can someone help me with this:
Donate(N as num)
set category = "Communication"
list("GM Power", "Just For The Hell Of It", "Cancel")
if("GM Power")
alert("Thanks, your dontation has been accepted, plz page me to tell me that you have donated.")
alert("oh well, thanks anyway...")
if("Just For The Hell Of It")
alert("Thanks, your dontation has been accepted. Thanks a lot.")
alert("oh well, thanks anyway...")
loading firstgame.dme proc definition not allowed inside another proc
firstgame.dmb - 5 errors, 0 warnings (double-click on an error to jump to it)
someone plz tell me whats wrong? i used the donating demo code, i just modifyed it.
Oct 22 2002, 5:16 pm
Oct 22 2002, 5:21 pm
Tab your Alerts over
In response to Branks
didnt work... still says the same thing
In response to Aidsteen
You're trying to define a list (and it isn't the proper syntax, anyway), and then act upon it. That does nothing besides generate compiler errors. Use input(). Also, don't let people donate for GM status. It's donation, not buying power so they can make everyone else leave your game in disgust.
In response to Garthor
ok, thanks, ill remove that
In response to Garthor
ok, thanks... i just used the code that was in the demo...
In response to Aidsteen
Aidsteen wrote:
ok, thanks... i just used the code that was in the demo... No offence to whoever wrote the demo, but if that was the exact code in the demo then it needs to be, uh, "refined" a bit. :) |
In response to Crispy
It wasn't, Sariat did a fine job on the demo.
In response to Nadrew
It wasn't the original code? Well that's a relief. :)