You are one popular guy. :)
[link] :)
Plus these:
There are more, but I got tired of looking.
Oct 16 2002, 9:02 am
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
I hate it, I want people to go away. People bring out the worst in me.
In response to Foomer
Yet you're a semi-constant presence on these boards...
I think you like human interaction more than you let |
In response to Foomer
Foomer wrote:
I hate it, I want people to go away. People bring out the worst in me. Somehow I don't think you're quite alone in that regard. |
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
Yes, I'm a social freak who hates having people around. Aint it great?
In response to Foomer
people, may they all burn in hell
In response to Leftley
In my case, I bring out the worst in myself -- other people make me better (after I consume their souls).
Must be nice to be in such high demand...