![]() Oct 29 2002, 3:51 pm
Is there anyway to put my Byond game on my own website? Like without having to go through this entire review thing, but still for other people to be able to play?
![]() Oct 29 2002, 3:55 pm
Obviously you'd zip it and upload to your site...
Try just....ummmmmm....byond://[yourip] would connect them i believe, but i could be totaly wrong, someone deffently correct me if im wrong.
but would that allow everybody to play together under 1 game w/e you call it? :Like could I make a pernement server?
Hmm I dont know. I dont think you could though. Too have that it needs to be running under dream daemon I think. Maybe haveing the zip auto connecting to the address that you give it like somthing thats hosting using Dream Daemon. But other than that I dont think you can hmm.
You have me confused. You can do most if not all of what you are asking. It's just that some of these things are not closely related. A game server has little to do with dismissing "official" promotion of your game.
On your website, just provide a link to your game's hub page. Advertising without the status a BYOND review gives. Done. Dantom has not provided hosting for new customers in roughly a year or so. If you run the game on a public host, you can configure your game to show up on your hub page. If you only want one host, then simply don't let anyone else host it. A permanent server is a matter of how long you can afford the time/money to keep it going. (Note that a having a website is usually not the same thing as having a game server. Things are not running through the website unless you have some CGI sort of thing. The website simply provides a link to the game server. I apologize if I'm stating the obvious, but it's important.) |
Ok, what I want exacly...say bob is surfing the net, he comes across my site, he click on the link that says "My byond game or w/e" and he starts playing with 24323 other people that did the same thing, say they all have a BYOND key already, but in order to play my game with each other they dont have to go on BYOND
Assuming everyone mentioned in your example already downloaded BYOND, clicking on a link that references a game hub entry would open up DS (or at least ask you if you want to open up DS for that file type) for you and connect to that game *from the web page*. This is what happens when you click on 'join' or 'run your own game' from the Games Live web pages... the same trick would work on your own pages. digitalBYOND and BYONDscape do the same when accessing hub content such as tutorials and subscriber pages...