In response to AbyssDragon is supposed to be pretty stable, but I have not installed it yet...
RaeKwon's Sexy Desktop ~

Note: I minimized it due to people and there small screens, i'm actually on a 21" moniter. In the bottom left of my icons on desktop, you'll see the program i hate, and cannot delete!

In response to Dog Man
Dark archon desktop owns your weak infested marine.
In response to RaeKwon
Ha ha you have a compaq, i hate those evil possest computers.
In response to Scoobert
Scoobert wrote:
Ha ha you have a compaq, i hate those evil possest computers.

Yes, don't insult my baby!
In response to RaeKwon
My X computer was a compaq-error maker 5000, there best model!
In response to Scoobert
I have a compaq.
In response to Siientx
Beautiful! What color! What composition! It's got red! It's an X! Wow!
In response to Foomer
Foomer wrote:

Doesn't work unless you cut n paste it into your address bar. Thank you ProHosting.

Hey a new car I haven't seen yet :).
In response to Mertek
Resolution is a bit low though, and isn't it the wrong dimensions (taller than it is wide)?
In response to Theodis
Yeah, but you've got to add that damage/armor/endurance stuff because I'm running out of variables to make new, unique cars with :oP
Here it is:

Just took this like 2 minutes ago. Thats my brothers dog, a pic I took when I was at his house in College Station last weekend.
In response to Kusanagi
I see you like shootem' ups, i would segest gore, the site is . A worth while buy, puts most 1st person shooters to shame. Almost all online, but a very good lag reduction system. Cute dog, i have one were mt dog is eating my cat(its not real, just something i made while bored, but it looks pritty real).
In response to Scoobert
I don't play 80% of the games on my desktop unless I'm really bored, the only one I touch is Half-Life mods, but definately not Deathmatch Classic!(Gunna start removing some of those icons :)!)

In response to Kusanagi
Here's mine:

Best bet clicking the link so you don't need to download all the other pictures as well as mine lol!

In response to Mellifluous
Who's Sean, I see Sean's Tune in your desktop :P
In response to RaeKwon
Ha, youve got a Quick Cam too. Let me guess, youve used it less then 10 times? :P Id be annoyed I have it, if I paid for it that is.
Also, size means nothing, resolution means everything.
In response to Mellifluous
DBZ vs capcom? whats that?
In response to Foomer
Foomer wrote:
Yeah, but you've got to add that damage/armor/endurance stuff because I'm running out of variables to make new, unique cars with :oP

Actually I just realized I had the offroad variable already implemented. It isn't in the save/load procs but I just added it to them. And I don't know if I should just write a quick hack for damage or get actual collision working :P.
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