im trying to make a verb for my DM to be able to change a players var but im not sure how to start
//I nkow I want a msg as text so I can input the new var but I also need to list players in the game curently
could someone please help.
Oct 13 2002, 1:05 pm
In response to Garthor
Garthor wrote:
mob/verb/promote(mob/M,var/Value) that didnt work I also tried this but it didnt work either any other suggestions? verb/promote(mob/M,rank/[msg as text]) M.rank = [msg as text] |
In response to Treasurecat
Try this:
mob/verb/promote(mob/M in world,rank as text) You also want to check to see if M is a valid player etc. |
In response to tenkuu
tenkuu wrote:
Try this: mob/verb/promote(mob/M in world,rank as text) You also want to check to see if M is a valid player etc. thank you that works great. now im trying to add items to players inventory could you give me some pointers on how to do that? |
In response to Treasurecat
var/obj/O = new(src)
M.VAR = Value