Hey everyone. Depression has taken over me (yet again), so if I seem a bit down or even angry, thats why.
The doctors think that I may have manic depression... so... yeah
Anyone else get depression that lasts from 2 to 8 days straight? It's quite regular for me :-/
Oct 9 2002, 7:55 am
Oct 9 2002, 10:00 am
Well im one of the few(it seems) that just doesnt get depressed, so im sorry i cant sempithise. I hope you feal better in a few days.
I've had depression for the last six years, which comes and goes in increments of 2-4 weeks. It's because I spend too much time on the darn computer, and can't find anything productive to do instead. Sarcastically speaking, nothing makes me happier than spending hours on end hanging around you people.
Now, if I actually had a reason to be here and was making $60/hour at it, that might be different. |
In response to Scoobert
Scoobert wrote:
Well im one of the few(it seems) that just doesnt get depressed, so im sorry i cant sempithise. I hope you feal better in a few days. Hey, I'm happy for you. Depression is a really, really bad thing in my opinion.. But thanks :-) |
In response to Dracon
I get depressed as well. The computer helps me though, becuase I dont think about it when im playing games.
Im Bipolar so I get depressed kinda every 2 days... I often think of suicide when im depressed I wonder what its like to die kinda like it being a journey...
In response to Scoobert
Count me in that lucky group...
Depression is a foreign concept in my life... So is stress, actually... I really don't let anything get to me... |
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
stress is a diffrent thing to me....i have a little brother!
In response to Sariat
Heh, same here. I may have an "angry" look on my face, but thats normal cause I dont smile at crap. People say "smile!!" but all it does is give you wrinkles, so smile inside....uhhh yea.
In response to Branks
Im the same way, but thats becuase i have big front teath so if i smile i look kinda creepy.
manic depression is when your extremely happy one minute and extremely sad or frustrated the next.
I think your doctor had a minor stroke while on the can before he/she talked to you |
In response to Jacro
My wrists get itchy whenever i hold a knife, also i get urges to smash and slaughter. then my lip curls at the thought of it. Then i shake the thoughts away.
I remind myself that either path i take will result in the same feelings. and then the violent thoughts simply drift away. they barely ever haunt me. |
Dont kill yourself! cause killing yourself would be bad and it would kill your parents and family members if they found out...so dont kill yourself...
In response to FuZzY DiCe
FuZzY DiCe wrote:
Dont kill yourself! Why do you link depression with suicide? Did I ever say I wanted to die? (In the last few months, that is :-P) FuZzY DiCe wrote: killing yourself would be bad and it would kill your parents and family members if they found out... What about my friends? Hehe. You forget that atleast some of us are socially active. |
In response to Dareb
Dareb wrote:
manic depression is when your extremely happy one minute and extremely sad or frustrated the next. Actually the correct term these days is "bipolar disorder", and it doesn't mean that your moods change with the minute. A bipolar person will experience their full swing over about the course of a month or so; so they may be hyper for a week or more, then settle down, then be depressed for a week or more, then pick up, and so on. Several drugs including simple lithium can counteract this swing. The goal of treatment is to keep a person level on the middle ground. Lummox JR |
Someone close to me was diagnosed with bipolar disorder recently. He went through a very rough period of a couple years, involving five or six suicide attempts, before the doctors hit on a medication combination that works for him.
Now the challenge for him is to stay on it. Many people with manic depression truly enjoy their high periods, and once they're on medication, they miss that feeling. Plus there's the fact that it's just irritating to have to take pills every day, and most people would prefer to feel independent rather than dependent on something. I'm glad you're seeing doctors. Try the things they suggest. If they don't work, they don't work. If the meds do work and you feel better, well, taking them for the rest of your life is a small price. You already have to eat and drink to stay alive, why not throw in some pills? And if the meds do work but you miss your former highs, that's an inner argument you'll have to fight. Z |
Dracon wrote:
Hey everyone. Depression has taken over me (yet again), so if I seem a bit down or even angry, thats why. Take a trip to the local library and see if you can borrow a book called "Feeling Good". I think the author's name is Burns. (But whatever you do, don't check out "Feeling Bad"! That one's nothin' but trouble!) |
In response to Scoobert
So you kinda look like Count Chocula?