My friends and I have stumbled upon another small need in the Byond forums..

Private Game Dev Forums. Where a creator submits, adds people who can view the posts and reply to it.

Although there are many mediums to relay our messages the Forums are an invaluable commodity(?).

Im certain the only reason many havent already mentioned this is because they don't think it's important enough, oh well its just a thought.

Tell me what you think, but remember. Final decision is Dantoms
Private forums already exist. Any hub entry can have a forum just by clicking a check box in the content areas.

Lummox JR
The BYOND forum system doesn't exactly support the features you want, but many free forum providers do, you may want to check the 'net for some.

Am I the only one who finds this pair of posts hilarious?
In response to Lesbian Assassin
Dareb wrote:
Private Game Dev Forums. Where a creator submits, adds people who can view the posts and reply to it.

There are currently forums per-hub entry, and eventually we'll make it so that the owners can have control over the membership. The functionality is there, I just need to add the interface in. So, stay tuned.
In response to Lesbian Assassin
You're a pit bull; just can't let that go...Your time is well-spent, Assassin. Keep on criticising us. It's appreciated. We've already got the message - no more byond posting for private projects. Thanks for the help.

In response to Dago
No, you don't get the message. Everything you post makes it clear that you still haven't figured out the main thrust of what people have been telling you. Do you know why you haven't got the message? Because you haven't bothered to read what anyone says to you.

Rather than reading what people are posting, you would rather assume that everyone else is being a jerk so you can come back with a smart remark. Now the hilarious part: your team member, Dareb, is seeking information about getting a private forum... the thing that you bit Foomer's head off for suggesting two days ago!

This is going to be my last post on the subject, and my last post to you. I don't want it to be thought that I wish you ill. In fact, I wish you the very, very best of luck... for what it's worth, having seen the roster of your team... I'd be willing to pay good money to see the results of your teamwork!
In response to Lesbian Assassin
Lesbian Assassin wrote:
No, you don't get the message. Everything you post Now the hilarious part: your team member, Dareb, is seeking information about getting a private forum... the thing that you bit Foomer's head off for suggesting two days ago!

L.A I find this offense, id appreciate if you would stop refering to me in derogative terms.
In response to Lesbian Assassin
No we got the message quite some time ago, Assassin. We haven't and will not post anything on our projects. That has been made quite clear. You can keep typing up multiple paragraphs putting our team down if you want, but I think it says more about you than us. Since you declared that was going to be your last post, this will also be mine. The discussion, for the sixth time, is closed. Let's move on...

In response to Dareb
Dareb wrote:
Lesbian Assassin wrote:
No, you don't get the message. Everything you post Now the hilarious part: your team member, Dareb, is seeking information about getting a private forum... the thing that you bit Foomer's head off for suggesting two days ago!

L.A I find this offense, id appreciate if you would stop refering to me in derogative terms.

Unless you find the reference as a team member derogatory, I don't see where you get the idea she's referring to you in such terms. In public.

Lummox JR
In response to Dago
<sarcasm> Yes. That pit. bull. is going to. keep coming. for yall. Did I. mention. that cotton. swabs. are really. a conspiracy. </sarcasm>

In response to Dareb
Done... in fact, I'll go back and edit out the derogatory language as soon as you tell me exactly what part offends you: the part where I say you're a member of Dago's team, or the part where I call you "Dareb?" While either term could be considered derogatory in some people's books, there were no insults in my post that were aimed at you.

Your comments about private forums were actually intelligent and aimed at an end which could actually benefit everyone. The point of my post is that Dago's spent the last 48 hours mouthing off at everyone for suggesting that he finds a more private venue for his team discussions, and here you are, making inquiries and suggestions about such a venue. In my attempt to contrast your behavior with his, I was holding you up as a positive example

However, as you're so fond of stating, it is up to the recipient of a comment to decide whether it's abusive or not. So, henceforth and forever forward, I vow to never, ever, ever refer to you by the terms "team member" or "Dareb", nor shall I ever attempt to cast your actions in a positive light, nor present you as an example of a reasonable person.
In response to Dago
Who made it clear? Martians? Enemy spies beaming satellite signals into your head? It wasn't anyone here, unless they've been sending coded messages encrypted in HTML, because that's not what anyone told you. What you were told was that the forums are not an instant messaging service and that it's not really appropriate to use them to hold private conversation with your collaborators. A lot of people made suggestions like using e-mail or a private forum, but you chose to ignore those and act like everyone was trying to beat you down.

So... if you want to drop it, then actually drop it, and it will stay dropped. Dropping it means not posting anything... it doesn't mean posting an obvious bait tactic and then ordering everyone to shut up. This "discussion closed" thing is a juvenile tactic. "Okay, okay, I accept your evil, unreasonable demands. Discussion closed." Now, no one ever actually made those demands on you, so that puts everyone else in the position of having to choose between correcting you and looking like the bad guy, or not correcting you and still looking like the bad guy.

Unfortunately for you, I don't care who looks like what... I only care about what's right, and it's not right for you to act like other people's advice are some kind of gestapo regulations at the same time your team is preparing to use and benefit from that advice... that goes beyond mere rudeness.

This whole thing started when Foomer and others suggested you get a private forum. You responded by telling him to chill out. Now, days later, you're getting a private forum, but you're still acting like the ones who made the suggestion are the bad guys.

heh...We caught that one. No point in saying who typed that one up...and...took it down. Talk about a control freak. Well it doesn't work that way.
In response to Dago
Thank you, Dago. Now, if anyone has any questions about who's unable/unwilling to let this topic die... well... the facts, as always, speak for themselves.
In response to Lesbian Assassin
Sure. Give me everything you have, Assassin. What do you think about all of this? I wanted to call it quits about 6 posts ago but now I think the game should go on. Tell me what you think about the whole situation. My response. Dareb's responses. Your responses.

In response to Dago
Right now I'd like everyone to shut up and return to being normal, decent human beings.
In response to Foomer
In response to Lesbian Assassin
Now the hilarious part: your team member, Dareb, is seeking information about getting a private forum.

See the insult yet?

Now L.A dont insult other peoples intelligence or your own by not being able to scan your own words.
In response to Lummox JR
protecting L.A mr.lapdog?

im starting to get fedup of pointing at fountains of crap issued forth by the moderators themselves when you should be reporting them to dantom. you shouldnt have your positions.

Lesbian assassin seems to be fully in her power to insult others but if they ever respond in a negative way. GOD FORBID.

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