since you don't have one character that represents you as the player in most thier games they can't even come close to qualifying as role playing games. All the characters personalities are set and they give you no way to deviate on how your characters act so there isn't even a trace of any ability to role play in most thier games. The worst part is why people claim they are RPGs. The people that think they are RPGs think that they are due to thier story. The more story you have generally means the less room you have to roleplay. The important thing is background history and atmosphere since these aid roleplaying not a solid story. In most first person shooters(atleast multiplayer mode or ones with a shallow story) you can role play. You can decide that your character is a kamikazee gernade thrower that likes bright lights. So even a first person shooter has more right to be called an RPG.
But I don't only hate Square for it's genre naming problem. I also dislike the fact that thier games are extremly linear and you spend more time watching the game than playing the game. Gameplay should definantly be the prime focus when making a game but for some reason with each new FF release there is less and less actual time in which you spend playing the game. And if you break the game down and see what the gameplay is it's mostly combat and inventory managment. Combat is no where near challanging and inventory management is just tedious.
It's pretty sad that Square can keep pulling off these games and keep making money just off the name alone.
certainly not because of their colaboration with square...and i guess your gonna get mickeys magical mirror now...right?
Theodis wrote:
Well I dislike Sqaure because they call thier games role playing games despite that is the worst genre to call thier games. Roleplaying is taking a faceless character then comming up with a personality for them then actting it out. Since you don't have one character that represents you as the player in most thier games they can't even come close to qualifying as role playing games. All the characters personalities are set and they give you no way to deviate on how your characters act so there isn't even a trace of any ability to role play in most thier games. The worst part is why people claim they are RPGs. The people that think they are RPGs think that they are due to thier story. The more story you have generally means the less room you have to roleplay. The important thing is background history and atmosphere since these aid roleplaying not a solid story. In most first person shooters(atleast multiplayer mode or ones with a shallow story) you can role play. You can decide that your character is a kamikazee gernade thrower that likes bright lights. So even a first person shooter has more right to be called an RPG. Yeah i agree, i once played ff8 and about 5 minutes through i got bored, because of random battles, item managment etc. The stupid thing is in FF10 or 9 where they have some sort of board thing which has like all your techniques, and its massive, thats just stupid, who would want that many thecniuqes in a game. Also trying to revamp FF6, 5 and so on is just stupid because all thats doing is squeqzing more money out them. i wish square would stop making the same style games and instead make something new or just stop outright. |
Yeah i agree, i once played ff8 and about 5 minutes through i got bored, because of random battles, item managment etc. The stupid thing is in FF10 or 9 where they have some sort of board thing which has like all your techniques, and its massive, thats just stupid, who would want that many thecniuqes in a game. Also trying to revamp FF6, 5 and so on is just stupid because all thats doing is squeqzing more money out them. i wish square would stop making the same style games and instead make something new or just stop outright. Well as long as they keep getting funded I'm sure they'll never see the need to change what they are doing. But the easy solution to avoid annoyance is just avoid anything that Squaresoft makes since they seem to have lost the concept of gameplay. And I'm sure it'll only get worse to the point where they just make long movies that make Titanic look like as commercial break. |
I personally think Final Fantasy: The Spirit Within is the best game in the series. It really brought the interactivity to whole new levels.
I agree, especially on the home console... Having a pause button to stop the cinemas or a fast forward to skip past them is an excellent addition... The combat controls are a bit lacking, and I could never seem to quite bring the inventory screen up, but all in all, the positives outweigh the negatives...
certainly not because of their colaboration with square...and i guess your gonna get mickeys magical mirror now...right? if the gameplay is good. |
I actually agree on one thing with you, the random combat is getting annoying only because they are increasing it. if you've played chrono trigger/chrono chross, made by square also, they did a fantastic job removing it, so why not do it for FF? Final Fantasy, though, is one of my favorite types because no two games in the series are the same, besides chocobos. They always change the plot, character, and lands bringing something differant. I thought the movie kinda was ok, but it was too boring, too futuristic even if some other final fantasies are like it, they all have sword combat and weren't that futuristic. FF9 is pretty good, basicly it's a summary of all of the ones before 10, and some things you spot (obvious one: vivi=black mage from ff1, princess escaping in the coat looks=white mage ff1, and theres also a guy in the tavern as soon as you start dressed in red which is just like a red mage in ff1) are from other final fantasies. Also, judging from what you said that they are revamping the others, if you mean like what they did with resident evil for gamecube, I'd definitly buy it. especially if they did ff3 (my favorite) into 3d-ish. I mean, why not buy it? so what if it's the same thing but made better, that's kinda like saying "it's stupid to buy playstation 2 because it's just a better version of playstation one".
But if youve already played ff3 and they revamp to 3d which i doubt they will, you will have already played it which will make it really boring. And they really do overuse chocobos.
