Funny...I noticed that this is for non-Byond topics. But since we're not allowed to post anywhere else, this is where it comes down to. And thanks to everyone for being objective about our postings. It's not like I've ever seen anyone else post reports on their projects...I wouldn't be surprised if some of them have something to say about this posting, too...God.

Anyway, I guess we might need somewhere to post our own stuff or something like that. I see you guys (Branks, Lynx, Dareb) on MSN now and then, so it might be enough...But if you guys want to have something to read when the others aren't on-line, we'll have to think of something since other participants of byond despise us doing it here. Let me know what you have to say...

Er... Pardon? I believe you were told to make your own forum for your project. All you have to do is make a hub entry. It's free. Save the drama. Look at your options. Smile.
Why is the objection so hard for you to understand?

Let me ask this: if you wanted to know if someone, anyone would be able to provide you with some animated images for under $15, would you find out this answer by sending your teammates an e-mail? No, you wouldn't. That would be incredibly stupid, wouldn't it?

So why, when you want to know what your teammates are up to, do you start by sending a message to everyone via the classified ads? How do you know they'd read it? What if it scrolled off before they all saw it? If that didn't work, what next... nail fliers to all the trees and lampposts in your town, saying, "HAVE YOU SEEN MY PROGRESS REPORT?"

What the hell are you guys going to do when you have to send code or graphics files back and forth? Post links?
In response to Lesbian Assassin
Even on the off-topic boards someone has to say something about this. I post on byond for this stuff for several reasons. It's byond-related, it's convenient, and (I thought) it was easily directed at the people involved. Lucky for us, people who aren't involved not only read it but decide that having it up at all is their business and that it is just such an absolute inconvenience for them that they have to tell us to shut it up. Well, thanks a lot. You certainly have a lot of time on your hands, spending it well...

I don't put these posts up to bother you. Is it so absolutely difficult to ignore a post that isn't directed at you? Apparently not. Half of the byond community feels the need to intervene into everything. It's not directed at EVERYONE as you say. Ok? I apologize for those and won't be doing them anymore.
In response to ACWraith
We were told nothing. I received nothing about making our own hub. It's good to know people are willing to make suggestions now and then instead of criticisms. Thank you for letting us know.
In response to Dago
It's not a matter of if you think it belongs, it's a matter of THE FORUMS ARE NOT FOR PERSONAL CONVERSATION, it's been stated before, and you can't seem to comprehend, you know why they invented email, and instant messengers, correct? Forums aren't for that type of stuff.
In response to Dago
Actually you were, in the first post you made about personal stuff, you even replied to the post.
In response to Nadrew
Ok. Ok. I get it. I get it. No more byond forums. I get the picture. There's just no way in hell that we're allowed to post our project information to each other on byond. I understand. Thank you. Discussion closed. If I get a reply to this, I'm going to laugh...
In response to Dago
Dago wrote:
Even on the off-topic boards someone has to say something about this. I post on byond for this stuff for several reasons. It's byond-related, it's convenient, and (I thought) it was easily directed at the people involved. Lucky for us, people who aren't involved not only read it but decide that having it up at all is their business and that it is just such an absolute inconvenience for them that they have to tell us to shut it up. Well, thanks a lot. You certainly have a lot of time on your hands, spending it well...

I don't put these posts up to bother you. Is it so absolutely difficult to ignore a post that isn't directed at you? Apparently not. Half of the byond community feels the need to intervene into everything.

If you don't want people to read your posts, then take them elsewhere, which is exactly what they keep asking you.
Look, they're asking you to keep your group communication confined to your group, and it's not unreasonable. This is not a place for you to bring all that goes on in your group. You're cluttering up the forums when you could just as easily discuss all this in e-mail or on a forum of your own. In doing so you bury more legitimate threads, and that's what people take issue with.

If you think people are being unreasonable by not ignoring your many "Hey, group" posts, how exactly does it make you any more reasonable not to listen to their suggestions for improving group communication? You've been given two completely viable options:

  • Exchange e-mail addresses
  • Create a private forum for your game via a hub entry

    Creating a private forum is exactly what you need, and isn't hard at all. Go create a hub entry for your game, select the "Use BYOND forums" check box, start discussing matters in there, and stop whining that people won't just look the other way when you rudely clutter the public forums.

    People are ultimately asking a lot less from you than you are from them, so stop acting as if they're the problem. Your future posts communicating with your group, except to inform them of your e-mail address or a private forum where you can take this, will be deleted on sight. You've been much more of a nuisance to the forums than others have been to you by complaining about your behavior.

    Lummox JR
In response to Dago
Dago wrote:
Ok. Ok. I get it. I get it. No more byond forums. I get the picture. There's just no way in hell that we're allowed to post our project information to each other on byond. I understand.

Apparently you don't. You were told that the private game forums are suitable to your purpose, and those are "on BYOND"; they're just not the public forums. See my other post for more information on how to set up a private forum on BYOND, and don't skip over the part about whining.

Lummox JR
In response to Dago
Thank you for letting us know.


Apparently, you were too busy telling Foomer to chill out to realize he gave you this same advice... this same very good advice that benefits you far more than it benefits us.
Here's some examples for various games:

Here's what you do:

  • Click on Your Hub.
  • Log in if you need to.
  • Click New Hub Entry.
  • Select Game or other item for players.
  • Click Continue.
  • Select the checkbox labeled provide a forum.
  • Click Continue.
  • Enter the name of your hub entry.
  • Click Continue.
  • Select a category.
  • Click Continue.

    Proceed from there.
Dago wrote:
Funny...I noticed that this is for non-Byond topics. But
since we're not allowed to post anywhere else, this is where
it comes down to.

Um, apparently you don't read the forums completely, because myself, and several others - including 'objective' mods - have informed you why personal forum commuinques were not a good idea in a public forum, AND provided several means of doing exactly what you wanted - including the creation of your very own free provate BYOND forum on the hub!

Now quit with the theatrics and get busy making that forum so that you guys can collaborate! Sheesh! =)

(BTW - I can provide post IDs if you can't find the answers that were given - all ya gotta do is search for your last posts...kid-stuff really)