But if youve already played ff3 and they revamp to 3d which i doubt they will, you will have already played it which will make it really boring. And they really do overuse chocobos. 1.how will it exactly be boring? You get to see all the attacks, characters, places, ect. in three dimensions. that's like saying why should they make resident evil for gamecube? besides, they will probably add more stuff. 2.Ok, let's see, why would they "overuse" chocobos... maybe, it's because most people think they are cool so they left them in? |
Geo wrote:
But if youve already played ff3 and they revamp to 3d which i doubt they will, you will have already played it which will make it really boring. And they really do overuse chocobos. WHAT IS A FRIKIN CHOCOBO! They are so stupid, they dont do anything ever. And wow 3d attacks its not like you cant play ff8 or 7 and look at them. Seeing half the attacks in the games are the same just with silly names like Firega and Blizzaga, NOW THATS JUST STUPID, naming something and putting ga infront of it, its a waste of time and its stealling the gamecubes profits which it needs! |
1.how will it exactly be boring? You get to see all the attacks, characters, places, ect. in three dimensions. that's like saying why should they make resident evil for gamecube? besides, they will probably add more stuff. New graphics don't make a game anymore fun. If they rereleased any game I liked with new graphics I wouldn't bother if that's all they added. The only reason I would buy a revamped game is if the original game had a lot of replay value and for some reason I couldn't play my old copy(ie a dos game remade for Windows, or an NES remade on a newer system and my NES is broken). Graphics don't make a game fun gameplay does(something which sqauresoft needs to learn how to do right). As far as resident evil for gamecube even if I liked the game I wouldn't buy it for game cube unless the gameplay was enhanced or revamped(and from what I've heard they changed some of the puzzles in the gamecube version and made AI smarter). And Squaresoft adding more stuff? Don't you remember them rereleasing FF4, FF5, FF6, and Chrono Trigger? They only added prerendered animation and a large amount of loading time. They made it worse than it was on the original system! 2.Ok, let's see, why would they "overuse" chocobos... maybe, it's because most people think they are cool so they left them in? Well I think the chocobo thing is just a little thing they like to use just like having Cid in every game. |
WHAT IS A FRIKIN CHOCOBO! They are so stupid, they dont do anything ever. And wow 3d attacks its not like you cant play ff8 or 7 and look at them. Seeing half the attacks in the games are the same just with silly names like Firega and Blizzaga, NOW THATS JUST STUPID, naming something and putting ga infront of it, its a waste of time and its stealling the gamecubes profits which it needs! Well comming up with chocobos as a form of travel is one of the few original things they do for thier background worlds, so I don't think it's too bad of a thing. But I agree with seeing 3D attacks, it's just plain stupid to buy a game you only plan on watching. The whole naming thing is probably some wierd japanese thing which fanatics probably like for some reason. Just like having gil instead of gold. |
Geo wrote:
(I actually enjoyed the Emporers New Groove, despite what people say). The Emperors New Groove is my favourite recent cartoon-style movie. It rules! Heh, the guy gets turned into a llama. Heh, heh. :P |
WHAT IS A FRIKIN CHOCOBO! They are so stupid, they dont do anything ever. And wow 3d attacks its not like you cant play ff8 or 7 and look at them. Seeing half the attacks in the games are the same just with silly names like Firega and Blizzaga, NOW THATS JUST STUPID, naming something and putting ga infront of it, its a waste of time and its stealling the gamecubes profits which it needs! chocobos are a mount. Gamecube is having enough profits from resident evil, super smash brothers melee, animal crossing, super mario sunshine, star fox adventures, and the soon to come mario party 4. So why should all the other consoles bend over and let gamecube rise up? Sure, good console, but not every game is "Gamecube's cash". Don't like the names? Well, what kind of messed up name is Mrhat99au, it doesn't make any sense. Maybe your the 99th male hat from australia? Maybe your age is 99 and your last name is hat? |
Well comming up with chocobos as a form of travel is one of the few original things they do for thier background worlds, so I don't think it's too bad of a thing. But I agree with seeing 3D attacks, it's just plain stupid to buy a game you only plan on watching. The whole naming thing is probably some wierd japanese thing which fanatics probably like for some reason. Just like having gil instead of gold. It's not the attacks worth seeing, it's to see the entire world re-done in better graphics and more detail. I wanted to see the Kefka Tower thing in 3d. if they do remake it, I am almost sure they're going to add stuff anyways and maybe more plot. |
I heard it was a great game, someone from my school is in love with it. From what I've heard the Disney characters are summon spells basically.
Theodis wrote:
Just like having gil instead of gold. Actually gil instead of gold was taken from a game company called Shiroy or something like that, they made a failed game(Don't know the name) that Square had seen some promise in, so Square took rights to their stuff and then basically created a new form of the other company's game. MrHat(Whatever your name is), buisness is buisness so stop crying if Gamecube isn't pulling in enough money, it's their fault they are trying to bring back old characters and aren't making jack from it. Oh, and Theodis to answer your questions, the players of Final Fantasy like it because they like gaining upon the story, each Final Fantasy has a new story which makes it better than the last one for the players, just because you don't like it doesn't mean its a horrible thing. <<>>Kusanagi<<>> |